Magnum Innovations
5675 Hudson Industrial Pkwy, Suite 3 - Hudson, OH 44236 - phone 330.915.2382 - fax 330.529.5279 - -
Magnum Innovaons shall not be liable for damages caused by or aributed to the user including, but not limited to the following:
• Unauthorized installaon and / or use that does not comply with the safety standards specied in applicable regulaons and
/ or in this document.
• Use on equipment that does not guarantee adequate protecon against electric shocks, water or dust when assembled.
• Use on equipment that allows dangerous parts to be accessed without the use of tools.
• Installaon and / or use on equipment that is not compliant with the current standards and regulaons in force.
Magnum Innovaons shall not be liable for damages originated from the installaon and / or use of the soware that does not com-
ply with the instrucons of this manual.
While reasonable eorts have been made in the preparaon of this document to ensure accuracy, Magnum Innovaons assumes no
liability resulng from the informaon contained herein.
To the maximum extent permied by law, Magnum Innovaons assumes no liability for special, accidental, direct, indirect, con-
sequenal, exemplary or punive damages (including, without any limitaon whatsoever, the loss of income or prots, interrupon of
work, loss of data or goodwill) originang from the use or failure of the soware or equipment or from the supply or failure to supply
technical support, even when informed of the likeliness of said damages.
To the maximum extent permied by law, in no event shall the liability of Magnum Innovaons exceed the amount paid to Magnum
Innovaons for the quanes of it’s products giving rise to the liability.