b. IPM Digital Readout. This window is primarily
used to display wire feed speed (IPM) for each of
the four welding conditions(Strike, Start, Weld, and
Crater) during a typical welding sequence. De-
pending on the position of the inside condition
selector switch (functionally defined in II-B); the
IPM window displays actual and/or preset wire
feed speed in a range from 20 to 999 inches-
per-minute, in one-inch increments for each weld
condition in the program sequence.
* With power turned ON, but not welding, the IPM win-
dow will continuously read the Preset STRIKE Condi-
tion wire speed setting. When the arc is struck, the IPM
window will then continuously read the Actual welding
wire speed as the weld conditions cycle thru the weld-
ing sequence.
In addition to the above, and using the Condition and
Time selector controls on the inner panel (functionally
defined in II-B), this window can also display the follow-
ing programmed
- PREFLOW. Shielding gas time from 0 to 999
cycles, (16.5 sec.) in one cycle increments (60
cycles per second).
- START TIME. Start time duration is factory preset
at 6 cycles, and can be increased up to 999 cycles,
in one cycle increments.
- WELDTIME. Weld condition duration for
timed-welding (must be set to zero for Continu-
ous-Seam Welding), from 1 to 999 cycles, in
one cycle increments.
- CRATER TIME.Crater fill duration, from 1 to
999cycles, in one cycle increments.
- MISSWELD TIME. Presets the number of cycles
of arc time that can reasonably be missed (from 1
up to 999 cycles) during the WELD condition and
still produce an acceptable weld. If the number of
missed cycles match the preset cycles, the unit will
abort. Since the number of missed cycles to be
preset is based upon many variables, the re-
quired setting for a given application
obviously involves good judgment and technique.
As an example, to set up a critical 45 cycle
spot weld, you might want to preset
no more than 5 cycles of missweld a r c
time. Be careful not to make the missweld time too
short, otherwise nuisance aborts will occur. If
this feature is not desired, preset
the time for zero cycles.
- INCH PRESET. Cold wire inch speed from 50 to
999 inches-per- minute, in one inch increments.
c. VOLTS Digital Readout. This window is primarily
used to display arc voltage (VOLTS) for each of the
four welding conditions (Strike, Start, Weld, and Cra-
ter) during a typical welding sequence. Depending on
the position of the inside Condition Selector switch
(functionally defined II-B); the VOLTS window dis-
plays actual and/or preset arc voltage range from
12 to 50 vdc, in one-tenth (0.1) volt increments, for
each weld condition in the program sequence.
* With the power turned ON, but not welding, the VOLTS
window will continuously read the Preset STRIKE
condition voltage setting. When the arc is struck, the
VOLTS window will then continuously read the Actual
welding voltage as the weld conditions cycle thru the
welding sequence.
In addition to the above, and using the inside "Condition"
and "Time" selector controls (functionally defined in II-
B), this window can also display the following pro-
grammed times:
- POSTFLOW. Controls time for gas postflow after
the arc extinguishes from 0 to 999 cycles.
- STRIKE TIME. Preset time period allowed for the wire
to come down and hit the plate during the Strike
Condition. If the wire does not strike the plate within
the allowed time period, the Digimatic will automati-
cally shutdown, and flash the strike time in the
VOLTS display window. Simultaneously, it also pro-
vides an abort output signal to stop carriage or
fixture travel. Time range is factory preset for a
minimum of 20 cycles and can be increased in one
cycle increments.
* The strike time setting is dependent upon the strike
IPM setting. The lower the speed, the longer the strike
time needs to be, otherwise nuisance shutdowns will
- BURNBACK TIME. Manually adjustable burnback
time period which when preset will over-ride the
automatic adaptive anti-stick feature. This time pe-
riod can be set in one cycle increments. When set to
zero , the Automatic Adaptive Anti-Stick feature will be
- REPEAT TIME (or Pause Time). Time period preset
between timed-welds from 1 to 999 cycles, in one
cycle increments.
- RETRACT TIME. At the end of the anti-stick se-
quence and during the postflow cycle, the wire feed
motor will reverse for automatic wire retract for a
preset time period. A setting of 10 to 30 cycles is
recommended to prevent excessive withdrawal of
the wire into the contact tip. If a normal stop is
desired, preset this time for zero cycles.