Terratec NOXON A540 User manual

User manual

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© TERRATEC® Electronic GmbH, 1994-2010. Alle Rechte vorbehalten (01.11.2010).
Copyright Hinweise:
Thomson Licensing - MP3 audio decoder
MPEG Layer-3 audio decoding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson
Microsoft - Windows Media Audio decoder
This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or dis-
tribution of such technology outside of this product is prohibited without a license from
Microsoft - Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM 10)
Content owners use Windows Media digital rights management technology (WMDRM)
to protect their intellectual property, including copyrights. This device uses WMDRM soft-
ware to access WMDRM-protected content. If the WMDRM software fails to protect the
content, content owners may as Microsoft to revoke the software’s ability to use WMDRM
to play or copy protected content. Revocation does not affect unprotected content. When
you download licenses for protected content, you agree that Microsoft may include a
revocation list with the licenses. Content owners may require you to upgrade WMDRM
to access their content. If you decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access content
that requires the upgrade.
Menu structure
USB playback
My playlist
Repeat: off
Shuffle: off
Clean my playlist
Clean server list
Internet Radio
Main menu
Internet Radio
Sleep Timer
System settings
Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 5
Local Germany
By Region
By Genre
Search stations
Best of NOXON
New Stations
Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Service 4
Service 5
Central Amerika
Search podcasts
Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 5
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server 4
Server 5
System settings
Factory reset
Software update
Setup wizard
Network wizard
WPS wizard
View settings
WLAN region
Manual settings
Network profile
Set Time/Date
Auto update
Set format
Set timezone
Daylight savings
Software update
Auto-check settings
Check now
Menu structure .............................................................38
Declaration of CE-Conformity .................................................40
Important information!.........................................................41
Quick Start Guide for pros......................................................42
Pretest ...................................................................42
Overview .................................................................43
Setup ....................................................................45
Listen and enjoy............................................................47
Setup in detail................................................................49
One question before starting: Wired or wireless? ..................................49
Here, as an example, the integration via cable or WLAN ............................49
For information: on routers, SSID, MAC & IPs.....................................49
Switching it on for the rst time ................................................51
The network conguration wizard ..............................................51
Scenario 1 – the wired connection..............................................52
Scenario 2 – the wireless connection............................................54
Manual conguration ........................................................56
WPS – WiFi Protected Setup..................................................56
Status line ................................................................57
List view ..................................................................58
Playback view .............................................................58
Main functions ...............................................................59
Internet radio ..............................................................60
Podcast & Radio-On-Demand .................................................60
Digital Media Player (playback from a UPnP server)................................61
The main menu ...............................................................63
UPnP ....................................................................65
Sleep Timer ...............................................................66
Alarm ....................................................................66
System settings ............................................................66
Technical data .............................................................70
Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................72
Legal information ...........................................................73
Declaration of CE-Conformity
We: TERRATEC Electronic GmbH · Herrenpfad 38 · 41334 Nettetal · Germany
hereby declare that the products:
to which this declaration relates, conform to the following standards or normative docu-
EN301489-1 V1.7.1
ETSI EN300328 V1.7.1
‚This product is conform with:
LVD directive 2006/95/EC
This statement is based on:
Report(s) of PRS Product Certication
Thus, the essential requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC are met. The CE has
been demonstrated. As part of the R & TTE Directive (1999/5/EC), the device of a radio
system for Class 1 (Commission Decision 2000/299/EC).
To completely disconnect this product from the mains, disconnect the plug from the wall socket outlet.
The mains plug is used to completely interrupt the power supply to the unit and must be within easy access by
the user.
Um dieses Gerät vollständig von der Stromversorgung abzutrennen, ziehen Sie bitte den Stecker aus der Wand-
steckdose. Der Netzstecker wird verwendet, um die Stromversorgung zum Gerät völlig zu unterbrechen; er muss
für den Benutzer gut und einfach zu erreichen sein.
Important information!
Read through the operating manual carefully and keep it in a safe place.
Observe all warnings and follow the instructions to avoid damage.
Use this device indoors only.
Place the device on a level, dry surface to prevent re and electrical shock hazards
as well as possible damage to the player itself.
Do not use the device close to water or other liquids.
Keep the device away from direct sunlight, radiators, open ames and other sources
of heat.
Only use the accompanying power supply cable. If you are not going to use the
device for an extended period, disconnect it from the power supply. To avoid short
circuits, never pull on the cable itself. In addition, be sure to unplug the device from
the AC outlet in the event of a thunderstorm.
If the device has been exposed to extreme differences in temperature, allow it to
adjust to the room temperature for one hour before plugging it in. Condensation may
have formed inside the device, which impairs its functionality.
Use a dry or slightly moistened, lint-free cloth to clean the NOXON. Do not use
cleaning products as they may damage the nish of the unit.
To put it simply, just use the device sensibly. The warranty does not cover deliberate
damage to the device, of course. Thank you.
The product contains batteries that are subject to European Directive 2006/66/EC
and must not be disposed of in the normal household waste.
This product fulls EC Directive 2002/96/EC and must not be disposed of in the nor-
mal household waste.
Please obtain information on correct disposal from your local authorities this will
help protect the environment!
Scope of delivery
Start by making sure that the contents of the package are complete. The NOXON packa-
ge should contain at least the following items:
Power supply cable
Remote control with battery inserted
WLAN antenna
Operating manual (DE, EN)
Quick Start Guide (DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, NL)
Quick Start Guide for pros
This Quick Start Guide shows you how to get started using your NOXON device. For
detailed descriptions and special congurations, refer to the information further back
in your manual (depending on the scope of delivery, available in printed form or on the
accompanying CD and online at www.terratec.com).
Like any network device, your NOXON needs to be connected to your network before
you can get started.
What do you need?
A fast Internet connection (for example, DSL, ideally with a at rate).
A router for Internet access; for wireless operation, what is called a WLAN (Wireless
LAN) router
A network cable, if you do not want a wireless Internet connection for your device
For WLAN integration: your network key (WEP, WPA or WPA2)
This key, just like any key, protects your network from unauthorised access and was ge-
nerated when your network was set up. To allow NOXON access to a key-protected net-
work, you will need to enter the network key into NOXON in a later step. If your network
does not have a key, the NOXON can connect to the Internet without a network key.
Note: If you are not sure whether you are using a key of this type in your network, just
give it a try without entering anything! If this does not work, repeat the setup process from
the beginning. However, you will need to know your network key at this point. Please ask
the person who set up your network for assistance.
Overview: front
Power On/Off:1. Here, you can wake up the A540 or put it back to sleep.
Back-Button:3. This takes you one step back in the selection.
Navigation dial with push function for selection: 4. Scroll through the menu by turning
the dial in the list view. Turning the dial during playback changes the volume. To se-
lect a menu item, press the dial once.
Presets:5. Here, you can save up to three of your favourite stations for quick access.
Skip Back: 6. Jumps to the previous track.
Play/Pause:7. Starts and pauses playback.
Skip Forward:8. Jumps to the next track.
USB:9. Here, you can connect USB mass storage media.
DIGITAL OUT:1. Connect this optical jack (TOSlink) to a digital amplier that under-
stands the S/PDIF protocol.
ANALOG OUT:2. Connect this analog jack (RCA) with a analog amplier.
LAN:3. For wired network operation, use this RJ45 jack.
WLAN antenna: For wireless reception, you have to connect the WLAN antenna 4.
provided here.
POWER: Connect the provided power adapter to this jack.5.
The remote control
The operating elements and functions provided here are almost identical to those on the
Note: Before using the device for the rst time, you have to remove the retaining tab of
the battery.
Standby On/Off1.
Station keys 1 to 52.
Back Button3. (navigate back)
Navigate up4.
Volume lower6.
Volume higher7.
Navigate down8.
Skip Back10.
Skip Forward11.
Once your A540 has been activated initially, follow these steps to link it to your network
for the rst time:
You are greeted by the setup wizard, which asks politely if you want to start it up.
Setup wizard
Start now?
Use the navigation dial to select a language for
the menu and conrm as in all other menus
the selection by pressing the navigation dial.
Then, enter the time format (12/24-hour).
However, we recommend that you set the date and time immediately (Day, Month, Year,
Time), as well as the WLAN region you are located in.
Once you have done so, all that remains to be done is to connect to the network. Don‘t
worry, even this should not be complicated – the network wizard will give you all the help
you need.
We‘ll explain the ins and outs of this in the detailed manual later on. For now, we offer
just a brief overview (after all, you are still in the „Overview“ chapter), as we do not want
to bore anybody.
Your WiFi network
WiFi network of your neigh...
[Manual Config]
The setup wizard gives you the ability to choose
between the cable connection and the wireless
WLAN port.
If you prefer the cable version, select [Wired].
The setup wizard connects to your router auto-
matically and that‘s it – you‘re in!
However, if the A540 is integrated via WLAN, ple-
ase select your WLAN network on the display.
After selecting the desired network, you then have to enter the password to connect to
the WLAN.
0123456789. _ @,
Navigate through the selection in the usual way
using the navigation dial, push function and Back
When you have nished entering the key, conrm
with OK. You likewise reach this eld via the na-
vigation dial.
There, you‘re nished already! Just press the navigation dial again to go to the main
menu – and use your NOXON A540 to plunge into the wonderful world of Internet radio.
Note: We recommend checking the device‘s rmware from time to time to ensure that you
have the latest version and to update it if necessary – only in this way can you access the
latest functions of your device. We‘ll explain how to do so later on in this manual.
Listen and enjoy
After you have set the device up successfully, the (almost) innite variety of Internet radio
is at your ngertips.
Main menu
Internet Radio
Sleep Timer
System settings
From the main menu, select [Internet Radio] and
conrm the selection.
Internet Radio
In the submenu that follows, navigate to the stati-
on of your choice according to your personal tas-
To accommodate the large number of stations available from around the world, our data-
base is conveniently sorted into countries, genres, popular stations etc. and is updated
on an ongoing basis.
Internet radio 09:23
German radio network
featuring rock and pop
After you make your selection, the playback
The playback screen provides informati-
on about the station that is now playing
and if transmitted information about the artist
and the title of the song that is currently playing.
To adjust the volume during playback, use the na-
vigation dial or the and keys on the remote
Have fun with your new NOXON A540!
Here‘s how to reach TERRATEC:
http://www.terratec.net/en/ drivers-and-support.html
Setup in detail
One question before starting: Wired or wireless?
The NOXON is designed to play les located on a network, either the Internet or your
home network. Two options are available for integrating the device into a network:
Via a wired connection (LAN, Ethernet)
Use a standard network cable to connect the device to a router, switch or hub—to con-
nect it to your PC directly, use a crossover cable.
Via a wireless connection (WLAN, Wi-Fi)
A wireless connection uses a radio link to an access point, router or computer.
Windows / Mac / Linux
NAS - Storage / UPnP - Server
Router / Switch
RJ - 45 Ethernet
Here, as an example, the integration via cable or WLAN
For information: on routers, SSID, MAC & IPs
You will come across a number of the following topics automatically when integrating your
NOXON. Together with the glossary in the appendix, these brief explanations will give
you a better understanding for making decisions with regard to your network settings. A
number of items are relevant only in connection with wireless networks. We’ll continue
with the actual setup in Chapter “5 – Scenario 1 – the wired network integration”!
Setting up the router options
For this purpose, you must be sufciently familiar with the router—or its administrator—
to change its conguration and understand its overall handling. Otherwise, you have to
know somebody who is familiar with these things. Normally, these devices use Web in-
terfaces for their administration. In other words, you only need to enter a specic address
(e.g. in your Web browser for it to display a convenient user interface giving
you access to all of the routers options.
Caution – we are here: SSID broadcast (WLAN)
As explained in the technical glossary, the abbreviation SSID stands for the network
name sent out to all wireless network devices within range, informing them of the pres-
ence of a network with this identication. Some routers, however, have an option to
suppress the broadcast of the network name. The option is a toggle that is usually called
SSID broadcast. If the broadcast is disabled, you must know the name in order to enter
it manually when setting up the NOXON.
Device ID: the MAC address
The so-called MAC address is a unique identier assigned to all network devices. The
MAC address is permanently assigned to the device and cannot be modied. It can
therefore be used to congure routers to permit only devices with specic MAC address-
es to access the network or the Internet. In such a case, it will be necessary to congure
the router with the NOXON’s MAC address so that it will be able to establish a network
connection and access data in the network. The address can be found on a label on the
back of the NOXON.
Sometimes required: a xed IP
Under certain circumstances, it can be useful for a device to always have the same
address. Most networks these days are set up to assign the so-called IP address - the
identier for the TCP/IP protocol - dynamically. In other words, the rst time a device con-
nects, the so-called DHCP server assigns it a valid IP address which the device will keep
as long as the address is not needed elsewhere.
This occurs completely automatically, without the users knowledge. If a network
is based on static IPs - i.e. xed addresses, rather than dynamically assigned ones
- there will generally be a precise set of rules governing the addresses that can be
assigned. And our friend the NOXON also has such an IP address. If the network
requires a xed address, the rules for assigning them must be known. But once
again, a xed IP is really the exception; generally, everything happens automatically.
Switching it on for the rst time
To start the NOXON, press the ON/OFF button on the NOXON itself marked with the
Setup wizard
Start now?
After switching on the device, you enter the setup
wizard, which helps you set up your NOXON
Then, set the time format (12/24-hour).
The date and time follow. Set each of these using the navigation dial and conrm by
pressing the dial or the remote control. By the way, the date format is European date
rst, then month. Then, you can decide on a WLAN region. Unless you are currently in
Spain or France, [Most of Europe] is the correct choice for Europeans.
And that’s all the information the setup wizard needs from you. It hands the baton over to
the network conguration wizard automatically.
The network conguration wizard
When switching it on for the rst time, the NOXON network device does not yet have
any information about the possible network environments from which it will be getting its
content. After switching it on for the rst time and selecting a language, the conguration
wizard will be displayed automatically.
As in all other menus of the NOXON, use the navigation dial to move through the selec-
tions. Conrm your selection by pressing the navigation dial.
The following chapter describes how to congure access, both for wired and wireless
network integration. If you are not satised with the way things are working after running
the Wizard, you can run it again by going to the main menu, selecting [Settings] and se-
lecting [Network] and then the network wizard in the following submenu.
Scenario 1 – the wired connection
If an Ethernet cable of a functioning network is plugged in at the time the device is
switched on, follow the steps below to set up the device quickly and easily:
Your WiFi network
WiFi network of your neigh...
[Manual config]
If a DHCP server is active in your router which is
the case in almost every current model please
select [Wired].
The wizard now automatically connects to your
router and gets its network address from the DHCP
server. Every device in the network must have
such an identier to ensure that the IP packets ar-
rive in the right place. Normally, that’s all there is to it, and the connection is made.
In rare cases, however, static IP addresses are assigned for certain access settings—
for more information, have a word with your network administrator. See “Sometimes
required: a xed IP.
DHCP enable
Set static IP
To assign a static IP to the NOXON, select [Manu-
al Cong].
In the following menu, please select [Set static
IP settings
IP adress
Subnet mask
255 0
Here you can enter the corresponding values us-
ing the navigation dial. To get to large numbers
(such as 192) more quickly, turn the dial to the left.
To go to the next eld, press the dial or the OK
button on your remote control.
Gateway adress
Gateway adress
Then, you have to specify the gateway address.
Primary DNS
Sekundary DNS
0 0
Now, just enter the DNS address…and you’re
Now, just enter the DNS address…and you’re
Scenario 2 – the wireless connection
We would also like to give you the information necessary to integrate your NOXON wire-
lessly via a router as an alternative to the wired network connection as described under
“Scenario 1 – the wired connection”.
Not unimportant: the location
A wireless signal always travels along a direct point-to-point, i.e. antenna-to-antenna,
path. The quality of a wireless connection thus stands or falls with the obstacles in the
line of sight from the NOXON to the opposite network device. Setting the device up in
some locations may therefore result in a poorer signal, even if the actual distance is
shorter. For example, if a large amount of masonry or sources of interference are located
between the devices, the signal quality will decrease despite the short distance.
Note: Use the display of your NOXON to determine the signal strength at selected loca-
Wireless integration using a router
In comparison to wired networks, a wireless local area network (WLAN) link provides
considerable additional freedom, but also requires a bit more attention—especially if you
do not want to completely neglect security aspects.
In the case of wireless, data is transmitted over one or more access points (AP). These
WLAN access points are generally integrated into the broadband router of your Internet
access line. While exact gures are not available, one can nevertheless safely assume
that this is currently the most common way to use broadband Internet access and share it
locally among several users. The NOXON is also the most fun to use this way, as you can
receive radio from the Internet or music from other computers in your network—without
necessarily having your own computer running at the time.
Setting up the wireless connection on the NOXON
While still in its factory default state, the NOXON will start the conguration wizard to
complete the integration in your network.
Your WiFi network
WiFi network of your neigh...
[Manual config]
It starts listing for you all networks it has found.
Your network should be among them. This looks
something like this.
Please select “your” network now. If the network you are looking for does not appear, you
can repeat the search via the [Rescan] menu item. Perhaps your NOXON A540 is simply
too far away from the router, or there are too many walls and other obstacles between
the two devices? Go ahead and place the NOXON right next to the router to eliminate
distance as a possible source of errors.
If at this point, you decide that you would rather connect your radio to the router, select
the menu item [Wired].
After successfully selecting the network you have to enter the network password. At
least, you have to if you have encrypted your WLAN router properly. We’d like to take this
opportunity to urgently recommend that you do just that. But back to the matter at hand.
0123456789. _ @,
Enter the password for your WLAN router via the
navigation dial: turn the dial to select the letters
and numbers, and press the dial to conrm the
entry. You can nd the special characters by scroll-
ing further using the dial.
If you accidentally type in the wrong thing, use the eld [BKSP] (for backspace). When
you have nished entering the password, go to the [OK] eld. Please do not conrm each
letter using [OK], as this would cancel the input.
After you conrm using the OK button, the NOXON A540 sends the password to the
router (“Please wait” appears on the screen), which – if the password is correct – logs on
the A540 (indicated on the display with “Connected”).
Setup wizard
Setup wizard
Press SELECT to exit
If this is all successful, the network conguration
wizard displays the message “Setup wizard com-
pleted.” Now press the navigation dial to go to the
main menu.
Your entries are thus stored in the device and you do not have to repeat them. The next
time the A540 is switched on, it nds your router automatically and logs into the network
on its own.
Manual conguration
You have to select this entry if your router does not tell you the network name and you
have to enter it manually, or the router has no DHCP server and the IP address is to be
assigned as a xed address. The setup here is the same as that described under “Sce-
nario 1 – the wired connection”.
WPS – WiFi Protected Setup
Hidden behind this cryptic name is a standard for simply and securely setting up the
NOXON A540 in a network. Please note that your router must also support this protocol
in order for the connection to work.
Push Button Conguration:
WPS Setup
Push WPS
button at the
other end
Press SELECT to
To use this type of connection setup, press the
WPS button (PBC) on your router and then “OK”
on your A540.
To congure your router, consult the correspond-
ing manual.
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Terratec NOXON A540 User manual

User manual
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