Technical Information
You can amplify information about the technical features of Emac®’s products by downloading their
Technical File from www.emac.es.
If you have any query please contact our Technical Department in tecnico@emac.es
The data provided are for information only and have been obtained by our supplier or Emac®.
Does not constitute legal guarantee in terms of properties and / or functionality of the application of material.
EPDM is an elastomer. The elastomers are those polymers which have an
elastic performance, this is, they deform when subjected to a force but recover
its original form when the force dissapears. It is a versatile, impermeable, elastic,
exible and long lasting material.
The ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) is obtained with a third monomer
through a vulcanization process. This process consists in warming the raw
rubber with presence of sulfur so it produces a reticulation of the material
(formation of sulfur bridges). This process converts the rubber in a harder,
impermeable and more cold resistance material.
Technical Specications
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Type Closed cell
Density 150 kg/m
Traction resistance >450 kPa DIN 53571
Elongation >120 % DIN 53571
Tear resistance >0.5 kN/m NFR 99211 - 80
Compression set 7 days at
+-30 % ASTM D1056
Dimensional Stability < 5 (22 h 70ºC) %
Working temperature - 40 / + 80 ºC
Water absorption < 5 %
Hardness Shore “00” 51.7 ASTM D1056-00
Ozone Test No breaks (200 pphm/40ºC)
Fire resistance (C.C) OK (1E) FMV SS302
Stain resistance Does not stain with paint NTF 46-031
CFC Without CFC
Environmental Standard OK 2000/53/CE
Applications and cleaning
Check this information in the Technical File of the product.