L eg al Inf orm ation
F irst Eng Iish printing, O ctober 2002
Information in this doc ument has been carefu IIy checked for accuracy; however, no guarantee is given to the correctness
of the contents. T he information in this docum ent is subject to change without notice. W e are not Iiab Ie for any injury or
Ioss that resu Its from the use of this equipm ent.
Safet y Inst ru ctions
Please read all of th ese in structio ns carefully before yo u use th e d evice. Save this m anual for futu re reference.
ā Unp Iug equipm ent before cIeaning. Donāt use Iiquid or spray detergent; use a moist cIoth.
ā Keep equipm ent aw ay from excessive humidity and heat. PreferabIy, keep it in an air-conditioned envir onment with
temperatures not exceeding 40 Āŗ Ce Isius (104 Āŗ F ahrenheit).
ā When insta IIing, pIace the equipment on a sturdy, Ieve I surface to prevent it from accidenta IIy fa IIing and causing dam
age to other equipment or injur y to persons nearby.
ā When the equipment is in an open position, do not cover, b Iock or in any way obstruct the gap betw een it and the
pow er suppIy. Proper air convection is necessary to k eep it from overheating.
ā Arrange the equipm entās power cord in such a way that others wonāt trip or fa II over it .
ā If you are using a pow er cord that didnāt ship with the equipment, ensure that it is rated for the vo Itage and cur rent
Iabe Ied on the equipmentās eIectric aI ratings IabeI. T he vo Itage rating on the cord shou Id be higher than the one Iisted
on the equipmentās ratings Iabe I.
ā Observ e a II precautions and warnings attached to the equipment.
ā If you donāt intend on using the equipment for a Iong time, disconnect it from the power outIet to prevent being dam
aged by tr ansient over-voItage.
ā Keep a II Iiquids aw ay fr om the equipment to minimize the risk of accidenta I spiIIage. Liquid spiIIed on to the pow er
suppIy or on other hardware may cause damage, fire or e Iectrica I shock.
ā On Iy qua Iif ied service personne I shou Id open the chassis. O pening it yourseIf cou Id damage the equipm ent and inva Ii
date its warranty.
ā If any part of the equipment becomes damaged or stops functioning, have it c hecked by quaIified service personne I.
W hat the w arran ty d oes not co ver
ā Any product, on which the seriaI number has been defaced, modified or rem oved.
ā Damage, deterioration or ma Ifunction resu It ing from:
ā Accident, m isuse, neg Iect, f ire, water, Iightning, or other acts of nature, unauthorized product modification, or
faiIure to fo IIow instructions supp Iied with the product.
ā Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by us.
ā Any damage of the product due to shipment.
ā RemovaI or ins taIIation of the product.
ā Causes externa I to the product, such as e Iectric power f Iuctuation or faiIure.
ā Use of supp Iies or parts not meeting our specifications.
ā Norma I wear and tear.
ā Any other causes which does not re Iate to a product defect.
ā RemovaI, insta IIation, and s et-up service charges.
Regulato ry Notices Federal Co mm un ications Com m ission (FCC)
T his equipment has been tested and found to comp Iy with the Iimits for a CIass B digita I device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
F CC ru Ies. These Iimits are designed to provide reasonabIe protection against harmfuI interference in a residentia I insta I-
Any changes or modifications made to this equipment may void the userās authority to operate this equipm ent. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not instaIIed and used in accordance with the
instructions, m ay cause harmfuI interference to radio communications.
How ever, there is no guar antee that interference wiII not occur in a particu Iar instaIIation. I f this equipment does caus e
harmfu I interference to radio or te Ievis ion reception, which c an be deter mined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the fo IIowing m easures:
ā Re-pos ition or reIocate the receiving antenna.
ā Increase the separation between the equipm ent and receiver.
ā Connect the equipment into an outIet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.