2. The login dialog window will appear. This device’s default user name is Admin
(case sensitive) and password is Admin (case sensitive).
Type in Admin (case sensitive) for
username and Admin (case sensitive)
for password. Once done press Log In
To setup your Gateway with
a basic configuration, select
Setup. And then click on
Connection 1.
3. This first screen that appears is Home screen. The basic layout of the Home
page consists of a page selection list across the top of the browser window. The
footer displays gateway status, connection information, and other useful information.
4. Since multiple users can use the Gateway, the Gateway can simultaneously
support multi-connection types; hence, the user must set up different profiles for
each connection. The Gateway supports the following protocols:
Setup Connection 1 PPPoA
Select PPPoA as the connection type
and give your connection a name.
Then select the encapsulation type
and enter the Username, Password,
VPI and VCI settings provided by your
ISP, once done, click on Connect
button. Click Apply button to tempo-
rarily save these settings.
The connection protocol has already
been pre-set to UK standard (Type=
PPPoA, VPI = 0, VCI = 38, Encapsu-
lation = VC.) If not sure, contact your
ISP for more information.
PLEASE NOTE: You have to click “Save All” under “Tools”
“System Commands” in order to permanently save the setting.