Tech Notes
About the Iomega REV System Software
The REV drive uses a UDF file system. Windows and some applications might see
the REV drive as a DVD/CD drive. This is not a problem if the REV System Software is
correctly installed on the system and the REV UDF file system is correctly recognized.
If the REV UDF file system is not correctly recognized, you will not be able to save files
to or delete files from REV disks.
To verify that the REV drive is correctly recognized on the system, check the file system
information on the Properties page. Right click the REV drive icon in My Computer or
Windows Explorer, select Properties, and check that the file system is listed as REV UDF.
If the file system does not appear as REV UDF, make sure you have correctly installed
the REV System Software and rebooted your computer. If you have already installed
the REV System Software and this problem occurs, use the Windows Add or Remove
Programs utility to uninstall the REV System Software, then reboot your computer.
Reinstall the software and reboot again.
If the REV UDF file system is still not recognized, there may be a conflict with CD/DVD
creation software on your system. Make sure that your CD/DVD creation software is
Troubleshooting the REV Internal SCSI Drive
Most SCSI installation and performance problems can be resolved by following the
same five basic steps:
1. Verify that the REV System Software is installed. This software includes drivers
required for REV drives. To verify that this software is installed on a Windows PC,
click Start, All Programs, Iomega, and REV System Software. If the REV System
Software folder is not in your start menu, the software is not installed.
2. Make sure your drive has power.
3. Check the SCSI cable to make sure it is connected properly and the cable has no
bent pins.
4. Ensure the SCSI chain is properly terminated.
5. Ensure the REV SCSI ID is not being used by any other SCSI device.