(Step 5)
(Step 6)
Thank you very much for purchasing our sanitary ware. To enable you to use this
product safely and effectively, please read this installation and operation manual
carefully before use.
Technical Parameter
Dera user,
1. Please conn ec t th e water pip e be fo re installe d th e products.
2. Please ensu re t ha t the produ ct i ns talled reli ab le electric
le akage prote ct io n device, t he p ow er plug conta in s earthing
co nductor, an d ma ke s ure it is rel ia bl e for earthin g. C heck the
pr otect syste m of l ea kage prot ec ti on each time be fo re use.
3. Before turn o n wa te r pump, che ck i f th e water level o ve r jets
10 t o 20 mm or not, mak e su re r egular us ag e of w ater pump,
ot herwise it wi ll b e de stroy bec au se o f water leaka ge .
4. Do not turn on wa te r pu mp, heat pu mp a nd a ir bubble pum p
wi thout water .
5. People with H yp er tension s ym pt om, after dri nk o r heart disea se
ar e not allowed t o us e th is produc t. C hi ldren have a ba th m ust
un der adult's g ui da nce.
6. During usin g, pl ease noti ce d th at don't bloc k th e jets
co mpletely in c as e of w ater leak ag e by t he air switch . A ls o keep
th is product cl ea n an d don't let i t bl oc k with hair or me ss .
7. During usin g, p le ase first ly a dj ust the water t em perature in
ca se of being bur ne d.
8. The outdoor s pa i s de signed wi th e rg onomic, ris e an d fall
ch anges are dis t in ct ly, so pay mo re a tt ention of sli p.
9. Please shut d ow n th e system wh en n ot u se.
10 .Don’t turn o n al l th e water pum p in t he s teamroom fo r lo ng
ti me.
Size: 1060x1060x2150mm
Voltage: 220V -240V 50Hz/60Hz
Hydraulic pressure : 0.1~0.2Mpa
Power of steam generator : 3000 W