• Read allof theseinstructions. YOUR HITACHI TELEVISION RECEIVER
• Savethese instructionsfor lateruse.
• Followallwarningsand instructionsmarked
onthe television receiver.
Our reputation has been built on the quality, performance, and ease of service of HITACHI lele_sk_ receivers.
Safety is also foremost in our minds in the design of tbese units. To help you operofe these products propedy, thb section iitustrates safety tips which witl be of
benefit 1o you. Please read it carefully and apply the knowk_lge you obtain from it to _ proper operation of your HITACHI television receiver.
Please fill out your warranty card and mail it to HITACHI. This will enable HITACHI to notify you promptly in the improbable event that a safely problem should
be discovered in your product model.
1. This television set is equipped with a polar-
ized aitemating-current line plug (a plug hav-
ing one blade wider than the other.) This plug
will fit into the power out_ only orm way. This
is a safety feature. If you am unable to insert
the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the
plug. If the plug should still fail to fit. contact
your electrician to replace your obsolete out-
let. Do not defset the safety purpose of the
polarized plug.
2. When the puwer cord or plug is damaged or
frayed, unplug the television sel from the wall
outlet and'refer "servicing to qualified service
3. Do cot overinadwall ce,.,tlotsand exlor_don
co_dssethis cannm_dlin tin)_ eler_vk'-a_ock.
4. Do notalow anythingto faston orrolloverItm
puwer cord, and do not plecothe TV where
the puwer cord Is _=iect to trat6cor abuse.
Thismay resultina shockorfirehazard.
5. Do not attempt to service the television set
yourself as opening or removing covers may
expose you to dangerous voltage or other
hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified ser-
vice personnel.
6. Never push objects of any kind into the televi-
sion's cabinet slels as they may touch dan-
gerous voltage po_ts or short out parts thai
could result in a itm or electric shock. Never
spill liquid of any kind on the tekwision set.
If the television ast bas be_ dropped or the
cabinet bas been dem89ed, unplug the tele-
vision set from the wall outlet and refer ser-
vicing to quaJ_led smica personnel
If liquidhas bsenspilledintothetelevision
sat, unplugit Imm the waltoutletend refer
serviceto qualifiedsen/icepersormel.
Do notsubjectyoortek_sk_nsettoimpactof
anykTnd. Becare_ notto dwnagethe pin-
DOnotuseliquidor sem-ol cleaners.
Do not piece the lelevision sat on an unsta-
ble e_rt. aanch or t_de. The tolevl_on sal
may fd. causk_9 asdous injury to a shlld or
an =Klul, end sadous demage to the appi-
ance. Use only _ a cart or stand recom-
mended by the menofastumr, o¢suld with the
televisisn sat. Wd _r shelf moanting should
follow the manufec_er's instructions, and
should use a mount_ kit approved by the
11-2. An applkmce and cart c_nldnetion should
be moved with care. Quick slopu, exceseive
force, and uneven surface= may cause the
appliance and cart combination to overturn.
12. Do nOt use the television set near water, for
example, near a batMub, washbowl, kitchen
sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or
near a swimming pool, etc. •
Neverexposethe set to rainorwater. If the
sethasbaen oxpu_mdto rainorwater,unplug
astfromwaltoutlet and referto qualifiedser-
13. _ a place where light (a_clel or sun-
light) doel nct shkHI directly on It_ sumen.
14, Avoiddustyl_m_m,_nce accumulateddust
imdcle_ ch_sle maycausefellureofthe set
15. Tba sot hse sk_ll or openings in the cabinet
for ventilation purposes which provide mlleble
operl_on of tba recelver and profect the TV
from overhseti_. "l_sa openings musl not
ba _ or covered.
• Never covertheslotsor opening_swithcloth
• Near blockthebottomverdktionskis ofthe
astbypax._gitona ded,sofa,n_g,e_.
• Neuerpiecethe sat riserorovora mdlatoror
h_t mgleter,
• N_er l_a_ th_ _ in a b,D,-in anck_,n,
unlesa _ ve,_la_on is l_ded.