If you need service :
L’,,,‘!p& J(! ’
atl~~l~ar;ce ever
r,e?-cls serv18- ,- ,.~r,,wrlere sn the Unlted
Stc’es, heI;: #i JIIS! ‘2 :,hone call away
3~1r nea,:asT Siitljripool franchised
Ttc I-( (:A::[ ‘.+.I
:t~ raciresentat#ve
‘,“i’hlripool ~<III:!,II;~s a natlonwlde
ne+.vork of tran’::r: sed TEGH-CARE ser-
VICLJ compor?~es + I tult~l~ your warranty
ar- 1 provide after warranty service and
mcllptenance tr <eep your WHIRLPOOL
apr,llance 11~ pc?ak cclnditlor:.
XII fin3 ya~r rearest IF-CH-CARE
ser ce coc~t-x3~~~ 4s
lea ,r
,,3clr locai
tel-phc..rbe i??ob ~‘tllir~ti ?xges cinder
I i!_)‘JStHOLP: ~~ rylAJC)R
SEl, ‘v!C~ & r;‘tPi;lI? Should you not find
a listing. dial free, the Whirlpool
COOL-LINE service assistance tele-
phone number.
When calling from:
Michigan (800) 632-2243
Alaska &
Hawaii (800) 253-l 121
All other
states (800) 253-l 301
make sure that your
apL)llance IS correctly Installed and to
Insure INS continued satisfactory
oprration, please telephone your
ner:rest TECH-CARE service company
for installation or to get the name of a
quailfled Installer (Installation cost ~111,
of course, be pald by you ]
Helpful hinfs...‘/ou
can help your
TECH CARE service representative give
you faster service If you Include the
‘no’% arid serial number of your
applarce when requesting service
r’,lsf j retair) your sales slop and warranty
to verify vo!JI warranty status
TECH-CARE service
representative IS specially tralned in the
expert repairing and servlclng of your
WtilRLFOCl appliances He can help
vou malntalr) the quality crlglnally built
:‘%i 5r?ur WHIRLFOOL appliance So why
‘iot take the time, now, to look up his
telephone number and jot It down In the
spoke provided on the cover
3. If you have a problem :
Call Whirlpool Corporation In Benton
Harbor a? the COOL-LINE service
ass!:tance telephone number (see Step
2: 3r write
rv^r S~,V TJrr,er Vice President
WhIrlpool Corporation
AXjmlrlstratlve Center
2!IOO IJ S 33 North
Benton Harbor Michigan 49022
If yoc; must call or write, please
provide your name, address,
telephone number, type of appliance,
brand. model, serial number, dote of
purchase, the dealer’s name, and a
complete descrlptlon of the problem
This Information
needed in order to
better respond to your request for
Benlon Harbor. Mlchlgan Aulomallc Washers. Clolhes Dryers.
Freezers Relrlgeralor-Freezers. Ice Makers. DIshwashers.
BullI-ln Ovens and Surlace Unlls. Ranges. Microwave Ovens.
Compaclors. Room Air Condilmners Dehumldillers. Cenlral
H”lllP AnpllancPs
Heating and AII Condlllonmg Syslems
Quality Our way of life.
Par’ d: 380481 Rr; A
PrInted ID cl S A