System Administration Tasks
Administrative tasks are on these pages of the web interface, shown in the lower
portion of the left navigation panel:
nNetworking – Network configuration, time zone and NTP server
nSecurity – Passwords, guest access, other IT security-related settings
nRoom Labels – Helpful information to display in the web interface
nSystem – Controls to reboot, export and import configuration data, and run
firmware updates
nHelp – Contact information for Technical Support and a link to the
documentation for this product
nDiagnostics – Logs to help Technical Support troubleshoot issues
Typically, you do not need to configure the device to work with connected Vaddio
products; this is done automatically.
For Non-DHCP Environments: Configuring the Device with a Static IP
Address for Initial Installation
Consult your IT department before editing network settings. Errors in network configuration can make the
device inaccessible from the network. Do not change DHCP/Static addressing, IP address, subnet mask,
or gateway unless you are very familiar with the characteristics and configuration of the network where you
install the device.
By default, the device is set to DHCP and you do not need to configure it with a static IP address.
However, if no DHCP server is available to automatically assign an address, the device will use the default
IP address of Other devices may default to the same IP address. If this is the case, you may
need to follow this procedure.
If you install more than one device on a network that does not automatically assign IP addresses (a non-
DHCP network), follow this procedure to prevent IP address conflicts.
If the device is currently at an IP address other than, skip this section unless you are
instructed to configure it with a static IP address.
Complete Manual for the AV Bridge Mini HD Audio/Video Encoder