alibassirrerstier will/( std totl fro/t
I fiiig_t rn,_i_ sp(akrs
• f _ su)weofr isten/(c(_ t_ BVR13B _,OLi
lay he o:tio/ to /,Iv(tl( frontI(fiiliglt aJn
sp(tkersepfoc_/r(t)as !uq/i( /cks a alltits
arrdlavethes@woef(rop(rat(@II/w/(rl I
£R 13(}is)(ing us(dwiBs digitalseurc(t/at
I "E sotJ@trackF_isslk}ws
a_n aid s@woefesp(ak(sto takeadvantag(
eft_( special)asscstd let c(rtslr rnovJ(s
PessA/V Buttonsq[_ onth( r(rT/ott2
SO_a SUB LFE )pi: ar ir tl( Lower
• f a subweole[isconlettedt1<1yo(/wisl t} (Iseit
k}[ )ass[ep[odLIctJe/ilce/J{irctie/wit/_r( aJn
iu)ntleliilig_tsp( s_qers(gab ssoftl( t/p( ei
programs@£eur SLiI/OLI[Id()de },(:_tJar( ii_ar
( T(:it(sot/at SUB L / R+LF E tppearsirl
t/( LowerDisplayLine[] W/(I t/is optic/is
selectd a co pit k(dwillb( se/tt}t/(
;,s/tlefiiriglt all sskers Hd/( subweof(r
willuc(iv( bassfeqtl( /(i(s b(lew 100Hz
IB W/er allspesk(rseu} s(kcJons:lay( b(([
a(le simplywaitfir( s(ce@sa@t/( BVRwill
(tLIn toreuT/a[ep(@en
]iiple CrossoverSetting
lie AVR130 isLJriqLJaerg alluc iversJr!itspri(
classto prevk](]ii:le .aosseverSctier@i_},'iiher_
co/v(n[io/aJ }tss a/aqerT/( / sy',lerT/s (}[lJyate(}
?e{l,]( a(jl(}_)alcrosseve[ s( Jllj H_rTS K_@ens
]ii: le.aossever%,st allows/elit} st ,]did<rent
clossev(/poilt fortie fro/t Ki ight c(s aid s(ir
(:sd speak(isF_/isisk(y tecr(atingae(a !(as
SOLI@q([d wl(/) systt rT/Ilses diflere/tbrs/(lsor
e{lqs o sp(ak(rsfromer( oft/(s( tie( g etJprrgs
f ye(ia[ let !_rT/la/withwhattie crossoverpellltis
t/( t(rm(irstotle fre@scy atwwh leB@ range
slglaiisdivided}etwee/you air! s} akefsaid t/(
s@weo{(/Site he su)weei issp(citllyd<sigl(d
let lowf (q/l( icyrepred/Ktie/ itisnt ableto r(pre
d_ic/igh [r qLJ<nci(sBenveseiy}yr(li(ving _(
aH sp(ak({seitle (q@ enttorep[o@cebass
iu q/_(_ci<st ispessi)l(tobuildsrT/all(rmere(fFi
ci(rt satellik st/lesp sk({s Set,ire _( clossev[
i,eq/l(/c},properlyrT/(ansthtt (acl e}(akerdoestie
jo} i wasi/te@edtodo witst th( strti ior ';}ossibi(
da ag (aus(dbyb(ilgfed/(so/gelgrals r
_aossover{L)lCJet we @1coil!teeyell te C@IS@:/(
ew/(re Ta/(la[ for yeu[ speak(rat} det(rTil t/
lewesti' q(l(r(y t/(y se d(sig I@ fer} whic/will b(
tie His)@ tlat wil!bet_e(<lir rnskirg s( tingsi_
Net(t/at tie ftctor},deftu{ setingisacrossov(r
pointoflO(}Hzforells}(ak rs yoursp@q(rshsv(
ac]ussov(rathat setirg?i de no/(@ to ai<(
aryoftr(s( a(Jj(is (its aid yellsaid :}rec(edto
then(xtst(p Ilew(v(/if letexs }ie ],()lr]fro/t
speakers/aveacrossov(/'uol{/tef8Bllz pul ((/tr
s}(ake[cress(sBy({at12BHzaid ye(_stst]@
s}eakersclosseveratyeta dif_(rentpeirt a(@istiig
tl(se s(tti_gswillhelp(stablislt/( )ep({ @riosip
b(wie(/ t/( lowfeqlscy s(:sd tlst iss<ntto/aul
Sll}weoferal(Jtl( balar(e oftic seu/dthatis epre
@c(dbyye_rmall SF3(a_(rs
If s,eul speak r cerT/pk?tr t de(s J ql]l( ac/ale to
1 Prss tl( SpeakerButtonr_l i_..1
2 Presstie All Buttons_ or the[ernettur
tie _/) Buttons[] ()_tl( f[ort pa@ sethat
SPEAKER XOVER ap'uet[sinhe Lower
DisplayLine[] at(,}k_', SetButton{_[]
to( l(r 1( ClOSgC)vt![[ tr!tl[lt!t
3 Whe/F RONT 3X- F REQ app(arsi_tie
LowerDisplayLine[] pleastl( Set Button
_i"_"_ to( itlg( tl( s(t Jrglet tl( fro/t Ki iglt
S}( ak( [s
4 Presst_( All Buttons_ er therernettor
tie _/) Buttons[] o/th( front;}at(i to sceil
th/uug//( availableC/Bit s tr!dw/enI( cresseve
fr q(lencyt/at rntt(heayell1S}eakersap}earsi/tl(
LowerDisplayLine[] Feestl( Set Button
_l_i"_"_to r trlri tothes}(ak ror(s s i((tio/
S Presst_( AFT Buttons _ e[ the [cruet or
th(_/) Buttons [] e_ tl( front pan(i agsn _o
s(I(ct slot let sp ak({ gloup eitle[ C EN T E R
3 X- F R EQ O a(,jLwI( ClOS',ev(}[forthe}crt(r
cra 1tel ,,peskir; or S U RR 3 X - F RE r_ te ac,ju
thecreasove for r( srweLi/d s}eak({s ar;(lpresst/(
Set Button {_["_] w](r t)e desiredspesk(r g[o(l:}
app(a s to changet_es(ti_g as r((d(d k}ik}wi_g
6 Wh(] )llrq@r(dcssov(r setings_av b((r
(nkr(d pr(sstl( SetButton @i"_"_to (till i to
Af(a(_( u_iq_(tu_(/\VR 130ir its(:lassallews
tilesa}ag( efdif!(r(/ts}etk({ six(settingstr!(l
()st {as(s
yerlwillrot I(<(1totak( sdvsrtag( oft/is (a}abili_},
parkaliarlyw/(/t/( sp ak(rstlsd areaHfl q(scy
li site(lsak@t( t?( rned(is Iiew(v(r w/(n a sys
t( ei,ents}(akrs ar( largei@rangernod(ieyou
n/aywis/te (is( difi r ntlate( orsail s(ttilgsfor
H1p/rtsstrch )s tl( [tr/(r e[@) w/er( two chal[([
st (e tscmaybethed(sJ/@Jiw@gme{J( ss
op}os(dtot/( DVDor etlervid<eeIst(di_pus
w_(e ast_bweof(rwill}e r_e((J
Ifyoudo not/e@ to cr(at( differrt sp(ak rco/figtl
latio/s t Jigsfel (acl il7 ski',}t} tl(/(xt e erie/
R}tak( a(Jvaltageofthiscapabilityfi}ik}wt/(s( st(}s:
1 Ce@ig_lretl s}eak(/six( irlwmttie/as d s(:ribe(J
onpag( 16 Fhiss(tstl ccsn/c)rhasIll( letell
2 Selectt]( ir}t_tforw]icl yo( wisl to hay a
stirg et/(r thai]th( origi/tl o/( by:}r ssl/gtl(
tpprepriat InputSelector(_
3 Pr(sstheSpeakerButtonr_) ardtit }ress
tie All Buttons_ el the rernottorthe_/)
Buttons[] el tl( frontpan(isothtt BA SS
[1ANA6 ER s:peersint_ LowerDisplayLine
[] P(ss tk SetButton !_['_]
4 W_r 6 L 0 BA L apea_si_th( LowerDisplay
Line[] piss tl( .A/f Buttons_ ()nh_
u e(or _/) Buttons[] or lelo_ p_el o
lect I N])E PE N])ENT Pr', tl( Set Button
{_[]to(rtrtl (q(l(s:Jritehe/\/,/Rsrn ery
S Dice th( BASS MANA6 E R n/(sssg(
)ps(arsi] tl( LowerDisplayLine[]/ar_ _)v(
co]fkjt;r(dtl< £/R so)a di;(r(rrt s,,ske[ siz( arr(J
(wsov({ s(tti]gsa_, b( che(it f(:)Feac/iriF]tlt[o
it({ t](s( s(ttilOSfirstwaitfly( s(co@st_rrtilt]( u]it
[(tuns o normalop(ratienAtt]at tim( s(i(ct a_o_
r i _F}(iaridr(p(at th( iwrr_ctien...:epsfor S}esk({
S(u:} aid r,i}leCrossev({S(ttiigss slewr o/t/(
pf(vss pages
Configuring the Surround Off
(Stereo) Modes
borstJpelle[[epf@£Jo/ ef_wec/a/1(I proof)hi
mat(rialstileAVR130o;(rs t/,e Stt_ree}des: a/
sralegSt(reoDJiect(}de that )ypsssest_edigital
slg/ai:}roe(ssingcir(uitryforaco }iet(iya/aloeslg
@ paththatp[ serv(stirepurls},oft_( eugl@sig_ai
a@adigitalod< tlat iscapabl(efprevidirg)ass
rnar!ag(hi(it forepti sidstli Sen oftile lowi,(
qr_(r(;J(sbet,i((_ s al!efsp(ak([sardas(_bweef(r