xvi AS/400e System Handbook
IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner for Data for AS/400 V6R1, 5733-IM1 . . . .......539
V6R1Highlights ............................................540
IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 Version 1.1, 5641-OLP..............541
DB2 OLAPServerforAS/400Products..........................543
IBM DB2 DataJoiner Version 2.1.1, 5801-AAR Feature 3049 ............544
DB2 Spatial Extender Version 2.1.1, 5801-AAR Feature 2716. . .......544
Query Management Facility (QMF) for Windows for AS/400 Version 7, 5697-G24
IBM Licensed Programs: Networking Products..................559
IBM Network Station Manager, Version 2 Release 1, 5648-C07/5648-C08 . 559
Network Station Manager Version 2 Release 1 Enhancements . .......560
Navio NC Navigator for IBM Network Station V1.0, 5648-B10 and 5648-B20 562
Cryptographic Access Provider 40-bit for AS/400 V4R3, 5769-AC1 .......563
Client Encryption 40-bit V4R4, 5769-CE1 ...........................564
Client Encryption 56-bit V4R4, 5769-CE2.........................564
Client Encryption 128-bit V4R4, 5769-CE3........................564
IBM Corepoint Telephony Version 6 Release 2, 5648-C69 ..............564
IBM Point-of-Sale Communications Utility for AS/400 V4R3, 5769-CF1 . . . . 565
IBM Communications Utilities for AS/400 V4R4, 5769-CM1 .............566
IBM Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Base Services for AS/400 Ver-
sion4Release3,5769-DC1 .....................................567
IBM Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)DESLibrary Routine V4R3,
5769-DC3 ....................................................567
IBM Firewall for AS/400 V4R4,5769-FW1...........................568
IBM Payment Server for AS/400 V2.1, 5733-PY1.....................570
IBM MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1, 5733-A38 ..........................570
Business Integration with the MQSeriesFamily....................571
The Basics of MQSeries......................................572
Version 5.1 Enhancements . . . .................................573
IBM MQSeries Integrator for AS/400 and DB2 Version 1.1, 5801-AAR, Feature
IBM AS/400 Client Access Family for Windows V4R3, 5769-XW1 ........576
AS/400 Client Access for Windows 95/NT (installations as 5769-XD1)..576
AS/400 Client Access Enhanced for Windows 3.1 ..................580
PCToolsFolder ............................................583
V4R3 Enhancements ........................................583
IBM Wireless Connection for AS/400 V4R4, 5798-TBW . . ..............585
IBM WebSphere Application Server Version3.0.2.....................586
WebSphere Application Server Version 3.0.2, Standard Edition for AS/400
(56-bit), 5733-AS2...........................................587
WebSphere Application Server Version 3.0.2, Standard Edition for AS/400