Comfort air curtain for Daikin system
With models SRV and SRQ:
The air curtain is connected to a direct expansion system
from Daikin. The air discharged by the unit is heated by the
cooling medium. The air curtain is controlled and operated
partly by the Daikin system and partly by the Biddle system.
This system has a number of limitations:
• The unit is only suitable for use in Daikin direct expansion
•The unit is not suitable for cooling.
• The Daikin system has to be active at all times.
Other versions and intended use
Upon request, we can supply versions for non-standard appli-
wApplications other than those described
above are deemed to be usage other than for
the intended purpose. Biddle is not liable for
damage or loss resulting from usage other
than for the intended purpose. Usage for the
intended purpose also entails observance of
the instructions in this manual.
1.3.3 Operation
In an opening between two rooms, air is exchanged through
pressure and temperature differences (convection). This leads
to energy losses and detracts from the comfort in the room.
For reasons such as accessibility, it may nevertheless be desira-
ble to leave the door standing open. An air curtain above the
door opening counteracts losses of energy and comfort. At
the location of the opening, it blows out a stream of air and
thereby brings about the following:
• The exchange of air between two rooms due to a temper-
ature difference (convection) is counteracted.
• The air that enters at floor level due to draught is possibly