Filming with remote-control cable
This method of operation is used, for
example, if you want to include your-
self in the picture.
Single-frame filming *
Here too, you will use the flexible
cable release, but this time you must
screw it into socket (8). This method
of operation allows you to make titles
and animated cartoons, time-lapse
sequences, etc.; for this, the camera
must be placed on a tripod or a
steady support so as to avoid any risk
of accidental movement, and the
filming speed selector must be set to
18 frames per second. Keep the cable
release slightly bent so as to avoid
any risk of jerking the camera.
N.B.: If you film without looking
through the viewfinder, for example
when the camera is mounted on a tri-
pod, you must cover the eyepiece
with your hand to avoid any stray
light getting in and fogging the film.
(available as accessory) (see previous chapter); the camera
will not start yet;
you can now set the camera in mo-
tion by means of the remote-control
cable switch.
You can operate the mechanism of
your camera by means of a remote-
control cable (length 20 ft.). This cable
is particularly useful, for example, for
self-filming, filming animals, etc.
Proceed as follows:
screw the camera onto a tripod;
insert the remote-control cable into
the socket provided for the purpose;
the cable switch must be in the open
with the flexible cable release, set the
camera to ••Continuous operation»
a) At the end of a scene, the shutter
may stop in the open position; if this
should happen the last frame of the
scene will be fogged and must be cut
b) Do not forget that when you film
without looking through the view-
finder you must cover up the eye-
piece to avoid any admission of stray
light that might fog the film.