Lenovo Portable CD-ROM User manual

Audio cards
User manual

This manual is also suitable for

20X Max
Portable CD-ROM Drive
User's Guide
by IBM
Note: If you are using this product in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico, be sure to read the information under Appendix E,
“Product Warranty and Notices” on page 3-16 before using this information and the product it supports.
For all other countries, the warranty terms and conditions applicable in the country of purchase are available from IBM or your reseller.
First Edition (October 1997)
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL
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This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication
at any time.
This publication was developed for products and services offered in the United States of America. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed
in this document in other countries, and the information is subject to change without notice. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products, services, and features available in your area.
Requests for technical information about IBM products should be made to your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Documentation related to restricted rights Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP
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Safety: Read First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
About This Book ........................ vi
Part 1: Quick Installation Guide ................................................ 1-1
Part 2: User's Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Installing the Drive ...................... 2-1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
External Connectors of the Drive ............... 2-3
Indicator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Installation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Handling Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Step 1. Connecting the Power Source ............ 2-6
Connecting the AC Adapter .................. 2-6
Installing the Ni-Cd Battery Pack ............... 2-8
Charging the Ni-Cd Battery Pack ............... 2-9
Installing Alkaline Batteries ................. 2-10
Step 2. Connecting the Drive ................ 2-12
Step 3. Installing the Device Driver ............ 2-13
DOS or Windows 3.11 .................... 2-14
Windows 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Windows NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
OS/2 Warp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Step 4. Completing the Installation ............ 2-24
Using the Drive ....................... 2-25
Inserting and Removing the Disk .............. 2-25
Changing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Mounting the Speakers (Stereo Model Only) ......... 2-28
Using the CD-ROM Drive .................. 2-30
Using the CD-ROM Drive as an External CD Player .... 2-32
Using the CD-ROM Drive as a Stand-Alone Audio CD Player 2-33
Using Sound Functions (Stereo Model Only) ......... 2-34
Maintaining the Drive .................... 2-36
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 iii
Part 3: Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Appendix A. Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Appendix B. Product Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Appendix C. Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Appendix D. Help and Service Information ........ 3-14
Step 1: Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Step 2: Preparing for the Call ................ 3-14
Step 3: Placing the Call to IBM ............... 3-15
Appendix E. Product Warranty and Notices ....... 3-16
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Electronic Emission Notices ................. 3-20
iv 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
Safety: Read First
About This Book
This book describes how to install the 20X Max Portable CD-ROM
Drive and how to use it. This book is divided into three parts:
Part 1 contains abbreviated installation instructions in the
following languages:
Part 2 contains:
Product description
Illustrations of product features
Detailed installation instructions
Detailed instructions for use of the CD-ROM drive
Part 3 contains:
Product specifications
Problem solving
Help and service information
Warranty, notices and trademarks
Note: This option comes in two models: a basic model, and a stereo
model which adds PCM/MIDI sound capability and has a set of stereo
speakers. The two models cannot be interchanged.
This book describes each model. Before continuing, check to see
which model you have.
English German
French Spanish
Italian Brazilian Portuguese
vi 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
Part 1: Quick Installation Guide
The following is an overview of the CD-ROM drive installation
instructions. For more detailed instructions, go to “Part 2: User's
Guide” on page 2-1.
In addition to this manual, the option package contains:
Base model or stereo model of the CD-ROM drive
AC adapter
Power cord for the AC adapter
Interface cable
Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery pack
Option Diskette
Additional items for the stereo model only:
Left and right speakers
2 speaker cables
2 speaker clips
If any item in the option package is missing or damaged, contact your
place of purchase. Be sure to retain your proof of purchase; it might
be required to receive warranty service.
You can use the following illustrations to locate external connectors
and controls on both models.
.1/ Disk cover .8/ Play/pause button
.2/ Speaker jack (right)
(stereo model only)
.9/ Stop button
.3/ Open button .1ð/ Skip button (forward)
.4/ Line output jack .11/ Skip button (backward)
.5/ Headphone jack .12/ Indicator panel
.6/ Lock button .13/ Mode selection button
.7/ Volume control .14/ Battery cover
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997
Installing the Drive
For your computer to be compatible with the 20X Max Portable
CD-ROM Drive, it must include the following:
PC Card Type II slot
3.5-inch diskette drive
One of the following operating systems installed:
DOS 5.0 or later
Windows 3.11
Windows 95
Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0
OS/2 Warp V3 or V4
If you have DOS or Windows 3.11, you need one of the
following PCMCIA card support software packages:
IBM (PlayAtWill)
Phoenix Technology
To install the CD-ROM drive and its device drivers:
1 Select a power source for the CD-ROM drive: AC adapter,
Ni-Cd battery pack (rechargeable battery pack), or six AA
alkaline batteries.
.1/ Power input jack .5/ Line input jack
(stereo model only)
.2/ Game port connector .6/ Speaker jack (left)
(stereo model only)
.3/ Interface connector .7/ Power switch
.4/ Microphone jack
(stereo model only)
1-2 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
Be sure to insert and remove the interface cable and PC
Card carefully. The connectors on the interface cable are
designed to be inserted in only one position; they cannot be
inserted upside down. If you try to insert the connectors
upside down, you might damage them. Make sure that the
pins on the cable connectors are aligned with the holes in
the interface connectors. If they are not aligned and you
force the connection, you might damage the connectors.
Also, if you use excessive force when inserting the PC
Card, you might damage the card or your computer.
2 Make sure that your computer and the CD-ROM drive are
turned off. Squeeze both sides of the large connector on the
interface cable, and connect it to the end of the PC Card.
Squeeze both sides of the small connector on the interface
cable, and connect it to the CD-ROM drive interface
connector.3/ (Bottom view). Plug the PC Card into an
available PC Card slot on your computer.
3 Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by
moving the power switch.7/ (Bottom view) to the ON position.
4 Install the device drivers.
a. If you are using DOS or Windows 3.11:
1) For DOS: Insert the Option Diskette into drive A. At
the DOS prompt type a:\install, then follow the
instructions on the screen. When installation
completes, restart DOS.
2) For Windows 3.11: Insert the Option Diskette into
drive A. Using File Manager, go to the File menu,
select Run, then type a:\install on the command line.
You will be prompted to choose one of two
installation options.
Automatic installation
The setup program will automatically install
the required software into your computer.
Selective installation
The setup program installs the required
software into your computer after you
specify the following items:
Software installation destination
Installation destination directory name
IRQ number
I/O base address
3) If you have Windows 3.11 and are installing the audio
device driver:
a) Insert the Option Diskette into drive A. Use File
Manager to locate setup.exe, then double-click on
b) Run Install Driver and Install Application
according to the instructions on the screen. Then
restart your computer.
Part 1: Quick Installation Guide 1-3
b. If you are using Windows 95: Turn on the computer.
Windows 95 recognizes a new drive and displays the New
Hardware window. Click on OK and follow the
instructions given in the dialog boxes. When the
installation process completes, restart Windows 95.
c. If you are using OS/2 Warp 3:
1) For the base model, insert the Option Diskette into
drive A. On your desktop, double-click on the OS/2
System folder, then on System Setup, then on Device
Driver Install. Click on Install and follow the
instructions on the screen. When the installation
process completes, shut down and restart OS/2.
2) For the stereo model:
a) Verify that the IBM Multimedia Presentation
Manager/2 (MMPM/2) is installed on your
b) Insert the Option Diskette into drive A. On your
desktop, double-click on the OS/2 System folder,
then on System Setup, then on Device Driver
Install. Click on Install and follow the
instructions. Shut down the system and restart
c) Insert the Option Diskette in drive A. Locate
Drive A using your file manager. When you
have done so, double-click on MINSTALL.EXE.
Select 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive, click
on Install, and follow the instructions. When the
installation process completes, shut down and
restart OS/2.
d. If you are using OS/2 Warp 4:
1) For the base model, insert the Option Diskette into
drive A. On your desktop, double-click on the OS/2
System folder, then on System Setup, then on
Install/Remove, then on Device Driver Install. Click
on Install and follow the instructions on the screen.
When the installation process completes, shut down
and restart OS/2.
2) For the stereo model:
a) Verify that the IBM Multimedia Presentation
Manager/2 (MMPM/2) is installed on your
b) Insert the Option Diskette into drive A. On your
desktop, double-click on the OS/2 System folder,
then on System Setup, then on Install/Remove,
then on Device Driver Install. Click on Install
and follow the instructions. Shut down the
system and restart OS/2.
c) Insert the Option Diskette in drive A. Locate
Drive A using your file manager. When you
have done so, double-click on MINSTALL.EXE.
Select 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive, click
on Install, and follow the instructions. When the
installation process completes, shut down and
restart OS/2.
1-4 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
e. If you are using Windows NT:
1) For version 3.51:
a) Insert the Option Diskette into drive A.
b) Open the Main window, then open Windows NT
c) Click on Add/Remove SCSI Adapters, click on
Add, then click on OK.
d) Select Other (Requires a disk from a hardware
manufacturer). Make sure that drive A has been
selected; then click on OK.
e) Check to make sure that 20X Max Portable
CD-ROM Drive is displayed, then click on OK.
f) Click on Install, then follow the instructions
given on your screen.
2) For version 4.0:
a) Insert the Option Diskette into drive A.
b) Open My Computer on your desktop, then click
on SCSI Adapter.
c) Select the Driver tab, then click on Add.
d) Click on Have disk in the Install Driver
window. Check to make sure that drive A is
selected, then click on OK.
e) Click on OK in the Install Driver window, and
follow the instructions given on your screen.
For Ni-Cd Battery Pack Disposal: Dispose of the battery as
required by local ordinances or regulations. In the United States,
call 1-800-IBM-4333 for disposal information.
Part 1: Quick Installation Guide 1-5
Part 2: User's Guide
Installing the Drive
When used as a CD-ROM drive, the 20X Max Portable CD-ROM
Drive can operate at up to either 10 times the speed of an audio CD
player (power-saving mode), or 20 times the speed of an audio CD
player (normal mode). You can use the CD-ROM drive connected to
your computer, or as a portable audio CD player. The drive comes in
two models:
Base model
The base model is a portable CD-ROM drive that does not
include an audio device driver or speakers. To hear sound with
the base model, you must supply your own headphones or
external speakers, and your computer must have an audio device
driver previously installed.
Stereo model
The stereo model is a portable CD-ROM drive that includes an
audio device driver, PCM/MIDI sound capability, and removable
The illustrations in this manual can be used to locate controls and
external connectors on both models.
The drive has three power source options: AC adapter,
Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery pack, and alkaline batteries (available
at stores).
In addition to this manual, the option package contains:
Base model or stereo model of the CD-ROM drive
AC adapter
Power cord for the AC adapter
Interface cable
Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery pack
Option Diskette
Additional items for the stereo model only:
Left and right speakers
2 speaker cables
2 speaker clips
If any item in the option package is missing or damaged, contact your
place of purchase. Be sure to retain your proof of purchase; it might
be required to receive warranty service.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 2-1
The following illustrations show the top and bottom views of the
drive, identifying the connectors and controls.
.1/ Power input jack .5/ Line input jack
(stereo model only)
.2/ Game port connector .6/ Speaker jack (left)
(stereo model only)
.1/ Disk cover .8/ Play/pause button
.2/ Speaker jack (right)
(stereo model only)
.9/ Stop button
.3/ Interface connector .7/ Power switch
.4/ Microphone jack
(stereo model only)
.3/ Open button .1ð/ Skip button (forward)
.4/ Line output jack .11/ Skip button (backward)
.5/ Headphone jack .12/ Indicator panel
.6/ Lock button .13/ Mode selection button
.7/ Volume control .14/ Battery cover
2-2 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
The following illustrations show the additional accessories which come
with the stereo model.
Accessories (Stereo Model Only)
Removable speaker
Cable jack
Speaker clip
External Connectors of the Drive
You can use the CD-ROM drive to read data CDs or play audio CDs.
These functions are described in “Using the Drive” on page 2-25.
The drive's external connectors (refer to the illustrations on page 2-2)
allow you to:
Send an audio signal to an external audio system using the line
out jack.4/ (Top view).
Connect headphones using the headphone jack.5/ (Top view).
Connect a joystick or gamepad using the game port connector.2/
(Bottom view) to play games on the stereo model.
Feed the audio signal into the drive using the line input jack.5/
(Bottom view) on the stereo model, so that you can:
Listen to the sound on the drive speakers.
Route the signal to the computer for recording digital audio
Connect a microphone using the microphone jack.5/ (Bottom
view) on the stereo model, so that you can:
Hear the sound through the speakers.
Route the audio signal to the computer for recording digital
audio files.
Route the audio signal or digital data from the drive to the
computer through the interface connector.3/ (Bottom view).
On the stereo model, the speakers do not operate when headphones are
connected to the headphone jack.5/ (Top view).
Part 2: User's Guide 2-3
Indicator Panel
Use the indicator panel to determine the operational state of the
CD-ROM drive. The following illustration shows the position of each
indicator on the display panel when the indicator is active. The table
shows the meaning of each indicator.
4 5
2 3
No. Indicator Description
.5/ On The number of the track being
Flashing The track being played is paused.
High (normal mode) is indicated when the speed
is up to 20 times that of an ordinary audio CD
Low (power saving mode) is indicated when the
speed is up to 10 times that of an ordinary audio
CD player.
No. Indicator Description
.1/ On The battery is charged.
Flashing The battery is low.
.2/ The battery is being charged. This indicator
disappears when charging is completed. (For more
information, see “Installing the Ni-Cd Battery
Pack” on page 2-8.)
.3/ The CD-ROM drive is in use.
.4/ Power is on.
2-4 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
Installation Requirements
For your computer to be compatible with the 20X Max Portable
CD-ROM Drive, it must include the following:
PC Card Type II slot
3.5-inch diskette drive
One of the following operating systems installed:
DOS 5.0 or later
Windows 3.11
Windows 95
Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0
OS/2 Warp V3 or V4
If you have DOS or Windows 3.11, you need one of the
following PCMCIA card support software packages:
IBM (PlayAtWill)
Phoenix Technology
The stereo model sound function might not be available on some
Handling Instructions
Read these instructions to preserve and care for the CD-ROM drive:
Use only the AC adapter in the options package with the drive.
Only use the Ni-Cd battery pack that comes with the CD-ROM
drive. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or
regulations. In the United States, call 1-800-IBM-4333 for
disposal information.
Do not hold the drive by the CD cover when the cover is open.
Do not hold the drive by the speakers (stereo model only).
Do not expose the drive to:
High temperature or direct sunlight
Excessive dust
Excessive vibration or sudden shock
Abrupt changes in temperature (condensation might develop)
High humidity (this might affect proper operation)
Do not press hard on the cover or stack objects on the drive.
Do not use a strong solution such as benzene or thinner to clean
the drive. The solvent causes deformation or discoloration.
Part 2: User's Guide 2-5
Use the following steps to connect and install the software for the
CD-ROM drive. Refer to the illustrations of the top and bottom of the
drive (page 2-2) to identify the external connectors and controls.
Step 1. Connecting the Power Source
Select a power source to operate the CD-ROM drive:
AC adapter connected to a power outlet
Ni-Cd battery pack
Six AA alkaline batteries
This step also includes Ni-Cd battery pack recharging instructions.
Connecting the AC Adapter
To use the AC Adapter, do the following:
1 Make sure that the power switch of the CD-ROM drive is off.
Power Switch
Do not use an AC Adapter other than the one provided. If
you do, you might damage the CD-ROM drive.
2-6 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
2 Connect the AC Adapter to the CD-ROM drive.
To DC IN 10V
3 Connect the AC Adapter to a power outlet.
4 Turn on the power switch of the CD-ROM drive.
Part 2: User's Guide 2-7
Installing the Ni-Cd Battery Pack
To use the battery pack, follow these steps:
1 Make sure that the power switch of the CD-ROM drive is off.
2 Open the battery cover by gently pushing the two protruding
clips as shown.
3 Slide the battery pack into the drive.
The positive end (+) of each battery has a protrusion. This end
should be opposite the springs.
Do not insert the battery pack into the CD-ROM drive with
the polarity reversed.
Install the battery pack with the label facing upward. To allow
for later easy removal of the battery pack, extend the ribbon
below the battery pack. To remove the battery pack, lift the
2-8 20X Max Portable CD-ROM Drive
4 Close the battery cover.
Charging the Ni-Cd Battery Pack
If the battery pack charge is low, the battery ( ) indicator flashes.
To charge the battery pack, do the following:
1 Make sure that the battery pack is installed in the CD-ROM
2 Turn off the power switch.
3 Connect the AC Adapter to the CD-ROM drive and to a power
outlet (see “Connecting the AC Adapter” on page 2-6).
4 Press the Play/Pause button.
The battery begins to charge, and the charging (
) indicator on
the indicator panel appears. After about 5 hours, the indicator
disappears, and charging is complete.
Note: If the battery charge becomes low soon after charging, try to
discharge the battery completely and then fully recharge it. If
the charge still becomes low in a short period, the battery
needs to be replaced. Contact your place of purchase to get a
new one.
Part 2: User's Guide 2-9
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Lenovo Portable CD-ROM User manual

Audio cards
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