MultiCorr MKII - User Manual Page: 6
The MultiCorr MKII is a software based, computerized, hand held corrosion meter and data
acquisition unit suitable for the interrogation of different types of corrosion probes. It is housed in a
rugged rubber coated housing that is splash resistant and intrinsically safe. Each MultiCorr MKII
can be individually configured to the user's specific needs at the time of purchase. Additionally, the
unit can have its software upgraded at any time to add Functions which were not included at the
time the unit was purchased.
Each MultiCorr MKII has the capacity to store up to 3,000 sets of readings. Readings may be stored
in memory along with a unique probe number, an alphanumerical tag designation, along with an
automatically generated reading date and time. Written records are not required, but can be easily
1.1 Capability and Functions
The MultiCorr MKII is capable of monitoring a wide variety of corrosion probes, so there is no
need to purchase or use different corrosion monitoring instruments when measuring different types
of corrosion probes. Shown below is a summary of the Functions available in the MultiCorr MKII
Function Capability
ER Probe Read and Monitor Electrical Resistance Probes
LPR Probe Read and Monitor Linear Polarization Probes
Galvanic Probe Read and Monitor Galvanic Probes
Analog Probe Read and Monitor Reference Electrodes, Monitored
Anodes, Temperature and Pressure Sensors
Polarization Conduct several types of polarization measurements.
Potentiostatic, potentiodynamic and cyclic polarization
may be performed.
Automatic Conduct Automatic Readings at Uniform Time Intervals
Terminal Function for MultiLog Setup of MultiLog Stations, data transfer from MultiLog to the
MultiCorr MKII, data transfer from the MultiCorr MKII to PC, etc.
Terminal Function for SandLog Setup of Sandlog Stations, data transfer from SandLog to the
MultiCorr MKII, data transfer from the MultiCorr MKII to PC, etc.
The user can include all of the above Functions in a single instrument or chose any possible
combination of Functions at the time of purchase. For instance, you may configure an instrument to
read only ER Probes and take automatic readings or have an instrument that can read ER, LPR and
Galvanic Probes, take Automatic readings and perform Polarization measurements.
The MultiCorr MKII can grow with your operations since any Function which was not included
when the unit was delivered may be added at a later date.