Harman Kardon AVR130 Owner's manual

Owner's manual
harman/kardon °
Power for the Digital Revolution_
AVR 130
i' '1 r_ ;_l_z _ :==::==::==::==::==:===:==::==::==::==::==::==:===:===:==::==::==::==: _; _
,_,............,._.,_,._A,.__,_, .6._ _
Vrort Ptnd Co/trois
i¢(aParil tXXlr1_(tio/s
i_(rTlO t,o/tfo[ FHI(tioI
I Isalia% / andCome_ti(}/s
S',se /s alla%r
Sp(aker.%(kctk}raid Plat(T rt
Sys( S(tup
Cotfiguri/g1heBLIHOL[dE)_!{St r((}}Mod{s
SuuotmdMoB Chart
Suuoui/dMoB %iectk}_/
[)igittl Bitstreamndicatk}rs
6 CI srr(l Dir(d hxJt
Ploglarnrnlrg tl( I%mot
Progra{ (d Devic(VudJons
Clan/(i CoitrolPinch r_rougt_
Rse,g leR ot M (}ry
Fro<rio/ Jst
/(}l(t(r (}/{!I_yOUIlS{ this 8l/laJwil I{ (rT/(}( coItIoI f(}lt pal(](O//OiSald (a pal(]((}/l{(ti(}lS
c{ral[ co[v{[io/s 18v{o((_ts(d
EXAMPLE {bokl_}@}indicatsas}{cific [(mot cottrolorfio]t paid btlt(x/or r(arpaid
EXA_P L E (OCIRtTpe) indicat(sarn(sssg(t/at isvisibkoni1{ i,(:_it pard i[k}[TaJo/dis}lay
[] {ru b(r, asqua/()ildicat(sasp(qfk fortpt/Ico/tJoi
O {ru b(rir a{ircle}indictesa (a [}all{o/r({do/
O {nu be il ar oval}ildi<at(sa xlt(}/or indicatsr(}rtl( rmot
Thankyoufor choosingHarmanKardonUWith
t/( nufclas(efa HsrrnanKsrdo_AVR]S0youart
aboutto}egn aV y(trs o ii-.;enhg !py ent fle
/\VRI:#0has)e(/custo d(sigl d e providesi!le
(xtittrn{ It _llddetailo evi( S(}Lil!dtltcksalldev(iy
lua/ce ofusictl s(kcions Dol}y'<Digitalaid DYS
decodingslk)wsyout} takeadvt/ttg of digital
soundlscsi,omfie lat(s DVUr I(as(ss_dDigital
7 I(visio/ xoad(asts
Will co pkxdigittl syst sa/(hardttwed<witlil
t/AVR i3Oto ak( all()fills/a}pe/ho(:£u} t/d
epeh_tiona{ iipk .,ol() k(}4d{i(]/[it( J()[is]lid a
prog,_ mabkemoe (()r roimak{t/(/\VR i:!()
(asyt}LI { d) t}_}ail/t [T/_JXlrT/H i ( /Jt}V i{gl _u) i
/uHr N(w[{({iv(r ,i/} H/t]{ VOHt} a_( a h,i iiNH(S
e readhu)ggltlis rT/a/utl71is_il!(rsuu that_o/
I((ik)/', o pt!_]ko[ SOdt( i;iayb)(i(g/isalidoh{r
(x(//ai d{vk(s au prep{flyI/addiie/a h,i
l/citesspcl k>arring fc/{io/ oft/( various
coitrol willel14biev(xitot<£ t6valtatje efalltie
pow(rt/AVR 130 isabl tod(iivr
; c, ) ) < i
y,_daa,<.a/} ld,.tl( au<a,tI,b p,(6L,J S II.,a,
r s
_iol o its;op(ltJ()l pi(a (xgta:t7'}Lil(t_il a
CLiStO il ;tali(r [/ty ae ,/()u b{st Io{ai x)lg{(s ef
F/is(quiprT/er/t/as}e(/t(s(d tld fxg!dte cem
}iywit/tie ihT/itsforaChssBdigitald(vice }ur
scla/ttoPt 1Soft/( VCCRui(s7/(s( iiits tie
lit(if re/(u il a reside/tiala/ea7/isd(vic( gel(r
st(sandus(sradiof (qu( /c7(itrgy aid i[ not
i_staikdandusedi/ sccorda/c{withtheibw_(
e ceptJ()l!
Ift/is unit does ctus( i It(If rer/c with FVer radio
ec(ptJ()ll yeu cal ty to cellett tit /t(ddq (u by
o/( el ou eftit k)ik}wilg rT/taslHes:
:It-1_ll]ll I Ill j_l[ll.ll[I]il
llllll [I]lllll]illl
i_ hi(gease1(7 SeptlttJ()l beweel t/( eq/lJpT{lit
Irld th( lecturer
C Pl/ig le (qtliprT/(/ lit() a difkr( /t ogl( so that
it is let o/t/( stm circuit as fie re{(iv(r
If i(c(ssar s,co/allt th( dti(r or anexp(ri( /c(d
',<'uuIv _p_e,' JbyHarmanConsumerGroup
/ H ) I S _ /
fo,cu aliax;( cu<lia',(:iJtl( h l: sdtltxiti to
AVR1suisav(rsatlkaid ultit(siltedAiV
I c(Iv(r; iIcogxxatingawid(rangeef Ilsk/iig
o}tio/s InadditJolo DoibyDigitalandDYSd(c()di/g
fordigitalsellc(s abroad{Ioce ofsnslegsurreu/d
rT/od(ss( awila)leforLiStwiBs()txcesSLit/asCIJ
VCR7Vbroadcastsaidtl/\VI7 I71)s ownFMiAM
tunerAlongwithDelbyPe ogic'< decodingt(ch
ioieg7Doby3 Steuot/d cuo Hill aid rleatcg
modesenlyliar a/Kardo/((uivels o;_LrLogk7
tocreateawid({ ere u!velo'uiigfieldeMio/me/t
tld mort dtfhled;'7ov({salld pals Ai()tl( featuu
xdusiv(toliar alKadenlc(iv(rsisVMAx
wlichus(spu)'snttsly}()cessngto c(at( an
o}ql spaClOL%S()LIIdfi(Id{vii wl(I onlyt,ie ffo/t
s}akrsar svaila}l(
h additiorto pu)vidingawid(raigeeflist(/i/g
optic/s tl AVR130 iset-# toco/figuu soflat it
previdstile b(stlesuitswit/7OLilS} ak Isal!J
s} (;ificlist /ilg Ioemenvilo/ ent A Stleo Dir(d
modeby}tss(s tiledigi ti pr(xesse t} [xeserv(tli of
tie sclbietl<sefoldert/alog t,ie chtiiei it(rials
wlfile}assmalag( {nt availa}1(intl_esuflound
tld Stree bigitalrT/od(si )ores7ceila}ilit_to
tailortl( sotgldtoslit yotl e)o atOLIStItselrust(
k()ltie CiltirTat( infl(xibilit7 tit/WR 130f(attgea
(tell/( (;tJolIs ol h}llr vid(e d(vfces )11withbethco
[}()sit(aid S Videoinputsiicludhg t/( fr()nt}t/el
iIputs7weaddiionalaudioiinutsau avsil@ieaid a
la Idiingalltl( lat(s digittlaudiosou/{esCoaxand
o}ticaidigitalaudk)corpusIre alsotvalla}1 fe dud
{()n/(orlone digitalr(c()dersAvidee ((;ord/g
{xput tnd asixc/a'llel iiput ak( th( AVR17,0
viruai17hitur( p()o_wit/everyt/iig neededto
_(xo ()date()rT/oIIowsIlewfL)l atsfightel }cad
r/(/WR i3Usnew(rfuit piifi(rcls(strtditi()nal
Har s__afdo_Ifig_(urult ult_swid(ba_dwidtl
HarTal Ktrdel i_v(_t{*dt_(/igl fid(Jityr(celverfii_y
y(arsagoWit] state}f tie artchcuitrya_dti(
Io/e (d qrcuitd<sigis tie/s,/,/R130 iso_( efth(
fil(s! ((uJvtis (v(r efl (d byHarT/aI Kald()n
Pour le CANADA
UsingCirrus' ChipTechnology
HarmanKardon'sExclusiveLogic7 and
VMAx Modes
DolbyLaboratories'ProLogic*II Processing
Stereo-DirectModefor Two-ChannelSources
BypassesDSPProcessingto Preservethe
Integrityof AnalogMaterials
Stereo-DigitalModefor ProgrammableBass
Managementof LowFrequenciesBetween
Front-PanelDigitalinputsfor EasyConnection
to PortableDigital DevicesandVideoGame
Multiple DigitalInputsand Outputs
6-ChannelDirectInputfor UseWith DVD-
Audioor SACDPlayersandOtherProducts
Color-CodedInput,Outputand Speaker
TerminalsComplyWith CEAStandardsfor
a, a,
CAUTION: To reduce the risk
of electric shock,
do not remove cover (or back).
No user-serviceable parts inside.
Refer servicing to
qualified service personnel.
enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to consJ[tule a
risk of electric shock to persons
literature accornpanymg the appliance
Important Safety Information
YaurAVRI:'1)hms)t(/d{sign(d form,cwitl 120
voJtA} c[il[ /t Cull ctientumlinewlttg( etl(r thmr
tm forw/ic/it i iit( /d(dcal createmaf(ty rand
f v(}uhawan_,qu(,_:Jonsaboutfie '.'ultageequlre( its
kx wxJrsp_d%ethel orre)oatt_ ihew}lt<_gefnyour
mu,_cunta:/urn_lJirg6_mle_bfor_ :}luggirgtl arit
7oavoidsak:tylazardsuseu/I/the powercord
a%c/edte/e[ilanit W( du/etrece (nJtlat
(xt( /skxlgeldsb( us(dwi{hthisFxoductAswit1ali
(k ctficaidevk(sdo re u/'aower c(}rdsIi/de lags
el ca/p(tsel 'phc(h(avyeL_(ctso/tx Damaged
powerc(xdsslouldb( im (dHt lyreplacedbyal
aat/efizeds(rvi(uc(Hr witl a cordrT/{(tHg fact(xy
Handlethe ACPowerCordGently
WI(H disco/lectiigtie FX}W({cord[[(}rT/m'lACeut
It alw)Tsxilt/:slag xwr pulltl( cord If/ea de
let i_tendtous( t_( ufitferaV censid(ra)1 klgtl
DoNotOpenthe Cabinet
]liLt( <]l{/e tlS£!l scrvic(m}l(corT/pex_t insid(tlis
_aoduct0_: ningt_( csbixt ay [:r(s( it a'4o',k
lazafd aid aV rT/odifkaier tutl( predudwillveid
#xa gua/srtee f wster(}r slyrTutal(}bJ(ct suchasa
ps'p(rclipwireorasta}leaccidutall7hils Hsid(tic
(/it dscoxect it fm tl{ ACp(}w(rs(xa(:(im(di
atly aid c(}nstilta/aathe[iz{ds{ vi(us(ati(}n
a/out',id a/t( /_a(}r(a)k ',y<,( i',(onn ct(de
t/fs pu}duct}t c(rtailthtt itIsgrxa!J(dsoastupr}
videsere :xot(ctionagains:voltagesulg(st/d stttic
chsrgesS(ctJo/81Dofth Natienslk£tricaJCed(
IV!SIiNfPANo 70 i984 provi@sinfor tile/with
r s,'(ctto pop(r geundi/go tie ,'st aid scppon'/g
stracur( glouIdhgofle iesdh wit( t} snarknns
disc/arg(ulit sizeefglou/dilgco/ductorslecstio/
efartennsdisc/arg(unitco//ectieno glouiding
(l(ct odess/d (qui{rTXItsoft'/egreaidiYffqectrod{
isxovidedteemilth( AFV (a}l(IV) ',ykm
inhllersstJltiuntoarid 82D4Doft]c N[C
t_, previd(s%idih f(}rproper(jloLilxJiY,]aid
H !:afticulafs_:cifi(sthatthecabl(gmunJsMi b(
cox ectd totie gea/dingsy£(rT/eftl( buildiIg
R}eHSLi/epr(}'pe[o'aut% / andto avoidtie pote/
thlforsak:tymzards[}lacetie anitor afi; )nd
I(v(I sudac(Wlen piaci]gtlx anitel s sh(it b(
((flai_ trottl( s]elfanda]y mountinglardwae
ca/suppedfie w(iglt oftl( produ(t
Msk( cer(ainist xo'p(r spat{ isprevid(d}eft
s)(}veaid }dew fie ulit iarventilationf t/is
pu}ductwill}( installedin) cs}hetor (}tiler
nclosdaua makeceain i)t xreissuf%ieH
sirmev(rT/it witm tl( ca}inetLJ_d(rse( c,
Don(}tpJac(tl( d/it dir(ct_(}nacar©(t(dsuda(x
i,,,eidins:sihtioni_ (xtr( {ly let erceldIocatie_s
i,,,eidrT/eistor it id lecatJ(}ns
Do/o obste£tI( vertilatiorslots(}r tl tepof
Win he ulit g(t dilt},wip(Jtwitl t deal softdly
deth Ifnec(ssmU w_peitwithasefdotl damp(xd
wit/lid s(}t'iywtt(r:thent fi(sl clu:/wit/demn
wstuWip d_yi (dhtdywit_ad_ydeh NVER
a% }elizeli a(le elcl{))lelSthhl(r;tlceholorany
otlel volatil(deali/g ag(/t }o let us txasive
{:1(alersast_(},rnsydsag( finishof real pars
AvoidSFXSTilgils ctk:ideI(ar tl anit
Movingthe Unit
8(ioie rT/OVi/gtie unit)e c({tt I todisc(}nn(ct
IIt((((}/ I(ctJ(}ngeldswit1otherc(}rT/'ao/qts mild
rT/tk(C Ittil t/at youdiscollecttie aniti,e tl(
ImportantInformationfor the User
his (qui©rne/thas)eel t(s(d t/d foandto c(}m',)ly
withhe limitse t (lass Bdigitaldvic( [xasuait te
Par I oftl( FC(Rui(s rx limitstled(sig/dto
previder asembl(protectionagsi_s:mr% irkr(r
u(( il s usidentiali/stailatienr_isegusme/tgen(r
ares(sses_nd(rollradiae radiofrequercyq erg},aid if
re instsliedaid cs(d ir ace(}dsrc( withtx irstrac
tiers ra 7caaseIalrT%iiltdfeu /c( te adb cem
rT/a[11ca%nIJ(}wev({i((e is/o gusra/t(e1st hm(
fulirt(r({er(( willio occurinaparicuhrii_:sihti()n
Ift_isequi'prT/e/tduescausehar% int(d_iercetu
radioort(kvisienle<(ptienw/ichcar b( det(r iil{d
bytu/mg t/{ (qusme/t ufl aid o/tx us(r is
(ncoumgdte t[y tocorr(cttic lit f(r(l(( by(}r(
I<eolie_lt el lel(}cat{ the receiviHg aHte_xla
il/(x(Tmsethe sepmrmtioi/i}etw(Teli the eqdlDm(7_lt mlid
CoMeet tK eqtl!©rT/{I iHtoaHOUtkteH) citer]it
dik ( _tfret tqat tow/c_ t'x r(cdv(r _sco __ect(d
_licia_lk}l ilelp
rhisdevice(x} pli(switl Ptrt i{ eftie FCCRules
Op(ratiu/ issu)Jc tetile %k}wi/gtLo ce/ditiens:
(1}thisdevic(maylet caus(haiiJ ilteif(u /((
tnd (2}thisdevic(rT/UStcce}t lit(If I /c( I c iv(d
ir(kdingint(d({rc tlat a7caas{ard<si(d
NOTE:C/angese rT/odificatkxlSa}, causethis
a/it toi_iltotorT/plywitl Pai _softl( FCCRuks
_nd myveidtlcas{ s_atlo%,toep((tt( tl{
{q%} rt
rheca(ionaid sfip'ai_grnttefitisus(dto;xotecty(}ul
i(w r(c(Jverduii/g s/i'pm(/t weres'a(citllydesigi(d
tecus/ionit flo s/e(k srd vibratio/W( sugg(st
tlat youssv(tx csr(o/snd)ackin! at(rials foruse
ir s/bp!/g ifyou(}v{ er sl(}uldtl{ u/it (v{r r((d
R3rT/iHirT/iZthesiz(ofthecmroli_ stxtge yourT/ty
wislt} fhtJn it ]lis isdone)yca[ebilyslitiIgtie
trap(s(arT/so/tx boo sndcolhpsirg(1(csrto/
Orielca/db(}sldilselts a7b( storedil tie sam(
manxr Packhgat(rialst/mt ca/let b( colhpsed
sleuldb( sav(dalelg witl tl{ cadolil apiasti(}ag
Ifyeudo r(}twisl 1osavefie packagiig rT/mterHis
pl(as( ix}totll)t I( ctdo/mild (}tI(r sectio/so tx
shippingpro_(cti(}ns( (cTclabl(Pkas{res}(cttic
{ /VilO/rT/e/ttl!d discardties( at((iais ata local
ItisirT/pe(antthatyoulefT/evet/{ :xotectiv(plastic
fil fe tl( flont paxil(ns eavingt_ filmi_pisc
willafl(cttl( p(dan t1(( ofyearerT/et {eltr(}l
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][]
\ /
[]Mtill( L . (I
[] Jet LI)J(.. (.((t)r Buttons
[] []
[] [] [] []
[] Se_Button/
[] Digitali_putSeiectur
[] ResetStationsSelector
[] DeiayAdjListSelect4x
[] Bi:utSourceSdect4x
[] ._t ],. Dilittl Ipui
[] ,asxk;I3)iqittl/}u
[] Ba;sCo/trol
[] ][ln( [ i_snd . (l((. ( [
' r ,....... q r .... I I r )
NOTE.e tK(.I (. 1.1 f]l th(ll I el. It 1.(. e /I It [tlel t t[]({c}p rT/t}b (]>l'/etc]c]{(:Ttl(
8t ,i?,%_?ilSrlTis_lksrdo_l cem
[] Main PowerSwitch: Presst/is butu/te apply
powe tetl(/\VR 130 W/ / % switc/is }ess(d
i_ t] u]it isi_a Sta]dbyode ssi]dicsted byte(
a betL D[] a}ev( th( Standby/OnSwitch[]
]_is )ute/_dUSF beFxss(di_ teoperatet/u_it
]b turl th( uniteftsndprey(ntthe (is( d tie
<met( <<xtrolt_isswitc_s_ouidb<pr(ssedu_tilit
pepsoutflorat/( i,(xt ',}s[(Iandtl( wed OFF is
s(</at tl( topeftl( switc/
NOTE:rill ".,,,kh. /,_,,a,, (. in ON '.x}sKx!
[] PowerIndicator:rlis [ EDfigItsarT]be[whe/t/(
u/it isil tl Sta/dbyode tosiglaltlat t/(/\VR is
(ady to b( turredel! W/(i tl (l!it isil op(ratb/
t] indicatoris)iue
[] Standby/OnSwitch:',/',/_(__( Main Power
Switch[]i; ()Ix] :r ; _i;b_o_ e urr o_
/,_Rlo )k,s it sgairtottlll t/( Liliioff lh(
Powerlndicator[]t i, }1' .ul(/tl( '
, , 1/ I /
[] HeadphoneJack:,/slack rnt} )Hs(d 1olisi(I
tetl/\/,/R 13 s xtplttl}l!]l tpai (:fl t(]p1)1(:
]1,(pssks[ ",iiil{Itt ) siJ(:tlyb iUFI(J }fl",//( 1tl(
[] ToneModeSelectorButtons:Pr(ssirg_is }ut
te]e_abl(s ordi',abl( th( Ba aid U(}le o/( cu/
troisWhenthebutl}/is xssed soflat TONE
TN sppa_ ir theLowerDisplayLine[] t_e
Bass[] ar!Jfleble [] co/t/oisa}_ b( usedto
a(_jLb_t/( OLitpLitsJgllals%/(/i/( }LittOI1ISpuss(d
enceorh/icesothsttie wordsTONE OUT
a}p(srmt_( LowerDisplayLine [] the<xtixt
sig/siwillb( fia re at(r Iowtl( scusl Basssld
TrebleControls[][] au t(!just(d
[] SpeakerSelector:Pus; tlis xltio[ tubgi/th(
f f S f f )
'.rs:(s }f c}]figu rg t] 'l[it tc it(;] tl( tip of
iil [] [] []
[] [] []
ProductSqppod sec%i/% tl!isproduct
.ak(/deai/'4xliiit(uhlioaT {S{{ paps
16 1)for (:(ith}rn_ti(]o[ .(_k({<u'_akJ_,,'r ) , ,ss s s ,
[] SurroundModeGroupSelector:Ress_is
}uttoi t} sei(cttie to'uI(v(I grou©ofsuuourd
odes Esc]'pressef(_ebute] willsled
cururt ed< il eacl efth( rn_jerge(prgs ((g
DelbyDFSlegit / DSRSt(uo)
WI(/th( butto/ispuss(dsotlatthe/arn( ofsmud(
il t/( desiredsurreu/dmedegloupapp(arsintheo/
scl(] displays]d i_ t]( Lower DisplayLine []
puss th Surround Mode Selector [] t_ q,cl(
t]roug_tl i_dividualmod(s availabl(Per(xa pie
p(ss thisbLittOI1tuselectDolbyrT/OCI(s s_dtl(] :xss
theSurroundModeSelector[] to<lees( fro tl(
[] SurroundModeSelector:Press/is butt)/
to',d(ct fig arT/elK!tx av_ihbkSllll(]lli!JrT/ed(
optionsfortl rT/od(groupekct(d Fhe ) cific
odes wiMva[/basd el th{ Ixlm)e[ofIs(ak(rs
avsih)letx ode geup aid ifth( irpu soulc(is
digitsloranslogFor(xa }k ixesstx Surround
ModeGroupSelector[] toselectarood(giouplng
su(I asDoibyor tog< / end ;xess/is b(tt}/
tos(( i( 8vsihbkrT/od(cloices Foree ilforrT/a
tJo/ol rood(selections(< pages22old 23
[] TuningSelector:Presstl( leftsid(oftB button
e ur( le/(/f(qu(/cy b;sJonsaid rigl sideof
tx butontotux higxr flqu(Icy staLk}IsWxntl
tux/s Jltl( MANUAreed(eschtapwilli/clease
erd<cl as t/e!,(quencyby<}reilcre ent Win
tx tu/r (ceives astro/genoughsisiti for ad(quat(
(ce}tio/ MANUAL TUNE D willa}petr ir
LowerDisplayLine[] Wle/tx tux/is ir th(
AUFOode ixesstl( x£er o/c( t/d tl( tLil(/ WiM
Set/for astttJenwitl tc((ptt)le signtlstrergth
Wlen tl( nexts(stJenwitha stroIgsignalistu/d
t_ESC_WiMstopand_e LowerDisplayLine[]
wiiiil(AcatA UT 0 TUNE D Win t/FM Ssreo
stttJo/ istul(d tl( dis_:la7willtad AUTO S T
]i} swikh}tck tld fodl b(twe(/ th( Autotld
Manualunhg med(spugstl( funer Mode
[] 4/11,Buttons:Wx/co/figullng tx AVRi 3Us
s(tthgs(s( tl(se buttonstos(kct!,} thec/oices
avtJla}leasslw,,rir !1(Upperor LowerDisplay
[] TunerBandSelector:Presst_isbutt)/to turn
tx/\VP e/anJ witcl t} electtx lill(r a tl( input
sourc( Pussitagsi/t) switclb(twe( /tx AMand
I:_df(qu( icybands(S(<:sag(25 foror ilformt
[] Set Button:Wxl retkiIgcx:£(s du/irgtl(
sda} alldco/figu{atienixo{(ss pusstlis bus£}/ to
(ititl( d(sk(d s(tdlgintotle/\VR130s (mory
[] Digital InputSelector:Piss t/s }ut(:Hto
sele{ter( ofi( digitalinputsor tilet/abg npu for
anysoulc {Se [sags2:', 25forer ilforrT/ttier
[] PresetStationsSelector:Pussthisbuttonto
scroMunordownt irougi tx listof statio]sthatisv(
}e<] ult(red iltotl( niesetrT](meiy (S(<nag(25
k}l ou itlOIrT/atio]onUllerpus(to)
[] DelayAdjustSelector:Pussthis}uter t}
}egi/tx steps (quit d toent(rd(la7s(tti/gs S
pag( 19fix tool ilfl} aJel el d(la7ti(s)
[] InputSourceSelector:P(ss thisx£er to
c/a/(je th Ilput)y ',dolli_gui:erd(:u/t/eugl tl(
[] TunerModeSelector:Pr(ssthisbutents sel(ct
AutoorManualtunhgWx/x x£on isp/essedso
tlatAUTOap)as i_(x LowerDisplayLine[]
tl( tal(r willsesrclfortl( xxt satJonwill )/
tcceptabksiglalwhe]tl funing Selector[]l_i_
MANU AL snp(sisintlx LowerDisplayLine[]
ac_ pr',s oftie luning Selector[]!_! ziM
increas(tl( f(qu( icy F/is}LIUO[ay alsob( us(dt}
sxiitc/ )ebeenSteuot/d Mole odes forI:t,,;radb
th(bLitto/ sotlat MANUAL spp(sisir theLower
DisplayLine[] toswitclt) Moror(ceptienPussit
sgahtoswitch)ackto SFEROrood( S(( pag 25
fix mouillor atio/en usilgtl( tul([ }
[] Optical3 DigitalInput:Co/ _(ctth( opticaldigital
sudiooutlxt ofa/sudk}orvido ploductit}tli jack
WhentheinputJs(lotil useb( c(rlsntok((p tl(
plas:Jcca[}in£alkdtoavoiddu£ ce/tamilatJo/ tlat
[] Coaxial 3 Digital Input: FNsjack is us(d for
COIl/((tJoilto tlu outpllt ef '3edabk audio devic(_,
vido cj_e (ensok s or othr predtx:tst_at h,w( a
[] BassControl:lilrl _isceHtrsitomodit/tl( low
fequencyoutputoftJxietiriglt d t/nel:byasmud ts
:-1(}dBw/er tl( ulit isintl( Sureu/dDf rood(
[] Video3VideoinputJacks:l_(s( i_cksay b(
us(dfolt(rT/porafy{el i(cJel otl( co x)sJt(elS
Vid(eout}uto vid(o gar(s carT/COKJ(rsor eth(
pedsblevid<eproducsYou reek(aCOl111(cto/
toitl(r jack ataly timeb(t rot )etl si ultar(eusly
[] Video 3 Audio Input Jacks: l_(s( )udio jacks
may b( us(d for t( xxay cell(ctio/ to video
garTus or pora)l( audioivid(e puxkxts su(I as cam
[] BalanceControl:R_rnt/is ce/tu:_lo craig( tl(
rio Jr velum fortx i,ertl(fiiligltclarr(is
NOTE:For)lopErGo(ratio/eftIK SLIIIOLIIdmod(s
thisco/t/oi s/eukJ}e attl( kJpeirt e 12 ocleck
[] _?ebleContlol:1U]thisce]_oltorTlodJt/tl( ligh
fequency(:ll£:Lit(:iftx iewkjhtcht/I elsbyasrTX£1t5
:-1(}dBw/tr tl( u/iti Jrtl( S(rux Id:)f rood(
[] ChannelAdjustSelector:Pisst]is nuto] to
begi]tx [xocssoftrirT/rT/irgtx clarr ([ outx£iv
[ uqn(i a] ext rla[tudio ',ouKx (F(x)r( inf0lrT/a
tb/e[ outputleveltrima{!iustrTuit s(( pag PB)
[] VolumeControl:1ix] tlis kx}) clockwiset}
ilx:_a',( t_(volu e coulitcrck)ckwBtod(cuae
tie vokle f tlx AVR130 is{ited aJju-£i]gtie
VolumeControl[]l_il willautomaticallyrias(
tl( (Hitflomtie sil Icd co]ditio]
[] Input Indicators:f_ la( oftH s(kct(d i_put
[] Speaker/ChannelInputindicators:Pxs i_di
cator a( uiti'.urp}se indcatJngbelt/e }akr
t)< ',el(ct(dfor (ac] cmln(i aidtx il{emi Igdata
sis/alcenfigustio/Tie I(i: cent_r;riglt rig/tsurround
tl6 If surlou/dsp tkelix£at xssu co sssd of
tBe( box(swhikthesubwoefelisasinglebox the
(( /ter}ox Iigitswx/a SiT/Oils}eskeriss<l(ct_d
aid tie twoout(rbox(sligltwxl la/ge sp(ak(rsare
selec(d Wx/1o11( Of tl( bex(s )( litfortie c( it(r:
suru:8/dorsdbwoofircla ll(Js io speakerhasb((i
tssigxd tltt positio/{S(( ptge i6 iorore ilterma
tiero/cenfigu//g sp(akers}Tie I((:(rsi isideetch
boxdispla7tx acw( ilput{ la//eis Foreta/da/dara
legi inure{)ill}.,x l andRwillliglt indic@l]aster(e
Ilput "(xadigitalsourcetx indi(atorswilllighto {is
pi%,t_( cla _(is }ei_g_ec(Jv(dat_( digitalirpu
Wxl tl( I(t_rsflashtie digitali_puthssb((i i_ter
rupied(Seepag(s18 19kx er iltematielo/tl(
Cmrr(i ]dicat}re}
[] UpperDisplayLine:U()erdhg o_tl( uni's_:a
tusavai(i7o rT/eSstU(swil[ap)ea/x{e Illo[ t1
operttionthislin(willslow(x cuH/t ilnutseurc
old w/it/snslog e digitalinputisil us( Wx/x
tun(ristie inputhis iix willid( /til},theststkxasAM
orF!,iaid slewtx i,(qu( icyaid pus< [!;XT/}ef}it
[] LowerDisplayLine:Dep(xJiHgor!tl( (Its stt
tusavari(t},ofrT/essag(swillap}ea/ Ii nor ti
op(istielltilecdr{:lt SLlrre(l/ded( willslowi(r(
[] SurroundModeIndicators:fhe oftl(
Ictd '_LirroLilid)de will )!:i: al I({
[] RemoteSensorWindow:fle s(_se b( _i_d
t_iswhdowreceivsinfaf dsig_sisfor tx u o((
{o/tJoi Ai tK ( o( atthissea aid do lot bi(x
O[ COV({ it
-- SPEAI_RS(8 _ --
[+]== °
® m
e e e e
! +
+ i + ///]
r--A_S- _ IW man/ks
I+1 z) _ sntmnmne
/ II
'°+-+"1 I
,,, WARNING:I_n_em_em_ w m_ELm_Cla "
°+ lJ
4 ;"
_( l]l I(. )1(._ 3'4/.h
0 _.LL,, (_., ,_tI,_
StHIoutdS}<tk(r Nutputs
Cetxitl Diqitall.t,s+s
DVDS Videohiput
Video1S VideoOutput
_._DVDAudieiVid(e Inputs
_. Vid(e1 AudieiVid(ehputs
.i_ kMAir(Ira Jack
NOTE:R)tk( it (asieltofollewtl( i+lstructiensthtt ei(r tot/is ilhlstittiei t Big(+copyrT/tyb{ dow/letd dfro tl( RodudSup©offs(ctie/bl thisFxoducta
;i;iwha[ alka[denco
NOIE1i}assisti makilgtile(euct ce/l(ciens fe bm/tlS_ W/ire
rTmitkis/lel input ouputsndsp(sk(rco_ections bro_tRight :<(d Subwoofi+:
allceil/( ctielijs(_ss/d t I i/aBa+<cobrcoded C( It 1: Glee/ CeaxalDigitalAudb Orange
il c(xlom/al(( witl tl( CA standadsask}lk}ws Suuoundl(;¢ Blu( CempositVid(e Ydbw
0 CDAudioInputs:Cenn(ctl(se jackstot/{ (xlt
putofaCo pactDischi@ or clang(+
[apeOutputs:Connectheseiackst} t/(
RECORD/INPUTja(ksofat ludie u(xxd(r
lape Inputs:C(xt(ct tl(s jackste
, -, R 4
OSubwooferOutput. et I(.(. IL t_ /(. I/
[(','(Ii[1[}tlt0 ] 'YOfi(Ud sub.i_i(]ef{rIf a/ .<trla' i)
, , t
eef t I lfl(a ](.( o/1(. I ,] k /6 }
Front Speaker Outputs: ( u]_{',t t_(s( eutxJt;
to th( rT/atchhg + t]d trimi en ,+,(:ll]rfiont
SurroundSpeakerOutputs. (tt,(x tl,(.,, ,_dt
F]U'4to /( ai([ itq+ _ ,_ (., rT/It+_1,_/ }Oifl [ t tt!J
_ CenterSpeakerOutputs. .o/1(._ /(.s(. F,.t_<
) R )
[ (x t t }tl ( matI hJ _i tl J[ ) t( (:I
S _ s S S
rT/altlttl+lcoruc ooiafitvbvcolne(tiIgth( blackt(r
minaltohe/egativ (}tl i/aiet th( sp(akrs
Ce/l(c tl( }1(i t(/mitaltot/e pesitiv (q t(rmintl
onlel(i:surrounds}esk(+atd _egravt(rm,alt}
tl( positiv((}k ilaie/t/eligltsurreu/ds}ak(/
Wl(ti t/(we[ corT/pkt!_}i({( s}eak(/s},stm IS
usedtilei/dNidualsp(tk(rs maylay atc/ilg color
t(rmiltis i/acceldaicewill CEAspecificatio/swhik
xi£i_g s}(akersv}icailyus ared(mmal iert_
pusitive(+}sp(ak rwileten/(c%r! {S(( pag( 13
iel ou irtolmatio/er sp ak(+polality_
t_ OpticalDigitalInputs:Cox(ct t/o©tical digital
audk}outputt,orna UVDpiay(/IiD]V uc(iver: D
pla/(r:sat(lilt uc(iver:cabl(}ox MiniUiscpla/(r or
(cord({ or CD}hy(r tot_eseja<s ]_e sig/aisy
}e eitl(r s Doi}yDigitaisg_ala DIS sic_alora
standad PCMdigitalsoulee
!_ CoaxialDigitalinputs:Conr(cttl( coaxdigistl
audioout;xJfrs a DVDpi}}(r:HDrVreceiwr:D
pit/_}r:sat_ilia<receiwr:ct)le box MiliDisco}corJ(ror
CD)la/{:rtotxs( jtcks Px sig/aima/b( (it/er t
DoibyDigitalsignalDFSsic_alors £s_dardPCMdigital
s(xu(uDorot coxectt/( sd:digitaloutputofsr
I b pla}ur tot_(s( jacks
NOTE:rx d( aultsetdn9 {e the((io irlxt associat(d
wit/DVD istx CoaxialDigital input1 _ Ifyou
cunnectthet(idiooutputsofaDVDpitv(/to tx) x/
digitalor analoga(_diuj)ckc]a]g tie i_pu s(irg
ass/owl (}1pagelU
@ ACPowerCord:Cox ecttie ACpiugto tl
(l/ssitcxd A( walloutit
)_ (%d toi:}w(r t/y d(vic(youwisl tolavetuxd
onoroflat sa( ti( ts tl AVR]3) A/ydevice
co/l(ct(d o t/outi(t will}e oflwx/tl( AVR13)
isir_e Sta/dbyod( aid powerwillb( s(Ippfidto
tx oukt whentl( AVRI:',Oisturxd on
i_ UnswitchedACAccessoryOutlet:]his outlet
aybeusd topow({aryA} d(vice]h( powerwil!
( ailo/at thisoutlet(gardkssofwl(tl(r tl(
AVR130 iso_or of
iMPORTANTNOTE:]he toa[©ow(rcu/sumptJoHOf
alld(vi(us{onxct(dtotx acc(ssoryo(£i(s should
let (xc((d 100welts Donotcorrect'>ow(rs pli[i(s
orotl({ ligh c(flert drewQ(VK(Stot/(s( outi(S
i_) OpticalDigitalOutput:Co/ _(ct/is jackt] tx
atchirgdigitalaudioi i:}(tco//ectx onadigitai
(cord({ such)s aCDR or MHfiDisc(cord r
ateling digittlaudk}!/:}(t con/ectx o/a digital
((od(r suc/as aCDR o _,;i/iDiscr cordr
S-VideoMonitorOutput:Win yotHt kvisior
ofoth(rvideodisola/isqLilp}(d witl )/S Vid(}
_lp(taid youareusingatkastor( vid(oso(Jc(
withS Vid{oca)abilityconx(t thisiacktot/{ S
Vido irputor tl( vkJeodisplty
@ DVDS-Videoinput: f youire ro rT/akirg t
dile(tconn(ctk}/i,(:) ilk c} po/ ntvido oL£puts
ofyxu UVDpla}urt} a t(kvisio/ or otx{ vid(odis
pity cox ct tl( S Vid(ooutp(toftl DVDpia}urto
thisjack endthe/Tak( cer sil that th( S-Video
Monitor Output _) is also cot i(ct d as dsclibd
i_ Video1 S-VideoInput: f tl( xoductco/lect(d
toth_Videot AudioInputs_/a SVid(oc)pa
bilit/cot _(ctthisia:kt} t_ PLA'/iOU] SVideuj{_ck
o/_hst ufit andth(n rnskec({ai_thstth( S-Video
MonitorOutput_)isaisocollctd t dscibd
i_) Video1 S-VideoOutput:I tx sroduct
SVide(}ca}abilit/cot _(c hisia<ktot] s<ECilN
Video2 S-VideoInput: f th( }[oductco/lect(d
toilk Video2 Audio Inputs._/a S Vid(ocapa
bilJt/cot _(ctthisiack) t] PIA'JiOLJ]S Vid(oj_ck
o] _httulit andth(r mtke c({tainthattx S-Video
MonitorOutput_) isalsocoil ct d ts d scib d
_'_6-ChannelDirectInputs:Co]_ecttl( OLit©Htsof
t DVDAudk}orSACDplayeror s/o I({:xod(ictwitl
builtir sulticharr(i d(codi]g totxs( iscks
rxs( jacks_sv(beencokxcod(dasfollowsto
_SSlS(/aNi1rT/akiIg(O[(ct C/)/ XICOx((tio %
Fort (fi W/ite
C(/t(r Gree/
SuHouid (fi Biu(
Sllbwuof(r P(ir©i(
I_)VideoMonitorOutput:Co] xct thisiscktotx
composit(videuil:}utofa]V onitor ol video
proJ(ctx t} viewtl outputofany,,:a]dardrid{x}
_.,_DVDAudio/VideoInputs:Co/ I((t urx oftl(s(
jackstotie composit(vide(}andIiR tralogaudio
oupu is(s o/a DVDorotle vid(osou{((
NOTE:lie {(f (1;s(ttJ/gfort'/eaudioi/'>ut sseciatd
wilhUV_)ist]{ CoaxialDigitalInput1 !_ f you
coii(ct tx auJioout}us uf a DVD'_}layert} arother
digitalor s]alo'gaudiojack chsrg( tl( irsut (tti Yg
Video1 Audio/VideoInputs:C(:H_(ctxs(
Jacksto PLAY/OUTco posi_evdeujacksaid
il<audiojackson_VCRorotler vido s(xuc
Video1 Audio/VideoOutputs:Cotr(ct tlese
Jacksto1/RECORD/INPUTcop}sit( vid(oaid
/14audksjtck or tVCR
Video2 Audio/VideoInputs:Con_(c1th(s(
itcksto tl( PLAY/OUTco posit(vd(o aid iR
i_ AMAntennaTerminals:Cotr(cttie AMloop
anterras(r,})li(dwitlther c(iv£[_utheset(rrni_)is[
ar (x(rnsi AM)_t£n)aisu(d makeCOIIIIctJ}l t}
tie AMandGNDerrT/inals] accordar((wit] tl(
Hstructio/SSU!:'pli(dwit/tl( alt rna
FMAntennaJack:Co]lecttie auppli(dirdoo[o[
NoteonVideoConnections:Wxn conn(ctHga
sourcedevkxsucl ssaVCRDVDPlay(rcabk or
sat Ilit(s(t top boxorvid(oca( tuth( AVR(is(
(i xracorT/posit orSVid(o(o/l((tior or(a(i
il}tlt bu/otbotl
0 _ ,.[ , ILI_.._...(.t
DSPgurrourdMod Slctor
Chtnn(iS(k( _(Itt}/
S(t ButJol
41_ But£ons
Nu (/ic _(vs
7iulerMod( ButJ£}l
li,fir g tJpi[}ow/ BuU£}ns
Logi<_Sod( SkctBuon
lrackSkipd> }o,,,/""8,oI!s'
_Steleo _vgod()Sele(tor S_tlito_/
VoitlrT/( U}_)O,L,'II _(£to]
t..]_lllDh(t ]pu ButtoI
O IvhIt_
_I( ftlciol l_l (SSIOIJ! h£r( I (r to(_ICh
}uois f <Jtcu//(/(Is(d J,itl tl A/./I<i:',0
Mostbuto/s hsv(addftio/slflu]trio/sw/(n
(s(d witl o_(r devic(sSeepag(s:',I 32for
alistoftl(s( fu/(sto/s
li}rak it{askr (:1foilOWSlSt/{ iit/liltr ict[o/i. tlat
, ),
(er o IJ. lu ](/ ]H/}r(.(F rT/]y}.
( I )( .( ( I(. ((/( . II , _(I / (I
iMPORTANTNOTE:PI( AVR13Osr( (}i_rTlly)e
_uog[a edo cow(}lupt} svc/devices ildHdiig
tic A//i<13B Beforeushgt_ElerT/occ emberto
pi(ss11(InputSelectorButton_ tlst c(}lie
sponJstotie u/it/au wNI toopcrsteInadditiontic
/\VR13(}semoteiss_i'.}pcdflora1/ckdory toop(/
at(tl(/\VR130ald ostic(/tHa anKa/dol]
piodHctsrh reot Salsu(apa}lco{o}eist, ga
widevt ietyofolc/pro&Ice (silg tie co/trolcodes
t/ata/i;a(ofther( ok B(ioieusilgther( (}t(
withothe:xoductsrolbwt_( i_srwstionso/psges
27 29topiogls tic pr}pr codes;oltic products
il/a(I ..)strT/
t iSalsoirT/poitt/t t} [erT/rT/b(rthtt rT/anyurtie )tlt
tonso/tle c oteak ondifcrc/tflHcionsdcpc/d
ilg o/the :xoductselcctedIlsiIgtic DeviceCc}ltr}i
S I cois 111(d(sciptionsslow/hele i;[i arilydetail
t/( fro(this urth( ( (}t w/en itisilsedtoopeitt(
t/( AVR]tD (S ptges3] 22 forilrOUT/t%Iab(}llt
alt(rm( fHncio/sfort_( [erT/otSbu (}1!s]
q[_ PowerOffButton: P(ssi_g_is bLItts[1tLlrIS(if
(plats / t_eStandbyrT/od()t/( d(vic(t/_ washst
sckctedbypressing(}]coftic inputSelectorsq[_
1o#ac(lle AVR13Bi_lle S.aldbyrood(ricstpress
theAVRSelectorButton_ andtl(r pesst_is
q[_ IRtransmitterWindow:Rsintt/is wi_d(}w
_uwardstl( AVR13Bwhe/p[(ssi_gbuttonso/tl(
erT/ot_o rT/tkccertil tlat ill,arealco rT/tldste
pr}peiy ec ivcd
I_t ProgramIndicator:PIsth/e colo[indcttolis
usedt} guise},outh/ought/( proc(ssofprogls
Ing tie r( ote (S(( pages2X 29;ol idue atio/
(}l 'slogla Hlgtle C (:£i
t_t PowerOnButton:AftErs(iectinga d(vic o/
pr{ssIg(}l( ofth( InputSelectorst_1 prcsstlis
)tlttx totHllltic @,'iceOil R}ttllll 0/t_e AVR130
prss tl( AVRSelectorButtonI_t
InputSelectors:P[essi/go/( ofthese)utto/s
wiilpifouT]tlrcc acti(xsatthc ss (ti c ViIstif tic
/\VR13()islot t(r _edon thiswill'poweluptic u_it
N(xt itwiils(kct th( sourceshowl o/th( bl£onas
t/( inpHt1oth( AVR130 FilaJl/t willc/a/g( tl(
( (X(co/t/oisotlat itc(}/tr(}B /( d<vic(seleced
/\tcr DieselIgo/c ofthesebutu/s yourT/Llstpr(ss
t]( AVRSelectorButtont[_ sgamtoop(ra( tl(
/\VR13(Ysruldk}lswitl tl( (rT/ot
AVRSelector:Pessing_isbuttonwiilswill tl(
r(rT/O( SOthatitwillop rat(t_(/\VR13(}shHctJunsIf
tl( A//s<i3(3i il tl( S tld}y ode itwilltlsutul tl(
AVI_l;O o/
AM/FMTunerSelect:Pr(ssthisbt£xl 1os(kct
tie AVR1:£)sill:or astic iib:enilg choic Prcssilg
thisbut_wwle_% tu/crisaleadyi_usewillswitH
b(we(It/( A%Ls[d FMhalds
I_1 Dim Button:PRESSthisxlt(}[ toadNtt the
Di el Lmctiol]w/icl leduc(st/( biightl(ssoftl(
fio/t }and dispia}ol till Isit off(ntil I/ 7h(fiib;
pr(ssortic bl£onslowsthedcfsultstsk whic/is
fullbright_essT i_dicating])Tii [tE R FULL
tie LowerDisplayLine[] Pl{sst/( bl£ol agti/
withinfivese((}/dsto leducetie biJgit/ SSby5B%
ts iIdi(t1(d byDI MME R HAL F slowingintl(
LowerDisplayLine[] Pr(s thebt£ol!agsil
withil!fives(co/dsandhe ail displa7willgocorn
piet(iydaik Not(thtt tlis s(ttilg Ist( p(}ltl/ IIt/at
mgardkSsof anycha_gest_( dis}hywillalwsys
[tul/tofull brightlcsswhc/tlc/\VRistH//cd u/ /
tdditionboththePowerIndicator[] aid t/( hlu
sc(ut ligltinginsid(t_( volu( controlwillalwsys
[rTlSI_atfullbiglt](ss [gardlss oft_( seti_gr]is
istol i/dy(xlthtttl/WRisstilltilu(do/
lest Button:Ressthisxlto[ t} )egintl(
s(qu(leeus(dtocalibrat(i( i,,VR13Bsoutxlt kvds
(Secpages18 19fix soreiilue atJo/cxcalixati_g
!_) SleepButton:Resst]s }LlttO/ tu}lacetie LH1it
lit/( Sk p }de/\!tel le i ( ')IO/ / inI{ dipBy
tl AVR130_illaut) aicallyg}into _eSa]d}y
rT/OdCEaclWcssorthebutb] cha[gs ic HHI
tlI/I oflil tl( iolk}wilg(}dc[:
r_9 9_ 89_ 7o_ 69_ 59
rrln ml_ mlrl rrln mm '1
2r-" ._, ._, ._,
min min min '1
Noc t_atw]c] tic Skc} ftHc%] isill Usetic dis
piaywilldi o lalrbigltl(ss 1INxltol istlso
scicctEds_dit isslsousedtouKJtheprocessof
(Jestinga acloco alld (S(Epage28kx oe
I_1 DSPSurroundModeSelector:PRESSthisbut
to] to',clecto]c oftlK BSPs(i/Ioulldod( s(icl as
VMAxIiallol ]l(at(r acl pr(ssoft/( button
s(kcts t/(}t/(/ ()de(Seepag 22 i(}lor( ilhx
NOTE:F_ESleepButton_ a_dDSPSuuound
ModeSelectorI_1 mayalsofu[ctio/ astl(
C/alnel _lid keyswlKi tielrnot ispro
gra reedi(}1tlsewitl]Vs ctbleboxesVCRssat(lilt(
uceNeIs(x(}tIc{videodcviceswithuleIs Sccpeg
29 forilhxmatio/oll_;(}gra llgtheremot for
C/ailel Co/t]oiPulc/11 r(xlgl capa}ilitysothtt 7ou
mayc/angec/a/iclso/asc}aiat devicewlcl tic
u otcisi[ A/,/i<mod(
li_ NightModeButton:Piesst)is bH:o]to acti
vet(th NightrT/od]Ills }de isavaJh)l i[ sp(ciall/
/coded digiti soucs u prcsc/vcdialogue(c /to/
(lar r(l} irt lligibili_},tt lowvohlm(Ivcls
ti_ ChannelSelectButton:]]is bt£u] isusedto
ssrltie plocess(};scttJ]gt_eAVR]3()soHtputlevel:}
a) (xsr ]siSOLHC(O]C(tlis }ut;o_ispi(ssedus(the
.Air ButtonsI[_ toselecttl( c])Hel }e,g a(¢1£
cd tic] x(ss tie SetButton![_ folbwcd}vtie
,Air Buttons_ sgainto( _s]get_( I(vds(tt,g
(So '.}age2Bfo ol il!urrT/atJol!}
![_ .Av Buttons:]hes( Tulti©ur}osebuttu]sa_(
ilscdtoc/also co/rigulatiolscttilgs su(/as (xl }ut
I(vdsW_(_chs_gi[g s_itemsuchasth( sur}u _d
modeo digialinputdirediy fire:piesstie ruictio/o[
modeu b( cl t/ged(eg pi(sstheDigitalSelect
Button_[_ t} cm]ge thedigitsiin}ut aid t_(_ixess
thishtlt(}nt} sclollh/ougitl( lis!ofavailabkcloic S
SetButton:Fib '}uric}] isHsedtoenters t_i[gs
int} tl(/\VR 13(Ys (rT/oryt iSalsoHsedinth(
sctu:}:xc}cedu[esic}[delayirT/( s',}eakucc}_figu[stic}_
endcha_ci out}utlvl ac!ius cd
@ _1_"Buttons:r/(ss x£ons st( lot usedit}
operatorcolfigue(](/\VR l:Os s(trigs xRtlK_
ac tlscdaspal o tic Iavigadc}nsystemforotl(r
d(vicesyourosyop(rat(witht/( ( o( st£hasDVD
pia#ls vid(odi playsandca}l( orsa(lilt(s( top
boxes(Se pages28s/d ?.0 :'.2ro rT/oreinrouT/sti(}[
DigitalSelectButton:Presstlis hilt(}nt}
tssgn o/( oft/digital il xlts_[_1['[_'_ t}/(
soulccctwc/tiyi/use (Scc'3tgc23ic:)rT/O[iItc:)
mato/on ushgdigitali/:suts)
![_ Numeric Keys: ties( }Htt(}nss(rv as a tel
btIU}/ [IHrT/11(keypadto ent[ tu_crprcwt po itiolis
rile}' ace)l',o usedt} ',elect c Jan]ei [!tl }er_,who/
lV 11)sheel1selcctcd o] the rc oc o[ to scicct tltck
lu b(rso/a(D DVDor Dplayld(p /dilgol
how the I otc hasue/progl _rT/rT/d
TunerModeButton:PrEsst/S butIo/ to{:lane(
t/( tHli[ od( bctwe nanal _nd_utem_tic.t_hn
tic }uttenisprosscd sothatAUTO sppais atthe
kft sideuft/( LowerDisplayLine[] e/lystatJo/s
wit_acceptabksig_alquail},willb( tu_edaridt_
tu/c{will }h7VMstatkxs i_streo wlenavailableh
t/( AUT O rT/od(W/(/tl( TuningUp/Down
Buttons_'_q_) arcpcagedtic tllit will tut} tti
caHysearchfix th(n(xt tvaila}1(statio/ witl qoed
sig_aistre_gthWho/1/isxtto_ isix sscdsothat
ii ANUAL s}pesrsontm kfi sid(uft_eLower
DisplayLine[] e_c_prss oft_ luning
Up/DownButtonsF_'_l_i_wilinov( t/( f(qu( /(b
upor<Jowlinsi/gl skpircl m(/toWh(r tl FM
)old IsInuseprosangtlis but£o/ soflat tic
iIA NUAL ed( s activatedwiliulabicyoc1otul(
statie/swilhw(aksigltis )/c/a'lDng to)/aural
cc ptio/ {Seepage2 felor( iIRxmatio/
_) DirectButton:W/(/tie tune[ISIILS( pr(55
t/s butte/ t} sta/ttie s(qu(Ice fordLct (ntiy o{a
stttio/s fl qu<Icy Aftr pr(ssingtl }utel!si }iy
presst_( nm'p(rNumericKeys_ to sled a_
tJo/iSc page25;el morein;er a%/el tie truer)
uset/toe but_u/swillur( unur dow/th/okJg/ tie
select(dfleguer(y}_/d Ifth( TunerModeButton
li_t"FJ los }eenpress(dSohat th(wed AUTO
app(a/sil tie LowerDisplayLine[] 'pressiig
tit/crd tile bute/swillcausetie tulectoseektile
lexts_atJo/ wit/a(c pta)lesig/ti stie/gtl forqutii_y
rec(}tie/ Whentheweid MANUAL app(aisnth(
LowerDisplayLine[] hi(sangtl(se blltel!swill
trinestationsir si_gk£cp i_cu c _ts{Sccpaqe25
k}ree ilfelmatien)
MacroButtons:Presst/coobuto1!st} stst'.e[
ectila Macie w/el !saprcxogls rT/dscque/c
d CO andss(ord i_tie c ot (Sccpage28f(x
ee illun ark}/o/;axi/g aid ncalhg a(res)
DolbyModeSelectButton:[]is butk)]isus(d
Stro W]c_s DdbyDigitalencodds(xHccisi1 lie(
tic UelbyDigitalode ay tiso bcsckct d (Scc
page22felt/( tvailabkDel)ysuleul!drned(
t_(AVR130willaut) aticallysel(ctDISprocessrg
w/c/the digittiaHdk)inputseue s t DFSdata
Logic7 ModeSelectButton:Piss this}Htlu]
tosccict1,3 arT]o_gt_c_vaih)l I(xjl( 7 surreHnd
nods (Seenagc22 foravailable[ugk:7 options)
TrackSkipUp/DownButtons:P_se }utors
lay( ]o dLct iHr(tio_wit] % AVR130 }ut w_(r
Hs(dwit/a cempsti)lypreglsmmedCUe ]VU
( /t/g(r: tley willc/a'lg( tl( tltck orchtpt(/of th
dis((allc_tlybeingi:lsycdII tl cmrgr
TransportControls:rhea butto]sdoro ]ave
t/y fu/c%nsfortheAVRi20 buttley a7b( nio
gra (d fort/( forward/(v(/s( %7 opera%/ofa
wid(vali(tyofCDor bVDphy(rs aid tudio ol video
casst_c[ecorder_,{So pag 29k)[ rT/orcJ[IoI 8%1
o/piogrammilg he ]ianspedCelt el Pmcl r/ioug i
StereoModeSelectButton:Pros tlis buten
toIcta...:c{o pl@bscko@ Whc]_hc)uton is
pressedsothst DSP SURR OFF app(a/si]tl(
LowerDisplayLine[] t_(/\VRwilioperakn a
by}sosrnodcwitl tiucfullyaralegi;i} c/a[!]ci
I(fiilig]t stereo{}de witl nosllrrellndpioc(ssingor
bass a/agern(it asep)es(dto ot/(r (:des wlefe
digitai) ecessngisusedWhenth buUu/ispleased
sethatSURROUND OF F )pp<as intie Lower
DisplayLine[]/ou rn%,_ey t i;i} cmn]ci pros
Itatio] oftl souldaio]g witl tic belefitsefbass
rT/sn@ cnt W/cltl( )ute/islxesscdsothatS
CH STE RE 0 appealsthestere sig[siismuted
toallfivespeakersif ilstsiled{S(<page22k)[ ore
iflormatk:_[o1skr(e piay)a(krned(s}
I_) DTSNeo:6ModeSelectButton:Piss t]s
butsl O'.(i(6t ti)[SMe(}rT/od( [/(S( ed S
takea (woclalllCi st(leo el strix surou/d
u(oded seHrces/d or(at( a% fly( 6/a//(I sou/d
fi(Id (S(( nag(P2fortl( tvaihbl DISNo6
DiscSkipButton:[]is buto] ]as]e direct
fmlctio/ % he/\VR 130 }Litw]l tlscdwitl t corn
patJbi}_pregrt edCD(x DVDchtng(/it willc/ale
tie disccllrr(/tlyb(Jlg piay(dil tie changer{S(
page28 el ore inlOUT/a%]en_si]gth [ rT/ot
witho_r devic(s}
_) PresetUp/DownButtons:WI(_ _( u_e[isi_
H( nressh(se x£ol]s to scrolltBeHght_e',ratio_
pregls m d ,to tl/\VR 13Osern(xy W/(n serT/(
seuc d(vics sl£hasCDpiayisVCRsa/dcas
s(tt d(cks ar s(kct(d Heinethed(vceInput
Selectors_ tl(s( but_ol!s a7%(tiel ts
ClearButton:Presstlis )Ht_u]toel(atircorrect
(ntis w]e_usingt_ei(rnot__udi_(ctl/ml aradio
MemoryButton:Pressthisbtlto/to entuaradio
statio/ irtetl( AVR13Uspi(st rn( or_Firstiure tl(
desindstatb/ t/d t/([ prostlis xltt)/ W/([!b,o
c _dedi_(indicatorsflashst le rightaid(e tie Upper
DisplayLine[] ixess% ruuic k(ysfort_( :x
s(tru b(rbt/((n0i tnd:OtlatT(xlwislto
assgl tstlc ststio/witIll fivescolds (So pag PS
k)l rT/orcilik)l atio/}
DelayButton:Presshis butt}] to}cglr
t]epro(cssforset, gtl dchytimesHs(dbyt]c
/\VR130 who/pioccsslngSHHom!dsend £tl
pmssHgtlis }Httonthedelayties se (nkr(d }y
pmssHgth( SetButton_ ad t_enushgtie
_/_ Buttons_ 1oc/s/g( tie setJlg Peas
th( SetButton_ again1oco}let tic pre(ass
{S(<pag 19for ore irfe[ atk)]_
SpeakerSelect Button:Pr(sstlis xtto) to
)cgi/the Ixocessd colfiguliIgtheAVR13()s bass
snagee]t syatcmfe ca( with s},p(ofspeak
({stlg(dilyou[ syg(rT/ DIG( tl( hilt(3[ has )e([
p(seed us( tm Ai'_" Buttons_ to s(lectthe
c mnn(Iyouwis] to setup Peastie Set Button
andt/el sdect a/oh({ (ha/id o c(xfigu_(
Whcl ailsdJust e/tshavc be<Ice plecd Fxess
th Set Button_ _,ii(ato (xit t_( setingsaid
retu[/ (o /or al epcuste i (S(cnagc16fol rT1e<
ilfoi It31!}
SpareButton:his buto_doesrot/svc any
furctienfortie (@rationefth( AVR130 xlt itis
availtblefor us( w/(n piega{ (d will th( code
ire slo lel (moe {Se pagePi forinkx a%l
ellpregls rT/llgtlc e etcwitl(od(s e o KI
VolumeUp/Down:Piss t_(s( x£ens 1o[abe
o/leweric sy£ernvelurnc(Scc}sgc 29for rTloI
HkX 8tio/(xl preg[a mllgtlc VoiHmcPu[ch
llrougl capa}ilit_ofth( lerT/ot(whkl aHewsyouto
changethAVi<i3Usvoiu cwhiktlc i etciss(t
te (c_ltr(}l aletler doric( }
TV/VideoSelector:llis }[itt()[1de(s11ohave)
diie(tfll/c ieno/t/(/\VR 13Ubutw/en us(dwi/a
compatiblypregl) m dVCRDVDorstellik [e((ivcr
t/tt hasaWiVid(e fil/ction ',}(sang_lis}uto/will
switchbet/co/ Ic eHtpHtO tic nlaT(ror [ecqvu
aid tie cxteu!alvideoilput1oflat plaTerCensHIttic
ew/us alusi for/uu{ sp(qficphyu or ccdv<rf',)[
th( d<oilsoflow itirnpkm( /tothisfu/(tien
6-ChannelDirectInput:Pis', thi', )Litk//tL/
selectB co ]N( Itce/l(ct d t3the6-Channel
Directinput_'_astB a@ies@rce'!@ thtt w/(/
/ULIWiS/t} uset/( @Cia II(i Di/ecthputin co!iunc
ti<Nwitl avido seuu: ysurnu'<firstselectthevkJ(e
souuse)y p[(ssIg(}/( oftileinput Selectors
_h(n xessthisbL@Nt} Clees(tile6-Channel
_) Mute: Rss t/is buttN to HSH@t@vsilence
t/( AVR]30 el IV s(t }eilg centiolkd d( } /dingol
w/ic/@vice Iss bet e(l(<t(d Win theAVR130
isuted piesst_isb(tte/(x LJs(t/( Volume
Control_r_l_D to(tu//to tie pl viousvoiu(
l(vl WheltleAVR 1301emoeisbei/g}rega (d
u;op(rakt/etl(r devic(orw1(18 8CU}corT/rT/aId
is'}engprogls ed thebtSo/i puss(dwit/tf/(
input SelectorButton_ tobgi/th( ixoglm
lllg ple((ss (S(( psge2Y;e rT/oeiltel aiel (:)l
ploglarT/rT/ilgtl(( o( ]
System Installation
i,f(I ulp,xkixj tl( uni IxJ pla(ixj it{31aelid urfax
(apa)k (51<41F}pei/(] it ,/q(jlt/uu williuede rTlak(
I c)/ledks/',tu 7oultude t/d vide(}(qulpm(I
Audio Equipment Connections
V,b Itt youu',( lig/qualk7intcrcomcxt
ct)is whe/rT/akilg ce/l(t i(511se selIK eqllli; ( /t
anl (cerd((ste plsrw t_ ilt(gfity oftl sigMs
WHeNrT/skilg coIM(clollstoaudioseulc((q(ilpTellt
er spetk(/sitisalwaysa geodprattle(teurplugtl(
ulit floratie ACwallautl( 7hisnrev{itst/y }ossibil
it}'efaccid(/toNysendingsude ertrtr!si( itsisitlsto
tx sp{ak(rstlat ayda ag tl(m
I Cenxc th(tntk5goutput(5ft CDpl@r totx
NOTE:Wxr tie CD'ph(r losbetl fix(daid vai
ableaudeeut}utsitis}est tousetl( fix(d (5utsut
u/kss 7eufild thattl( ilput totie (c(Jver issolow
t/at tie sou/disrelayor soligl tlat tl( siglaiis
2 C(5rI(c th(aralegPlaT/Outjtcksoft case(it(
deck MDCDRe o_er audiorecord(rtotx ]ape
inputJacks_) Cox ect(healaiogRecord/ijtcks
ontie rec(5d<rtotl( [ape OutputJacks_) o/tx
; Ce/_ec I( (xtputof anydigitalseulc(st(3%
app(epuat( iiptlt c(5 x1(ctk}lIS Oil/e AVI( 130 leSl
panelNet( thatth( Optical_ndCoaxialDigital
Inputs _)(_)i_]_] rT/a7)e us(dwitl a Delby
Digitaier DTSs(xice suchssa DVDplayere tl(
el@tltofaconv(rtJelalCDe IDnlay{rs PCM
{SiP [)F)outpct
4 Celled tie OpticalDigitalOutput_) orCoaxial
DigitalOutput_) oiltie r(t paleloftl( AVR13(}to
th( ti@ilg digitalilputcol x(tk}/s (5/aCDR or
A%(rT/bktl1(AM eepAir(ira supplidwithI{
u/i soMal_l 1t) a % boomo ar(ll,/Ioop
srtpirtu hoksin thebast Corr di k5/{AM
6 Collect t/{ suppliedFMant(hitte tileFM
Antenna(75ohm) Connection_ 71( FMait( /la
rT/_7abe )t _/(x(rll_l Ion _llk/_a ,]11illsid()},/
KxJel ,iil k>ad_11(/ltolat(51 I(ctJoIle a
cabl(7V%,'q hX thatif tit t/knl!a er c(5/l(c
tielluses3DDohmbh leadcs)l 7oH Lie(t_(
300e/to 75elm adan_(rsuppiidwitl tx u/itto
rT/tk(tl( (e/_ (tie/
7 (,o//ect tit (5/c{lit(r al!d $Lirr(51llidSpeaker
Outputs (_)li_ to t/< (sp{div{ sp<ak(rs
In( /surethatallth( tlldiesiglalsor( ctrri(d t3your
s5ak iswit/outlessofclarity(x resolutionwesug
g(stthatyoulie(/igl qutlits,s}eakelcabi( Mt/y
brandsofcabl( areavailablelid _1(cheic(of cabi(
mayb( inqti(]c(d b7 tlx distal(( betwei you
ss{akus and1/e(c(iver; thetyp( ofspeak(reyou
us( peiso]afi;r(ic(el((s aid etxr actors Veu_
(l(aleror in£silerissvaklabl((s(5uK( te((}/silt il
R{gar(ll(ssoftlx bandofcablesdeded we(co
rand thtt yelllls( acaskconstrcct(deffine multi
s_;ald{eppewi!'/ gug( of 4o smalleR( (rT/be
tlst inss(cifyi_gca}l( t_( lewmtl( hum}el t/
thickertx {abl(
Ct)ie with t go@ of 16 ay b( lIEedfor s/oft u/s
o i(%thtl (/f{t W( do x5tuco(/dtlttyou
lls( cabks wit/t/A/(G equivtient ef 18 or/igher du
to/{ i;ow(r lessa_dd(gmdatJe/J_ p(dol al(( tlat
Ca)leatlat _r(]tlninsidewallss_euldh_ve1_(apple
pntt( rT/tkilos 0 indicat(lie:JigwiBtJ CSAer(5tl(r
tppu5pritt(ksmlgas( Icystt/dardEQuestionsab(511t
Icmng ca)Is i_sid(wallssleuldb( I felledtov(5ul
iletoileror alicensedel(ctricalcontractorw/e iEhii
imwitht_e NSCandiertx appikabkfecalbuildirg
W/(/COIiIXctiligWiUStOtie sp{ak(rs }( c{Itsi/to
Oi}seIvE pr(5Del p(51arit__Ei?ierT/bel t(5C(5_/(IECiiilE
I(gttiv( orblack wiletstl( sam{tel i/al en
beththereceiv(rarxlx sp ak(r theAVR130
((51k51s totie CA ucomm(Id(dc(5kxcediIg%
s}eakelt(/mintls A(coldi/glytl( }ositJve{} (rrT/i
Ill w/oh was}levKsusiyud Islew t sp(cificcolel
toasset7eui_aki_g % coruct(eHediens your
s}eakelslay celorcodedcenn(ctie/smtt(itl(
tel inalel theAVk>13()totie lib t(rrT/inalo/yecil
s}eakmsVorxi£J_gssakrswit_aredt(r hal
fortl( posJtiv(coxlecti(51tl( (ex((%ls o/tx
AVR130 au ts k51k5ws
bu5/t fl Whit FeltRiglt Rd
{_( /(x = 6lot/
Suuound{f} Blu{
Whii( m(5st sb{ak(r ia/skctNrEP, ad/EIO o tl
in@sayCOllV{itJ(xlofusilgblackt r ilafsfe nest
tiv{aid redorles_(5rpesitN(s(5m(rnart£ctlx(rs
mayva/ytic tlis cenfigu/ttien'o ensu/pu)}er
phts( andepti alp(r(5r tic( ceisulttheide/tifica
tel 'plat(ol yoursp(akeror th(sp(ak(rs rnandalo
verifypoladty /au do/(5 klowt/e x%ritv efv(5u
sp(ak(r;ask7(xxd(alerlot advc }(ie( pu5c(dirg
W( aloeuce m(id thattl( i(i gthof ctbk us(d
tece/ictsp{ak(/pairsb ide/tcai For(xarnpi(
lls tile StrTUlengthi:i(ce ofctble to con/ectt/
fentief sndfloltrigltolsulleundleta/dsm
leundliglt s}(tkrs ev /iftl( speakrs tu t
diMr{/tdista/(( i'e tl AVR1;D
8 C(51ili(ctJe/t(5 a sLibwe(51(r ale Kxmtily i8@ via
t lillelevelaudioten I(ctienW5 tx Subwoofer
Output0 e tilt lix kvl i]ixl o a<,un,x5ekr_ith
s )uilt i1 SrT/plifiI Wh(l a5assiv subwx)krisused
tl( coxxctie/ fiI,Lgo(stoa p(5w(/am'pli%r;wlich
will}e ((51i(ct(d tooneor rT/elesu}we(5fersp(akus
Ifyeutie usilgt peweledsu}w(50felthtt do(slet
hay{fin( levelilxlt ((51i(c%ns folk5wtheils:llx
to/s krnisxdwit_th( sp(akerforcox(4e _
Video Equipment Connections
Vide(} ( U/Iii;rT/C/t i', t ()lllX!{ted il t/( <,arT/(rTn / x r as
iudo cErnro'/e/t,A(jsil tkscsi of/igPc]c,>li('_I/{(reol
IiC{ C1TilESl IECOfT/rT17!dEd o _Jre fVEJc/lll q(}lk 7
Aitleug/air cerT/pati}levfd(odevic rT/ty)e col!
I(cted t} anyvid(e i_pu(x eutxlt teake progrs
rT/ilg d<vi(( cod(silto th( e et( co/troi( _sler;we
ucomme/dthtt 7ellcenn(ctyourVCRor DVD
ucold(r(51ap(rsenalvid(oi corder(PVR)t} th(
Videot AudiolVideoandS-VideoInputsi_i_
yotH_d(vilolltox Video2AudiolVideoInput
_)_'_ aid s,(xHcabl(7Veel or(( (51',at(ill(
uc{iv{[to tl( Video3Connectors_"lP'_
1 Connecta VCRstudJoaridvideoPhyiOutjsckso
R(cerdilnjacks3/th( VCRshouldbeconixctedto
2 Cenn(ctl( a _siogsudiea_dvideo(xltputsofa
t(ievisienset(51a/7olin vide(}soul((i() tic Video2
Audio/Videoand S-VideoJacks _)._
3 Coil(or tl( antlegtudio aid vide(}(511tputseft
cablerv (o/v(rt [ orsateilit(((iver; orsly ether
vid(eseLirc tetie Video3 JacksI_'lP'._or tl
4 Cello( I( i(fYrigltanlog audbeutputse a
DVD{x hsr discphyertot_ DVDAudioInputs
Corld I( ce pesJtevideooLit}utofyour
DVDnhy{r k} tl( DVDVideoInput_._orth( DVD
players SVideooutputto t/{ DVDS-VideoInput
@ Hewev((ifyourDVI)phyeraid vid(e dis}by
}ot] suppodcorn'.x)}(ntvd(o yousleu[d mak(
Wh(r adigit)l audio(u}_r(ctkx isus(dferyoH
DV[)play(<tie demit ten/eerie/is I( Coaxial
Digital Input1 Jack 0 liow(verhe cenc(;tio/
ay alsobead( tooilyof (/e OpticalO_ cx
Coaxial O_ Digital Inputs ',x} kad ha
6i{!itallll}Li XI{(( ',(](Jeli (/tl/j(6 a/e,iI ol
ForDVDplayerswit] DVDAudioorSACDslaynci<
(;apabi!itycerr(ct the6 c/an(] li/e ](vdtudio out
putso the6-ChannelDirectInputs_ WI(/you
wisl t}/(ar th( )VD Audieer SAC[}playbackfirst
selecttie DVDIlnut e/:/(/\VR il erd((tostied th(
vid(osigrtl fernle DVDplay(r:tie1 sl((t tl( 6
Cen/(c tl( digittitudieeutputsofa DVDpiay({
satdlit(receiv({co}i( bexorIIDWco/v(r efotl(
6 Cer_(( tl( VideoMonitorOutput_)_js(:ks
enth ceiv(r tot]( compesiter SVid(eilnutof
Power Connections
Fhi',(Ini i ccmipp(6_itht/e ac{ el/A eutlt
may}e usd top}w(r scc(ssoryd vic(s but
tl(y s]euidlot b( usedwitl ]igl cuue/tdraw(qu!}
inertsuc]as'pow(rampiifiusFie toai i;ew(rdraw
to{a() eutietmaylet {xc((d 10(}wstls
r/( SwitchedACAccessoryOutlet_) wili14ceiv(
pow(ronlyw/entheunitison rhisisr co m /d_*d
fordevicesthat/ave non}wers.,vitc/ era m d mk;al
pew(rswitd tlat a}, b( Ifl i_t_( ON p}sitio]
NOTE:Manyaudiotndvid(e productsgoilk_t
Stald)yodewl(It](y tie us(dwithswit_]d out
I(s t]d colic b( filllyturr(d el usirgt]( outlt
)kx( withotJtaIOrT/ot{ce/trelcomrT/alld
rh( UnswitchedACAccessoryOutlet_ will
ecqv( peweraslergastic unitisnlugg(dilte t
biitily whelallten i(ctJer!sa/{ ce }lHuplugtl(
PowerCord_] i_tos nor switded120veltACwall
oul( Your alrT/es((ady to(riey tl( AVR130
Co oit( anlS Vi(£!okjlal a},e/iy }t!vi(w<}d
it! theJ/]ativ<formtts Fie/\VR130 will/o (o/v(r
sIglaJsir(}m CO )osJt(toS Videoorvic(vesa
$ Vid(einputsay only)e vi(wedwl(n tie
/\VR13(}isten/(ct(d toa 1Va(t er vid<odis}h},
wit/S Vid(ocapabiliiy you(Is(bol sttndard
sy.£emitisira©ora/t tlat yeucollect )oth a{/
g Vid(ocs)l aid s standardcempositvideo
cable(a(etx ct}le witl t/RCA pluge/bet/
(_ds} }eb(er lle AV:<I1'.0md/aur ]V or ixo(;
terWh(/it s nec{ssarvte ake bet/typ(s of
co/rectio/sto},oulIV ad (Is(diflere/tirputsi[
possibi(Cen%ltt/( ilstelctie/sforyeu/ FVsetor
prqi((stefor rT/oeilte[ 8Je[el {e/Ic{tilg betl
W/([I a]Jaudie vid(o t/d sy,£(T colin((}tio[Ishay(
bel! Tad( /el( tf a f(wco/guratier a{!jtistrT/eilts
that ust )e ade A f(w rninut s sp(/t to ceue{tJy
<el gcr( tld (;alibrat t/( unitwillgn atJyaddto yeu/
list ni/g ex',}(i1(/(a
Speaker Selection and Placement
rh_piw,(m Hef 'txnkm i/a multk/a/ i(I lerT/
t i(atersy£erT/canItv( a /oticeab[(impado/t/(
quslit/ef seu/drepfodu(:d Noatt({ whichiv:}(or
bia/d e s)( sk(iss tis(d tie sam(rT/od(JO[bIa/d
of speak(/SIeuld)e usedferth( l(fl i,ent certer
andigltfe/tsp<ak(/s Fhiscr(atesae(a I(ss
fo/t seu/dstagea_d(liminatest_( possibilityofdis
t a<tirgSellic diStlld) tlIC( s that(}COIl w/e/a S(}8 Id
rT/ev(ssc[ossrT/iSaEl(d 7'o[t (hal I(i s)(akus
D p rdi_gan },peofcert(r clanndspaku ir
uses/d yourviewirg devicepia{( t_e(a /tersp(ak({
qtl(r di(diy a}ov( or)dew },eurFVe il 1/( (a /t(r
O/c( i( ce/t(r chtnnds}akr is /stall(dpesitie/
tit leftfro/t aid igltflo/t s}ak(iseet/atthey t(
_sa_aw_y[[(}rT/ el( t11ohe[ )s th( c([t{ c/)/lel
sp(tk(r isfromthepr(f(u(d liste/i/gposiSeI d(all/
tie fio/t d anteisp( skerseleuldb( pis(ad sofiat
tl(Jl twe(t(rs_( re ee tlls[124' a}ov( or }elow
tl( i/ie(tc 11t/( (a it({ (;ha[i(1s}(ak(i
D( }e/di/g or t/( sp(dficaofyeurreorT/acou',:ics
srdtl(tTp( ofsp(sk(/siluseyou a7firdthat
irT/agugis irT/IXov(d}yrT/evinqhe leffre/t aid ight
felt s}(ak(rs slig/tlyfowa/deft/( <ent(/c/s/n(i
speakerIf possi}l<ahtlS alli,o/t leuds}<akersse
thattit 7 aleairT/<dat<a I(iglt wl(r youae s<at_d
ir t/( list(firg pesitio/
LJsiIgtile<.(guide (s veu'ilfindt/at ittabs so(
xpri (ntttJone fildtie ceu(ctiocatienfort/( _,)/t
sp ai<rs!n7ou })rticula/iistallatie/ [)(}it b( ailaklto
rT/OV<t liIgs) }(IId untiltie <,ystcrT/5etII1dscell((;t
Opti ize/aurspeakusSofiat atdiotra/sitJo/ssaos<,
th( fie[Itoft/( rx}m se/illdSrT/oetha[IdthatsoilIda
No allsp(akusspp(arte arliv(sttit Bte/irg pea
tio/st tie sam(time(witlcutd(hy Fromtie (;enk}r
sp(ak(/<e pa(dtoth( I(tald igltsp(ak(rs)
Surreuid sp akersshoukJb( phc(d el th( <,id(walls
oftie eem tt or siigitJ7 b( /i/d tile li<.tlingpo<.iion
Fiec( /tc_rofth( ep(ak rshouldfa(airto tit eo
thes}(akus s/euldb<iecat(dsothattile }etkxnof
tit cabineti<,atleastt/o feet_igh(r_an _( Iistuere
(arswl(/tl( list(lusae s(at(dir i(d(siedaea
Ifsidewail euIti/g islie practicalth( ep(ak srT/S7
b<:}la(ado/a (a wail}elind t/( ii..:enhgpesitio/
No more
than 24"
Left Front Right Front
Speaker Speaker
h_wTY.SWt<,o' kuai S_monPiqocfoi
TV or Frolecbon Sc+ees
Le#Fmn t CenterFronl RighlFfo_
Speaker Speaker Speake r
No more Lha_ 6feel
spearers are used
Opbonal Reaf WallMoun_ng
/£_//_Od;atTi/£_?bot;,ePi7t/_oD/t }lid ee'iTt
t/_, Sob',_l/;OS_IO/tul/_o l@wu_q5t,ehW YdU
,,,_At least 6 inches from ceiHng
At least 2 feet
Agail tile',.,should}( IoctkxJsoflat tit bato of
t_((abinetisati(astwo f((t ]igl(r thantit li<,k}_
(re (are 11( sp(akerss/eukJ}ere ee tlar six
f((t }elind t]( tar oft]( s<atirgares
rna7beplacedal os any,ih(r( i_a[eom Adual
plat( eiteltxiId )ebas(do/ eemsize_nds/a}e
tnd I( i},'.} ofsubweef(rus(d Oil( (tiled offi/d
ire tileoptimaliecatio/for a eu}weef(risto}(el/ }y
phd/giti/tlefe/teft/( ee a}outslx_/(;/s
f(x a wail orI(I1tit {eli ce[/el oftit reom
A/etler re(hod i<,to emportrilyi;ltc( le su}weef(r
tt yournor ailist(firgpositionaid tit/wtlk
)routd tit reerT/u/ill yeufird s spotw/tie tit sub
_eek{ ',e(l/d',}is Pla((Iic .,u}/eef(r i/tie 'tx:_t
Yous/ouldalsofellowtit ir structio/sof sub
week{s rT/arltlfs(t/li(r()1youay wishto(xp({i
rT/(litwitl tit b(<,tIotaJetfe[a sd}weoerir your
O]cetl( spakershaveb(_phcedi]t] mot aid
((}[l[1(ct(d tit [( aifirg st(ps ul tit setLip',}ec(<,s
se o preg_arn
t( for tie t/p< of sp(ak(r<,us(d ir },ou/syste
<ali}ra( t_e out'auticy(is a_ds(t tie delayti<<.
tls(d by tit stlrre( /d s(}tl/d pfo{(<.<.er
Youa[ low readyte')ew(ru} tit AVR130te b(gu
tits( firal t(!just ( Its
1 Plugle PowerCord@ irte a/u/swit(;/(d AC
2 Pr(sstie Main PowerSwitch[] ir untilit
S,Vik/ disapp(arsi/aid t/i,o/t }t/el Net fiat
tie PowerIndicator[] willur arber
ildkatJlgtlat i( u/it isir I( Staldby(:8<
: R( evetie pret(ctive}hsticfilmflo tit i,e/t
pandI(]s IfI(ftinpia{( itwilla;t((t t_( pr
4 In<.taHtie tBee sup}ii(dAAAbat(rite i__(
r rT/etasS/ownB( cedailtefeibwt/( {
s_d( )peisri_},indicatorsthatat( or tl }otlo
Rir/tlx AVRi:B {)/{iixr by }r<SSH1tl(
SystemPowerControl[] o/th( front}sxi
0 oranyoftheinput Selectorst[_0_]_
o_/theremete1hePowerIndicator[] '/viiitum
bhu_toconfirmthattheunitison andthefr(}ni
System Setup
11i{AVR13(}fatal a/ tdvalicd c ervystm
/a {ntbk voHtoc t}lihdffcurt(enfilLations
f(}[ :/( }ass rT/al!a](rT/(i digitali1pu;urroa_d
ed{ aid Ol]}a I,..',l forcad il:}ll sela{C P/is
fkxi)iliy {nabk; ,!cxltoca;ternt_iloltu .ii_yInshk/
}_UlliIs(e[ to {){/;(}H{{{ aid ;/t',( tx BVB 130
( oriz( los( s(ttilg _lis <_ls for (xarT/pl(
/at _VOllrT/av,ll'( di {1{11 rT/od(' or ()lltFsHtI(_,(['
andrim;fordic/{[ seur(u;V'.ix/hc Is;;
,,a[!aqcrT/{/Syst(rT/ ,: )
I .c. ChxJ{pcr!dcrtyellrT/S}
/I( (..difeK / SF}(_k(_.{o /i('tH_tio/'s/d {ro"o (_..
, f , I
/ f C./I la /c.c.tIc.c.st r{./r.rT/t(c.
1(. II )[ FTI) I(./I L(. [ .(.tl(.( I (. I(.,(U _ (.(.(.
]lle fact(}ryd(ftdlt setingskx tl( AVR130/tve tli
irputsculflgLludfolans/alogsourcc(xcc for
DVDilpu whi(/[!as I( CoaxialDigitalinput 1
asx 6{:kult)logic _Masicsstl( suuound(}d(
w/(I s/al al(}ger PBMdigitalsoulc(is[I use all
sp(ak(rpesitie/ss(te small ar!Js sll}w(}ofo[on
iccted Bcfc}casilgtic ulit yecwiilprobabiywalt
toclang tile settilgsforest i i:}atssotlat t/ey ale
pro'pedycolfigLlud tocIcct thcas<ofdigitsior ant
legi_putstilety_;cufsp akcrsintailedardtl scr
c}tad c}d< s}(cifics
Speaker Setup
ll(se s(dustrT/e_tstil tx AVR130w_ic_typ(of
spcskcrssrcH agellis isirnporta/tasittQjasts IC
s<ttirgst_atdct r i_cw/ich spcak(rsrccciv<lew
iuque/cy()sss)mol ade/ Feicscl eftxsc se
trigs us(tl( L ARGE s(ti/g iftx speak(rsfora
particulsp(}sitiu/ a( traditiois[fullrang(Iouds}eakers
t/at a( cspa}leof<pu}duci/gsou/ds)(i(}w lOOHz
Ls<theSMAL L settix?fo sailer {re(uencyJiitcd
satullitcspeak(rsthstdolet epu}du(esc}undsbelow
1001lzNetethstwhensmall s}eakc{saleused a
sabwooh/isuquiudu e produc(lewi,equ(r(y
solaldsi<( (rT/b({t/Sttic ia/ge and sail
d(scriptio/sdele cfccto thesctuaii:l_sicalSlZC
oftl( s}eakc/sbut(c}tleh a}ilityto repcoducelow
iuquc icyseu/ds youa_ei_duubaso whic/
categoryd(s<rib<syOLI/speakc{sco/suittile sp(cifl
Fhci_ctxy defaultsctti_gfortx speakcrco/figura
tienist}/ave small sp ak(/stt all'positio/swit/t
su)wu(}fr il``_alled youlay thist_p(efsa}i
sat(ilit( sp(ak[ ``Tst(/e fa/th(rco/figuratio/is
i(<d(d andyeaay skiptotl( i(xt s(ctien
lid%frithtlx AVR I:'•0 till xd u/f(}M()ii,i ](s( ;tc}s e
1 PKsst/( SpeakerSelectButton[]_ '.A.'xr
SPEAKER SIZE a}p(Iri__( Lower
DisplayLine[] Fc. tl,(.SetButto/q[]_l"F_
2 '¢',/14IFRONT SPEAKER ap}( _r;ilth(
LowerDisplayLine[] (" I SetButton
3 Prsstx A/'V ButtonsI1_ er tl( rmet or
tx _/_,, Buttons[] on]e fro]t })_el o s(kct
SM ALL a d _rib_>d)y 6efinitio_',K_m
ab(}v{}'iihc/x (_{:'.ir{JI{ti(}r s:}i:ar pu',
t/( SetButton![_['_"_
Wx/FRONTSMALLiss(Ictd k}wfle
qd(/c7 seu/dswillb( se/t toth subweofi out
putonlyNet tltt i you{hec}s(thisopJorlid
th£w isllO_,U}woof [ t()111(t(d yelIwillliot h£!tl
)l/leg I (ill I1(y',Olaid',flWT/ I IO/(h_]lili(is
II_%Irt/(/ FR0NT LA RGE iss{I cted afull
r_!]( }flpflwil }( rtt}tx (xtlft s_(sh}_t
ughoutpus_KIN)I ]•I_ J Y I)H• d }
4'¢'/I _CENTER SPEAKERa)pc_r;I_
x LowerDisplayLine [] F( tl SetButton
S Prsstx A/'V ButtonsI1_ ontl( remet or
tx _/_,, Buttons[] ontie ro/t }t/el o s(kct
StFT/'gtlid{HiI(Sasahoy(forIsl'!( anJSail
Whe_ti( desiudsckcdera}pcas pcsstl( Set
Wx_ CENT ER SMAL L isselectedlow
fl qLeli(y ( I1(r ( h_]lilie[ S(}LI/6S will )( snt t}
tie subwuoferoutputelly N(}t(thatifyoucleose
thisoptiera_dtlele isio su}woufereel lectcd
yellwillrletlet ary fewf (q_xicysea/dsfe
tl( cc/t[ c/a/icI spesker
Wx/CENTERLARGEisselcted afull
oHt}_ /Ill( c•/t•l •///Ic•ll fl lL{IcyIcI
.1 t( 1._ ]_)oofs[ OIF)Ii
NOTE:Ify(}uclooseIogic7 ts tl( SUHOUnd
reed( tx AVRi 30will_etrT/ak(tx lARGE
optic}ravaiiabkfer c(/tr sp akc{ 1hisisdu
te 1 U ]tlir( (lit ef (}{!1( / '_IOC(SS!IIq arid
d(}ts/o i/dicatcapr );)It rT/wih yearu(xiv£![
BI_n CENTER NONE sd_d_d r_
ig_ai wiilb_ s(ntuth( _nt(r claa I ea at
0 B_cn SURR SPEAKER appt>arsI[IIo
LowerDisplayLine[] ix t_(SetButton
? Pusstlx .A/_ Buttons_ o_thcuvcxc o[
tl( _/1_ Buttons[] oltl( font ;ar(ito Sic
SURR N0 NE uqrg tx trT/L guJuli_(sa
scIccqe[a}F}Ctr':}u;;tl SetButton ![_['_'_
Wlel SURR SMALL iss(kcted low
tic subweofc{eatpatoily Nu lat ifyouc/ees(
tlB eptio]andtxu isle subwoofcrcoil ctud
youwilllet heacaly lewfl qu I(y soundsfrom
tl( SillC)a116s_:(,]k(/
Bit SURR LARGE ',(kcte6 afallra_g_*
oHtpHtwillbcSrl t} Ic stxreurx_{/)/I I eatpats
snl hBsuru}ar6<:_s__elsig_aiswilloesrt to
tI( sLibwooh{ eat}at
WlenSURRNONEissekctcc surrould
eunJ illOUT/atio]Will}t s!alit}tt,ic ntl holt
p IfOUT/aIIC{whcI Iio xlrrc}dx_s)(ak(ls au II
a;{ 11{Delb),3 St{to Tod( ;/(}_lldb as(d
inst{_dof Delby c [c ](
I[I/([i S-- WS PE AKER t'up{trsiHth Lower
DisplayLne[] Set Button_[_"4
9 Pusstlx .A/_ Buttons_ o/thc u cxcol
tie _/1_ Buttons[] oltl( font ;an(lto s(l{t
theuptiu_d{:scri}ed}elewthat}est dcscHbcsysur
,.},stc Whe/t/c desicds(Ic(tic}ra}p<as puss
tl( SetButton _[_"4
I( C X}K:( a,'tiit}{ fo t)( t't}I]_'IC ')f( { :_usitio]Ii?il
J,•pcu.dc11I( c•tl_g f,,.tx• oth(r s}cak is
Iftlefrxt ef,igli .eak{[ areettsFRONT
SMALL tl ,ubcuo(v'illItImlIclll_(.
SUB .........
I l I I, Ix position
_ i i_ _ r _ _ r_
Iftic frxtk iigli (ak{I ac ttsFRONT
f nosubweofe/JsconIcctcdtothc/\VR130
pressI( A/y Buttons_ ontie [erT/otse
tlat SUB NONE app(arsi_tx Lower
DisplayLine[] Wit thisop_i(xiss(i(ct(d
alibassirrerstier will/( std totl fro/t
I fiiig_t rn,_i_ sp(akrs
f _ su)weofr isten/(c(_ t_ BVR13B _,OLi
lay he o:tio/ to /,Iv(tl( frontI(fiiliglt aJn
sp(tkersepfoc_/r(t)as !uq/i( /cks a alltits
arrdlavethes@woef(rop(rat(@II/w/(rl I
£R 13(}is)(ing us(dwiBs digitalseurc(t/at
I "E sotJ@trackF_isslk}ws
a_n aid s@woefesp(ak(sto takeadvantag(
eft_( special)asscstd let c(rtslr rnovJ(s
PessA/V Buttonsq[_ onth( r(rT/ott2
SO_a SUB LFE )pi: ar ir tl( Lower
f a subweole[isconlettedt1<1yo(/wisl t} (Iseit
k}[ )ass[ep[odLIctJe/ilce/J{irctie/wit/_r( aJn
iu)ntleliilig_tsp( s_qers(gab ssoftl( t/p( ei
programs@£eur SLiI/OLI[Id()de },(:_tJar( ii_ar
( T(:it(sot/at SUB L / R+LF E tppearsirl
t/( LowerDisplayLine[] W/(I t/is optic/is
selectd a co pit k(dwillb( se/tt}t/(
;,s/tlefiiriglt all sskers Hd/( subweof(r
willuc(iv( bassfeqtl( /(i(s b(lew 100Hz
IB W/er allspesk(rseu} s(kcJons:lay( b(([
a(le simplywaitfir( s(ce@sa@t/( BVRwill
(tLIn toreuT/a[ep(@en
]iiple CrossoverSetting
lie AVR130 isLJriqLJaerg alluc iversJr!itspri(
classto prevk](]ii:le .aosseverSctier@i_},'iiher_
co/v(n[io/aJ }tss a/aqerT/( / sy',lerT/s (}[lJyate(}
?e{l,]( a(jl(}_)alcrosseve[ s( Jllj H_rTS K_@ens
]ii: le.aossever%,st allows/elit} st ,]did<rent
clossev(/poilt fortie fro/t Ki ight c(s aid s(ir
(:sd speak(isF_/isisk(y tecr(atingae(a !(as
SOLI@q([d wl(/) systt rT/Ilses diflere/tbrs/(lsor
e{lqs o sp(ak(rsfromer( oft/(s( tie( g etJprrgs
f ye(ia[ let !_rT/la/withwhattie crossoverpellltis
t/( t(rm(irstotle fre@scy atwwh leB@ range
slglaiisdivided}etwee/you air! s} akefsaid t/(
s@weo{(/Site he su)weei issp(citllyd<sigl(d
let lowf (q/l( icyrepred/Ktie/ itisnt ableto r(pre
d_ic/igh [r qLJ<nci(sBenveseiy}yr(li(ving _(
aH sp(ak({seitle (q@ enttorep[o@cebass
iu q/_(_ci<st ispessi)l(tobuildsrT/all(rmere(fFi
ci(rt satellik st/lesp sk({s Set,ire _( clossev[
i,eq/l(/c},properlyrT/(ansthtt (acl e}(akerdoestie
jo} i wasi/te@edtodo witst th( strti ior ';}ossibi(
da ag (aus(dbyb(ilgfed/(so/gelgrals r
_aossover{L)lCJet we @1coil!teeyell te C@IS@:/(
ew/(re Ta/(la[ for yeu[ speak(rat} det(rTil t/
lewesti' q(l(r(y t/(y se d(sig I@ fer} whic/will b(
tie His)@ tlat wil!bet_e(<lir rnskirg s( tingsi_
Net(t/at tie ftctor},deftu{ setingisacrossov(r
pointoflO(}Hzforells}(ak rs yoursp@q(rshsv(
ac]ussov(rathat setirg?i de no/(@ to ai<(
aryoftr(s( a(Jj(is (its aid yellsaid :}rec(edto
then(xtst(p Ilew(v(/if letexs }ie ],()lr]fro/t
speakers/aveacrossov(/'uol{/tef8Bllz pul ((/tr
s}(ake[cress(sBy({at12BHzaid ye(_stst]@
s}eakersclosseveratyeta dif_(rentpeirt a(@istiig
tl(se s(tti_gswillhelp(stablislt/( )ep({ @riosip
b(wie(/ t/( lowfeqlscy s(:sd tlst iss<ntto/aul
Sll}weoferal(Jtl( balar(e oftic seu/dthatis epre
@c(dbyye_rmall SF3(a_(rs
If s,eul speak r cerT/pk?tr t de(s J ql]l( ac/ale to
1 Prss tl( SpeakerButtonr_l i_..1
2 Presstie All Buttons_ or the[ernettur
tie _/) Buttons[] ()_tl( f[ort pa@ sethat
SPEAKER XOVER ap'uet[sinhe Lower
DisplayLine[] at(,}k_', SetButton{_[]
to( l(r 1( ClOSgC)vt![[ tr!tl[lt!t
3 Whe/F RONT 3X- F REQ app(arsi_tie
LowerDisplayLine[] pleastl( Set Button
_i"_"_ to( itlg( tl( s(t Jrglet tl( fro/t Ki iglt
S}( ak( [s
4 Presst_( All Buttons_ er therernettor
tie _/) Buttons[] o/th( front;}at(i to sceil
th/uug//( availableC/Bit s tr!dw/enI( cresseve
fr q(lencyt/at rntt(heayell1S}eakersap}earsi/tl(
LowerDisplayLine[] Feestl( Set Button
_l_i"_"_to r trlri tothes}(ak ror(s s i((tio/
S Presst_( AFT Buttons _ e[ the [cruet or
th(_/) Buttons [] e_ tl( front pan(i agsn _o
s(I(ct slot let sp ak({ gloup eitle[ C EN T E R
3 X- F R EQ O a(,jLwI( ClOS',ev(}[forthe}crt(r
cra 1tel ,,peskir; or S U RR 3 X - F RE r_ te ac,ju
thecreasove for r( srweLi/d s}eak({s ar;(lpresst/(
Set Button {_["_] w](r t)e desiredspesk(r g[o(l:}
app(a s to changet_es(ti_g as r((d(d k}ik}wi_g
6 Wh(] )llrq@r(dcssov(r setings_av b((r
(nkr(d pr(sstl( SetButton @i"_"_to (till i to
Af(a(_( u_iq_(tu_(/\VR 130ir its(:lassallews
tilesa}ag( efdif!(r(/ts}etk({ six(settingstr!(l
()st {as(s
yerlwillrot I(<(1totak( sdvsrtag( oft/is (a}abili_},
parkaliarlyw/(/t/( sp ak(rstlsd areaHfl q(scy
li site(lsak@t( t?( rned(is Iiew(v(r w/(n a sys
t( ei,ents}(akrs ar( largei@rangernod(ieyou
n/aywis/te (is( difi r ntlate( orsail s(ttilgsfor
H1p/rtsstrch )s tl( [tr/(r e[@) w/er( two chal[([
st (e tscmaybethed(sJ/@Jiw@gme{J( ss
op}os(dtot/( DVDor etlervid<eeIst(di_pus
w_(e ast_bweof(rwill}e r_e((J
Ifyoudo not/e@ to cr(at( differrt sp(ak rco/figtl
latio/s t Jigsfel (acl il7 ski',}t} tl(/(xt e erie/
R}tak( a(Jvaltageofthiscapabilityfi}ik}wt/(s( st(}s:
1 Ce@ig_lretl s}eak(/six( irlwmttie/as d s(:ribe(J
onpag( 16 Fhiss(tstl ccsn/c)rhasIll( letell
2 Selectt]( ir}t_tforw]icl yo( wisl to hay a
stirg et/(r thai]th( origi/tl o/( by:}r ssl/gtl(
tpprepriat InputSelector(_
3 Pr(sstheSpeakerButtonr_) ardtit }ress
tie All Buttons_ el the rernottorthe_/)
Buttons[] el tl( frontpan(isothtt BA SS
[1ANA6 ER s:peersint_ LowerDisplayLine
[] P(ss tk SetButton !_['_]
4 W_r 6 L 0 BA L apea_si_th( LowerDisplay
Line[] piss tl( .A/f Buttons_ ()nh_
u e(or _/) Buttons[] or lelo_ p_el o
lect I N])E PE N])ENT Pr', tl( Set Button
{_[]to(rtrtl (q(l(s:Jritehe/\/,/Rsrn ery
S Dice th( BASS MANA6 E R n/(sssg(
)ps(arsi] tl( LowerDisplayLine[]/ar_ _)v(
co]fkjt;r(dtl< £/R so)a di;(r(rrt s,,ske[ siz( arr(J
(wsov({ s(tti]gsa_, b( che(it f(:)Feac/iriF]tlt[o
it({ t](s( s(ttilOSfirstwaitfly( s(co@st_rrtilt]( u]it
[(tuns o normalop(ratienAtt]at tim( s(i(ct a_o_
r i _F}(iaridr(p(at th( iwrr_ctien...:epsfor S}esk({
S(u:} aid r,i}leCrossev({S(ttiigss slewr o/t/(
pf(vss pages
Configuring the Surround Off
(Stereo) Modes
borstJpelle[[epf@£Jo/ ef_wec/a/1(I proof)hi
mat(rialstileAVR130o;(rs t/,e Stt_ree}des: a/
sralegSt(reoDJiect(}de that )ypsssest_edigital
slg/ai:}roe(ssingcir(uitryforaco }iet(iya/aloeslg
@ paththatp[ serv(stirepurls},oft_( eugl@sig_ai
a@adigitalod< tlat iscapabl(efprevidirg)ass
rnar!ag(hi(it forepti sidstli Sen oftile lowi,(
qr_(r(;J(sbet,i((_ s al!efsp(ak([sardas(_bweef(r
Wl(n fir(t/tl(}g Stereogirectode iss(kct(d
)y i:r si_c]theStereoModeSelectorI_ until
SURROUND OFF appe_asi/ Lower
DisplayLine[] )/d tl( SurroundModeIndicator
[] for %rr Of_i lit t_ AVI,_13(}willpass a/akxj
sourc(a(rial 6ir(ciI,thmuglto 1sit lef aid
riglt ;aBr bypasirstie digitalprocsam;circuity
/ tlis Ted t/( _,o/tleftaid [ig/t sp(tkerswillacto
atictilyb(cenfigur(dasLA RGE:it islet p)ssi)k
toco/figur(tl s sp(akrsasSMALL
Whettl( AVR130isir t_ St((() Bypassreed@yoLi
ay sill co/figur(tl( subwoof({outputsethatit is
(itl (r tcrledeft}withafullrargesigrtlgeingtotl(
iu}ntI(fiiiiglt ep(akersory(}umayco/figu( itso
t/at tl( subwo(i(rf((d istctivtted Ill( ftcte y
d<faults(tti/g istohavetie subwe(}fertu]i(d off
% t/is rood( but/(}ua/cltlg( tlat s(ttirg by
1 P(sstl SpeakerButtonr_l_)
2 Puss fie Set Button li_tl"_] to activa( tl(
c(}I k!tH)%1irTlerll
: Pr(ssth( i/V Buttons!i_ o/tl( r( TOt((X
fie ,/1_ Buttons[] o/tie frontpan(Jt} s(l{t
thedesl(d op%/ SUB NONE [ins ofth(
f d e fie subwo(}flr:w/i!eSUB <L +R>
tu{I',i en
4 W/(n tiredes,eds(tti/g/as b(enertcr(d pr(ss
tie SetButtonli_tl'_'] te(tuil to let ai
Wl(r tl( Str(e Direct{Byptss}(}d( isil usea
fil[I ralg( siglalisalwaysse/ttotie _u}/tIfiilig/t
sp(akersByits_sturetrot O'Uloll dos let passt/
siglait/[oug Itl( AVRsdigitalsigIsipr(}{(ssiIg
cleatiIgtl( I quirerT/(/tie[fuli rang(speak(IsIf
/au[iu}/t ep(akesere)s/dwidtl [irT/it(dsateilit(
sp(sk(rswee((} erd(/atyoudoNOTuset /e
I!ypsas reed( bLitrat](( us( t/( DSP SUR-
ROUNDOFF o6 kx trelitnhg
]i} list(/ to xogra s il t/( two char1i(Js:e[eoTed(
w_iktakilg advaltsge} tl( )assrT/]lltg( (it
sy£em pr(sstheStereoModeSelector
c/Jr SURROUND OFF tpparsmtie Lower
DisplayLine[] t/d th( DSPtr!J SURROFF
SurroundModeindicators[] b(}/lig/t u Wl /
onlyt_( SURROFFSurroundModeIndicator[]
islit/(}u a( Jrtl Stre Dir(ct(Bypass)rood(
Whettlis Tod isi/us t/fro/tiefYrig/t spak({s
arrdsu)w(}oelsy b( co/figu(d to((tt/<
[egcir( erts efyoursp(cificspak(rsusilgt/( stps
slewni/th( Sp(ak(rSeLl';}s(<tk}ro/pag 16
Output LevelAdjustment
Out}utI(v(I s{!justre(/tis8 k(y ptr oftie c(}rfigura
tier pr(}c(ssk}[ a/ysuuoundsoundproductIt ispal
ticulaflyi podantfort DelbyDigital[eceiv({sud ts
tl( BVR1:',0ascorrectoutputI(v(JswilleI!su/ethtt
yeulea; seu/dItcks Hthei/pe}p(r:}lac witl tl(
IMPORTANTNOTE: ist /({ss[ o(/c{}rfused
s)outtie e'peratie/ oftl( sur(}uidc/a/I(B W/lie
setTle)ssu e t/at sotilld sh(}tlld alwaysb( coifs
fro (acl s}eake[eat eftl( timeth(r( willb<little
or[o SOIl[d i[ the S;lllOl [l(J clalleJs [his is becsllS(
tl(y arcunlyusedwlel aevi( dir(ce or soulrd
reix(rsp(cificsily:}lacess(}uid tl(e tocl(ate
a }Jer(aas)(cial(fl(ct ortecorrtintleacti(xe
fie fro]t effie io(}mtotl( (a/W](] h( out}utI(v
<Iss( prop(riys(t it isrlelrT/alk}[ surrealrds}(akus
velum(tot/( car sp(akus%, d(sr(}ytle Iluskx
ofar (nv(lepilgsou]dfieldtlat du:}licsts h( ws
y(}ul(a[s(}u]di]a (}vk t](at[e ((}](atlall
i_(ioe b(gilirilig rt a(,jW,UT/(Iit prec<ssrT/ak( (at
tai_thatallspe)k(rco]r(ctie s h_v(bee] properly
mad( fh( as,st rT/VoiHrT/(slouldb( se t} t]( l(v<l
that7ouwilius( durirg a ty}cai lisknings(sslo_
ki_ailyare c({tsi_trottie BalanceControl[] is
s(tto tl( {( rte[l ?o{k}{k position
R}assisti_ akingspetkerco/figuratio/setingstl(
iconsJrtie Speaker/Channelinput Indicators[]
willc_s]g( s t]( sp(ak(rtyp(iss(iect datesc]
positionW/(r e/iytie c( /t({ ico/}ox co/taHmgtl(
a)beviatb/k}r tilespeakerpositiorislit tile s}(aku
iss(tk} small W/u! th( iller bexaid tie two
oct({i}ox(sse lit thes}(aku iss(t k}[ hg( Wh(/
ro irrdicstorsp}earsats sp(ak(rk}cstiei trat p(}s
tier iss(t kx 1el( or/e sp<ak(r
Per xa }k ir tie foilowirgfiguretl( leftfrontaid
light[IOHs)<akusaleactf(}[hg( r( ce/t(r Sir(
[ou]dl(fl (S endu/IounSight SR)!:(ak;I au
s(tf(}l til aid a subwo(}kri sett hownbytl(
boxwit/tr( abbr(viatieiI betwhk:/standsfor lew
I-E1I- -1i-€1
[] []
R}adjust_d cali}ratetl( out[xt levis followtl(s
st}s kor tccurak{aiibratio/it isa goodideto
make]es a(_jcb:rT/rts will s(a(d il/aul kvofit(
list(liig p(}si%n
1Puttie AVRI:'Z)i__e Dol)yProLogic ode
)y :xcs hg th( DolbyModeSelector_ (}r
t/( rmek c /tiioneoftheDobyod( lain
ap::etisil tile LowerDisplayLine[] Otltptlt
Ivla(_jcs: ntusilgth(kstto] is]o avail
abl(intheStree odes Ik}w(v(r:lit/(
S(r<o Digitalod( yeumaytrimfie octfx£
lev(Bush; pogramreat(iai asd<s{Ibedel
2 Presst_( lest Button Q ontl( (moe
TEST-T FL OdD wills:}pa Jrtl(
: ]1( testroisewilli reediatei},)(gin tocircuiat
among]( s}esk(rsinaciockwis(rotation
pausilgst(ach}esitierforfir(( s<co]dsAs
t/( t(s: lois( rohtest/( sp(sk(rpesitie_willb<
s/(}w/ir tl( LowerDisplayLine[]
NOTE:rhisisagoodtiT( tov(ri_7fiat/e
t(s H(}is(circulats [iaen o rT/ak(c{rain i)t
tile so[irld corT/es_l{}iTitile spearer positi(}r/
slew/ir tie Mail I]kx TationDisplayf tie
h(}trl!Jire[ t ',petk(r Iocatio] do(<,'!O] at(:}]
t/( pssitio/indk:ated i/the displ@ turl h(
AVR130 o;_usirg t_( Main Power Switch []
aid el(ok tl speakerwiri_gt} reakc (ur air
t_a eachs}e_k(iiscoil ct dtetl c(}r(ct
(}llt_altt [ i]al
4 /\t({ checkilgfor spetk(r :}la(a e/t ktth( test
r(}s( c,culat( s/d list(/ tos(( w/it/cl s/rels
soundieud({tla] t]( othersUsilgthef[o]tI(;_
{FL _ tl( displa}dsp(sk(rasa ( erenc
presstie A./V ButtonsI_) (}rtl( erTlet for
(ach :hall Ito)(Sir tobri/gthemtotie sam
Ivl No( trotw](_ or )ft]e )Lit011is
pusled lle tat _oisechcLilatJollwillpauseo]
t/( chan/db(lnga6justed(oglv youtie e
are fie %ustme/t Wlel you(leasetie }ut
t(}[!t/( {it ulatio/wifi[(stlrwafkr 15s(co/ds
Co/tilLi tuadJlsttic ildividualspetk(rsunil
t/ey allhsv(t_esam(voiH( No( tnt s{{ust
(rts s_euld)e _de wiBtic I/V Buttons
controls7/(_ press/( Set Button_ t}
(rT/or!zet/e c/arge '/u( a/Hsilg aSOLHId
pressH/e(SP) met(rforprecis(leveladjus
(rlt s(t t/( voBmese fiatt/( tr cads
adjclSabl(usirgtie (s: on(R) (large th(
su)weoferkv(i followtie £(ps forDutputIv<l
B Wh(/you ray aQjListedr( OLitplltsethtt all
Button_ortl (rT/O to(e pit tic
Delay Settings
%( toLiedill ( /tdistanc(s bqweentie font cmnr(l
sp(ak(rst/d tic lis( /i/g positlercempardte tl
slH(xHlds}esk({sendt/( iis(nhg pesitie/ tic
areoHrtu tim(itaResbf se(irdt43reachyOLH(are
iuxetic fro/t ersulou/d sp(akers%, diff(r Veu
ay cempensat(k)thisd#<:rerc( tlH(xlg/t/( (is(of
t/( delays(ttirgst4}adustic tireirgtetailorth( sp(
cifics}(aker }lac( sertold acellstic(e/ditio/s ir
]he AVR130'sadvtlc(d s(Awar ( It)ks 7(xltu
quicklyandcosilys(t d(Js'/ tiros witl(xlt(Isi/gt
co pkx forrT/ulst43cslculatcfie{ Inst(adallyou
r((d t43dus (as(r( t/( approxiTatedisarc(
}etA((n vellrlist(/i ig}esitlenaid tie fro/t c( /t(r
arrdsHrroHrds}eak({sW/er youurt(r res( die
tanc(sirto fie AVRsrT/( eyss slew/bqew tic
/\VICeicropre((sser doestic est eftheweir col
culad/gtl( prep<rdis}hytime]/( (asur( ents
r((d r1(stbeaccHrattz}r( it(l! 8sthe...yst( is
design(dtosccorereedat(atypkaili£enirg a_ea
rath(rthat eqdl( }eqs( re(aortic (H teo/(
]l( hctery settirg el i0 l(( is apprepdat( lot est
()o s bu sum( irstallatienschat 11 dr(era el
distarce bewe( //( iu)nt a_dsalroHndspesk(rs that
ay causetie srrivalo _,ontchtl i1eJSOil1deto
}eco ( discerH(ct(d io sHH(xHdc/a/r(IseLfl!ds
Nuk fist delays(ttingsae o_iya(_j(s_a}lek)rthe
Dol}ya_dDISreod(ss/d tley s( fixedwit_all
etle precess/gVe thatr(tsen yeuctl enlyadjust
t/( deh7 s(ttingsw/(r a/y Doiby%rreu/de )rS
Digitalode isil LIS 7Bsirep]F}thisset%gwe
(comme/d thstyeuactivst(/( Del}yDigitslreod(
}y :}layingaDVDdiscwitha 51 SOLHdtracks/d
v<rilyiIgfiat tic unit/asaute atkailysd(dd Del}y
Digitslbyc _ecking/e ( sd}Hti/tic LowerDisplay
Line[] r/is willer tbJeyeu(oconfigureallt/r((
d(lays<ti_gs(}r(; ard no mv t}chsrg(
tl(m sgain(Hl(ssyoursp(ak(rsor mail ii...:enirg
pesitJerlay( reev(d
lb s(t t_( dlay ties playa i)oibyDigitals(xHc(as
re(d @ev( ard1/e[iioJl(]wtics( st(}s:
1 Prost_(DelayButton[_)
P Whe_FRONT DELAY appearsi_t/( Lower
DisplayLine[] '.x t/( SetButton![_i'_"_
3 Presstic A/V Buttons_ or the[erT/etcur
the_/1_ Buttons[] e_th( fr(xt pan(lu rt(( _(
distt/c( IUXT/tile flo/t ieiBrightsp(akerstoyourlis
tnhg 'pusJtio_Prost_( Set Button!i_"_ wl(_
4 Presstie i/V Buttons_ ontile [ereet{or
tie _/1_ Buttons[] e_% flont}an([ sethat
CENTER DELAY _pparsir heLower
DisplayLine[] t_(r :x(sstl SetButton
S Press)e tic i/_ Buttons_ ontie [ereet{
ortic _/1_ Buttons[] o//( _,ontpa/(i t} citer
tic distant(fete tic ((ntr sp(akertsyeulliter,/g
positionP(ss tl SetButton @[] w/(r lis IS
B Presst/( A/_ Buttons_ or the[emeteor
the_/1_ Buttons[] el th( flurt pan([sothtt
SURR DEL A Y _'u'pe_rsinhe LowerDisplay
Line[] a/6 pr(v, fie SetButton_[_"4
7 Press_e t_( i/_ Buttons_ ontie [erT/(}te
ortic _/1_ Buttons[] o/t/( iu)ntpa/(l t} (let
thedistar(( itemfir( SLilro(ndsp(A(rs tg/uur lie
tnhg 'J}sitionProst_ Set Button@i'_"_ wl_
8 Wh(/ali t(_HstrT/(/tohay _}e(/aCe tic u/itwill
etH(Ito(roe alo'ueratio/ il fiv( seed/ds
Additional InputAdjustments
h additiunte th( reJjel aQjlletm its d(scrib(dir t_
pr(c(ding'p@s youmaysis()wis/te s(t t/( typ<of
sudieseurc((s/alegor digital)t} b( us(dwitha/
Ir_}utathis tie Or(( a s}ecificaudioso[Hoe7pc is
associatedwP/anyofth( i/puts itwiil(sen IIt/(
reemeryHrtJlitisc m]ged(v(n wh(] areherir.}Htis
s(kc!(d 7oattc] ore of[]( (igitsiirputs!oasp(ci{ic
seHrc(k}lk}wtics( st(x:
1 Prost_(Digital Button_'1
2 IrT/rT/editte]ypr(ssth( ,A/_ Buttons_ or
'_1/1_Buttons[] t} scrollt IrougItl( listefavti!
sbi( digitaliIputsor tic analogi/:)ut
3 W/enthed(siledinxlt typeisshuw_o_t_ riglt
sideofle UpperDisplayLine[] piss/( Set
Button!l_i"_] ts it({ t/( sti/g ilte tl tHits
rT/( 1cry
Wlen theSter(eDi(ct {SulruundOff}meal(isil He(
youa}, oil},s(kct tireaIsl(:_ginpL'tk)rsseurc(
Wlen tile%ree DigitslrT/ed(_eir lle(/uH ay
Yo(imayaIse e OrlZ() sp(ciicsHrretlrldo@ SO
t/at itwiilalwaysb (is(dw/c/an i/put iss(iected
rl( A/,h_13() tlways( <re)erstie lastsurell/d
reed(cs(dwitl aly inputbutdu/i/gth(stup
FXOC(%y(:lllresywisl t4}pied tic od<s forad
Not thst1_(d fauits(rreu_drood(forallanalog
irpHtsistie roe( / Mus( 9de aidt/( u/it will
stltxeaticallys(RctBui}y Digitaier DrS asappreprl
tt whe/eitherofles< bitstramtyp(sisd(tect d
Wheta2 (lann(i DelbyDigittlseuc( is:}resent
Dol}yPro[ogi( IIwillalso)e s(l((t(d t1£) ttJcally
R}assigi a S) cificsurroundmeal(te )1 irpHtk£}w
tr(s( st ps:
1 S(l(ctr irpuLbypressngored _e inputSelectors
_I_[] erfie TunerBandSelector[]
2 Sleet a s(rre(Hdrood(fremitll th( fH}/t }alr(I
a ]i} s(kct aSLilrOurldTedeiu) thefrontpar1(i
press1_ SuHoundModeGroupSelector
Button[] (Htilareed(wit_i__h(dsi(d grou}
a}p( srs('or xsmpi(a_yDol}y Drsor logic 7
o@ er u/( oftl DSPmod(ssuc/as 7i(ater
SelectorButton[] toc_eeset_ sp cific(}de
withi]tic d<siredgroup{ForexsrepRwiBinthe
I)olb7rood(go@ ['/( opdolrsae BohvRe logle
DolbyProogic IIMud<%1# ReI%i( klovies
andDolby3 St(r(o)
) ]issIec a 1odefro1 t/( r(mo( Fxessal!y(}ri(
oftie surreur/dmud(slctx butJo/s
_]t_!_)_@ _ @ uitil tl( desir(drT/od(
witli/ thatgreupa)p(arsil t/( LowerDisplay
: W/enthed(si/ed ed ra a)p(srsl_t_(
LowerDisplav Line[] pr(sstl( SetButton
4 Ptuse five s(cer ds u/til th( unittimes eut aid
(tuns (o rerm)l op(ratJon [1is iseHr i _(£)tierl tlat
tie (;o111ec%1bd/e([1 K J/pHiSotlr(u slid 'u[o(uss
llg (}(J( 18Sb(([ (it (d ilte tl( sys( (rT/ory
_<(}(at theprecessasslew/ir st(ps 1 /reugl 4
kx a/ytdditienalinpHtsyouwlsl to'urega fera
O/c( i( s Jigsoutlinedell thepr(vieHs:}ag(slay(
}eel ms{l( th( AVR120isreadyhr ep{rstbr!
aleserT/(sddtie/ais(ttJ/gst/si ay )( rT/sd(if
desi(d bHti_{sear( bestdotea_({/OH/SV(hsd
anopperttli_},t4}iis(n o avsrietvufseulcesard dif
fir(It kindsofxega rT/akrialFheseac_justm(nts
aledesclibedu/pag( 26eftlis a/uaJ h!addition
/au a7c/a/ge aly oft/{ s(ttilgs rT/sd(ir tie Jlitisi
co/figuatb/at alvtime Asyouaddr(w er diflu/t
sourc(sors}(ak(rs orifveilWlSIt(}(;/a/gea setJrg
toi}(tt({ (fi(c yourlist(/ilg t s...:(s si }iyfollowt/(
instrHc%/sforclangi_gthes(tIirgs fort/at param(
t(r}asslewl il t/iSS((;tJel!
IiavilgceTpletedi( s(up lldco/figuratio/proc(ss
kx 7etlrA/./Ri30 yousrea}outtoexp(n(/c( t/(
fir(st i_ us< aid/o( tl(at(/ii£enirg Er_JOV
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Harman Kardon AVR130 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

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