Montageanleitung Platine xs.uni potentialfrei, Dynamic xs.uni GB (#103563) 3
- To avoid damage, it is essential that the
following points be observed:
- The local protection regulations are to be
complied with at all times.
- - The mains cables and control cables MUST
be laid separately.
- To maintain the specified protection category
of the operating system, the cables must be
fitted with the correct gaskets.
Danger of electric shock:
Before cabling works commence, a check must
be carried out to ensure that the cables are at
zero voltage.
Measures must be taken to ensure that the
cables remain dead for the duration of the
works (e.g. prevent the power supply from
being switched back on).
4.1 Exchanging the circuit board
4. Installation
• Loosen the screws on the housing cover.
• Remove the housing cover.
• Disconnect all plug-in connections on the existing circuit board.
• Remove the existing positioning box.
It is important to follow the instructions for the
door operator when carrying out any installation
Pay particular attention to the general safety
3. General safety advice
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