Steinberg VST Instruments Materials Metal and Ice User manual

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant, and I've reviewed the operation manual for the Materials Metal & Ice instrument. This document details the instrument's features, including how to use its multi-sampled materials, granular and wavetable synthesis, and extensive effects. I'm ready to answer your questions and help you navigate this powerful sound creation tool.
  • How many materials are included in the library?
    What synthesis engines are used in the instrument?
    How do I change a material?
    How many layers can I use?
    What modulation sources are available in the Motion page
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Materials - Metal & Ice 1.0
Ta  C
1. I 4
1.1 Welcome to Materials - Metal & Ice 4
1.2 Librar Info 4
1.3 Markp Info 4
2. T I 5
2.1 Basic Naigation 5
2.2 Echanging a Material 6
2.3 Materials Edit 7
2.3.1 Control Page 7
2.3.2 Snth Edit Page 8 Waetable Snth Edit 8 Granlar Snth Edit 9
2.3.3 Filter Page 10
2.3.4 FX Page 11
2.3.5 Motion Page 12 LFO 12 Step Seqencer 13 Arpeggiator 14
2.4 Macro Modlation 15
2.5 Master Effects 17
2.5.1 Send FX 18
2.5.2 Post FX 20
3. C 21
1. Introdction
1.1 Welcome to Materials - Metal & Ice
Thanks a lot for or interest in the first release of or Materials series - Metal & Ice. In this
instrment series its all abot Materials, being captred ith seeral sond design
methods to delier plaable instrments ith a sonic aesthetic of specific Materials, like
Metal & Ice.
1.2 Librar Info
The librar consists of 146 Materials, hich are on the one side mlti samples of real
instrments like an orchestral brass ensemble, ibraphone, rare snthesiers or sond
effects and field recordings. The sie of the mlti-sampled content is oer 6.5 GB in total.
On the other side o ill find man snth Materials that make se of Halions granlar and
aetable snth engines. All Materials ere designed ith to mindsets: coering the sond
aesthetics of Metal & Ice and being able to sond niqe, sefl and inspiring in a laered
Materials - Metal & Ice comes ith oer 150 program presets, hich are master presets
comprised of mlti-laered Material combinations ith carefll adjsted parameters and
added effects ithin the instrment. So there are a lot of read-to-pla sonds to be
Please make sre to alas se the latest ersion of HALion or HALion Sonic SE.
1.3 Markp Info
All bold ording in this manal refers to mens, names and fnctions appearing in the ser
2. The Instrment
2.1 Basic Naigation
After loading a program preset, o ill find orself on the main page ith the big froen
metal ball. In case o jst ant to pla the instrment ithot deeper editing, o onl need
to kno this page and mabe the Materials brosing page (net paragraph).
For the basic nderstanding of the instrment it helps to be aare of the 4 horiontall
arranged slots belo the big froen metal ball. Each slot can be filled ith one Material.
In case o ant to die deeper and edit sonds, click on one of the loaded Materials
names in the loer area and o ill arrie in the edit page area ith a fe sb pages. For
all details, please isit chapter 2.3 Materials Edit.
2.2 Echanging a Material
Load a program preset and make sre o are on the main page ith the big froen metal
No click the little magnifing glass that appears hen or mose crsor hoers oer a
Material name of one of the loaded Materials slots in the loer area. This action opens the
broser page and allos o to echange the Material of the selected slot. Jst click on the
icon of an Material and it ill be loaded, hich takes p to 3 seconds. For a better oerie
o can filter the Materials list b I,S,SFX or jst select A b clicking on
the filter bttons in the top line of the broser page.
The icons in the pper right area ith nmbers 1to 4sho the Material slot o are abot to
load ith a ne Material from the broser list. Simpl click on the net icon to load Materials
to other slots.
Echanging a Material ithin a program preset, changes the sorce content of the selected
Material slot, hile keeping all the preiosl set of parameters. This means that enelope
and filter settings as ell as the motion parameters and effect settings ill hold the ale of
the preiosl selected program preset, hich ma blr the sond of the nel selected
Material. To start the sond design from scratch, please se the Init laer preset instead of
an alread mangled program preset.
2.3 Materials Edit
Load a preset and make sre o are on the main page ith the big froen metal ball.
No click one of the Materials names in one of the loaded Materials slots in the loer area.
Yo ill arrie in the edit pages area ith a fe sb pages. Those sb pages can be
sitched b clicking on the icons in the loer area. There are either 4 or 5 edit pages,
depending on the tpe of Material loaded into the slot. For eample hen loading a
aetable preset, o ill also see the S E icon appearing on the right net to the
C icon.
Dont miss the for icons in the pper right area ith nmbers 1to 4. Here o can sitch
beteen all Materials or close the edit page hen clicking the X. Make sre to nderstand
that all changes on an edit page are onl releant for the selected Material ia those icons,
a er important detail for editing.
A shortct for accessing the broser directl from the edit page area is fond in the header
net to the Materials name. Jst click on the magnifing glass. For retrning to the edit
pages from the broser, a mier icon is fond at the same location, hile being on the
broser page.
2.3.1 Control Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials. Here o can define the Por sitch a
Material to M plaback. All other common controls shold be familiar to o and self
Man Materials offer to laers, La A and La B and o can control their indiidal
olme ia the faders belo the enelope faders. This means that hen sing all for
Materials slots, o can se p to 8 laers in total. Sch laers for one Material are sonic
ariations of those sonds, like close and far microphone positions for seeral acostic
instrments or to laers of a field recording in case of the sond f.
Mabe a fe ords abot the three send effects on the right. Imagine o hae a miing
desk for each Materials preset ith three master send effects. With the three send effect
faders o can send each Material to those effects indiidall. For more details abot those
Master Effects, isit 2.5.1 Send FX.
2.3.2 Snth Edit Page
This edit page o ill onl find for all aetable and granlar based Materials. Aboe the
controls o see either the naming Gaa or Waa, to be aare of the tpe of
Material. Waetable Snth Edit
On this edit page o can define a crated selection of aetable parameters. Lets take a
look from top left to bottom right.
V defines the amont of mlti oices being sed to fatten p the aetable sorce.
Onl for ales aboe 1.0 the parameters belo V and Sa are displaed.
D controls the amont of detning of the mlti oices and Pa controls the panorama
spread of those mlti oices.
P controls the aetable position and S the plaback speed of aetable
Sa allos position spreading for the case that the V parameter is set to ales
aboe 1.0.
Fa can be sitched on and off and controls formant shifting of the aetable, hich
can significantl change the aetable sond.
On the right side of this page o see a aetable displa, moing aes hen plaing midi
notes and thereb giing a representation of the actal aeform. Granlar Snth Edit
On this edit page o can define a crated selection of granlar parameters. Lets take a
look from top left to bottom right.
V defines the amont of granlar oices being sed to fatten p the granlar sorce.
Va mode can be sitched on and off and actiates seeral intage sample plaback
settings, like 12 bit and 26 kH sample rate.
Belo that btton o see the aeform displa, helping o to nderstand the sonic reslts
of changing seeral parameters on this page.
P controls the granlar plaback start position, hile S controls the plaback
Da defines the grain dration, hile L allos o to adjst the length of the
All three Ra parameters on the right define the amont of randomiation of those
parameters, alloing o to create eird and niqe sonic reslts, far aa from the basic
granlar sample.
2.3.3 Filter Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials. Here o can adjst all releant filter parameters
inclding distortion tpes and filter enelope. The D area can be sed to add
Schmt to a Material, hile the A of D can be modlated, see 2.3.5
Motion Page and 2.4 Macro Modlation.
All other controls shold be familiar to o and self eplaining.
2.3.4 FX Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials. Here o can add for slots of insert effects to
each Material. On the right side there is a Ca EQ for each Material.
To load an effect, simpl click on a N field on the left and choose an effect from the list.
Or o click on the name of a selected effect and replace it ith another effect.
Yo can no adjst the effect parameters in the middle area. Please note that the aailable
parameters for each effect depend on the chosen effect tpe.
As o can see in the screenshot belo, the Fa effect gies o a nmber of presets,
hich can be selected ia the P drop-don men in the middle area and offers the
parameters Ra (free or snc), D and the oerall M of this effect.
2.3.5 Motion Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials and here a lot of M can happen! Three
modlation sorces are aailable at the same time: LFO, S and A. LFO
Choose LFO first to learn abot those motion possibilities. After sitching on this modlation
sorce, the LFO Ra can be adjsted on the left side. When sing S, to self eplaining
S M are aailable pls a R on/off sitch.
In this middle area o can choose the LFO Wa and in case the R sitch on
the left is actiated, o can adjst to Pa parameters here as ell.
Aboe the Wa displa there is a little bt important M sitch. When sitched
off, the modlation is rnning all the time. When sitched on, or modlation heel (midi
CC#1) controls the intensit of the modlation.
In the right area o can define to destinations for or LFO modlation and their intensit,
called S. Belo the names Da 1 and Da 2 there is a drop-don
men to choose the destination. Please make sre not to se a aetable modlation like
WT S if the sorce is not a aetable Material for eample. Step Seqencer
No click on S, this is a fleible step seqencer as a second modlation sorce. After
sitching on this modlation sorce, start ith choosing a P on the left. We created
almost 40 presets that make fll se of the modlation possibilities. Belo the preset area,
o ill find the S and S controls, er similar to the LFO modlation.
In the middle area o ill see the big step seqencer indo, that allos draing on
aeforms or better said adjsting ales for each step. Belo this indo, o can define
the amont of S and actiate S E, a featre to soften the corners of each step,
hich reslts in rather smooth modlations. The arros right of those controls allo moing
the hole step seqence b one step left and right or reersing the hole seqence.
Aboe the S S displa there is the little bt important M sitch again.
When sitched off, the modlation is rnning all the time. When sitched on, or
modlation heel (midi CC#1) controls the intensit of the modlation.
The right area is the same for all three modlation sorces (see LFO). Yo can
define to destinations for or modlation and their intensit,
13 Arpeggiator
No click on A, this is a fleible arpeggiator as a third modlation sorce ith focs on
midi notes. After sitching on this modlation sorce, start ith choosing a P on the
left. We created abot 60 presets in 4 categories, that make fll se of the arpeggiator
Belo the preset area, o ill find tpical M options and self eplaining T and
Ra M. Right of those controls, there are controls for S, Ga, S and
Oa. Jst rn an arpeggio and tr all those controls to shape the seqences to or
2.4 Macro Modlation
On the main page ith the big froen metal ball o also hae access to the so-called
macro-modlation, hich can control seeral parameters ia modheel or a self-rnning
LFO. Click on the p arro in the right loer corner of the main page first of all.
No o see the control area for all Material slots. We selected for parameters to control
for each slot indiidall: V,Pa,C and (filter) D. All horiontal faders
define the modlation range of those parameters. The for ertikal faders net to the big
froen metal ball control the oerall intensit of each parameter. Let's take a closer look.
The left and right rond edges of the faders can be moed and define the modlation range.
The left one is the ero position, hen the modheel is all the a don. The right one is
the maimm position hen the modheel is all the a p.
Imagine o ant to control the Panorama of to Materials contra rotating. The little inert
icon aboe each fader allos to inert a modlation, for Pa this means from right to left
instead of from left to right.
Imagine o ant to control V for slot 1 and 2, bt not for slot 3 and 4. For this case
onl open the horiontal V faders for slot 1 and 2 like on the screen shot on the page
aboe. As net step make sre the ertikal master V fader is all the a p. No trn
or modheel and see the little fader at the left border of the main page moing. With this
moement o control V (pls mabe Pa,C and D) in the defined
Hoer or mose crsor oer the fader no and press on A. The moement is
controlled b an LFO no ato-maticall and o can define the LFOs speed ith the fader.
2.5 Master Effects
On the main page ith the big froen metal ball o can see an icon ith the naming Ma
in the corner on the right on top. Clicking here ill open the master effect area ith three
send effects and a chain of mastering insert effects. Sitch from S FX to P FX ith
the central icons in the loer area.
2.5.1 Send FX
Yo can add another sonic dimension to the Materials ith those 3 insert effects and adjst
the leels for each Material indiidall. Click on the central S FX icon in the loer area
to get to the send effect page first of all.
Yo see three effects from left to right ith jst a fe crated controls each, to simplif the
R is a high qalit effect to add space, sie and air to or Materials. Choose a T
as the first step and adjst the parameters belo to or sonic needs.
Da offers seeral dela tpes. Choose a M as the first step and adjst the parameters
belo to or sonic needs.
Ta is a conoltion reerb, bt not eqipped ith standard reerbs, bt e recorded
and designed seeral implse responses ith the sonic Metal & Ice theme in mind. Jst
choose a T hich ill load one of 50 implse responses and adjst the parameters
belo to or sonic needs.
In the Ta effect area o ill also find an EQ to tone don distrbing freqencies,
that might be cased b the combination of Material sorce and Ta effect. Sitch
ies ith the C and EQ bttons.
No lets adjst the effect sends for each Material. To do this, click on the S field,
located aboe the S FX and Post FX .
Yo shold no see this ie aboe, here o can adjst the effect leels for each Material
indiidall. To go back to the send effect settings, click on the S field again, hich is
no located belo the Da naming in the central top area.
2.5.2 Post FX
Yo can kind of polish and master the Materials ith those for effects. Click on the central
P FX icon in the loer area to get to the send effect page first of all.
Actiate the Ea ith the btton left of the name to see the controls like in the
screenshot aboe. Yo can actiate the remaining three effects the same a.
For the folloing master effects e selected jst a fe controls each and designed some
presets and modes nder the hood, to simplif the editing.
For the C e designed three mastering presets hich o can select b clicking
on the name belo M. The intensit of the compressor doing his ork can be set ith
the S control.
The Saa offers 2 stles that o can select b clicking on the names belo S. The
intensit of the Saa doing his ork can be set ith the S control.
The O offers less controls than the other mastering effects. S actiates the
behaior hich the name pictres. Ga increases the signal leel being sent to the
O effect.