Overview of Test Agent Orchestraon
Test Agents in Paragon Acve Assurance are considered as "conguraon" in the context of
orchestraon. This means that creaon, control, and deleon of Test Agents should be done via the
orchestrator and NETCONF rather than via the Paragon Acve Assurance GUI.
IMPORTANT: If a Test Agent is installed by a technician and registered to Control Center without
rst being created via the NETCONF & YANG API, the Test Agent will not exist in the
conguraon database, and the system will get out of sync. For ConfD to become aware of the
Test Agent in this case, it will be necessary to perform a new synchronizaon with Control
Center, as detailed in the secon "Synchronizing the Conguraon Database with Control
Center" on page 4.
Orchestraon of Virtual Test Agents (vTAs) should therefore rather be done in the following steps:
1. Create the Virtual Test Agent, including its interface conguraon, using the NETCONF & YANG
interface to Control Center. The name of the Test Agent will be its unique key.
2. Deploy the vTA on a virtualizaon plaorm. Follow the instrucons in the online help under Test
Agents > Installaon. The basic interface conguraon that allows the vTA to connect to Control
Center, as well as credenals for authencaon, is provided into the vTA using cloud-init user data.
Once the vTA has booted, it will automacally connect to Control Center using an encrypted
OpenVPN connecon. A NETCONF nocaon is sent since the value of the vTA's test-agent-status-
change parameter has now changed to "online".
NOTE: Since the name of the vTA is its idener in Control Center, this name must be the
same as that dened in Control Center in "step 1" on page 17.
3. Once the vTA has connected and authencated to Control Center, the interface conguraon is
pushed to the vTA. This is the interface conguraon provided in "step 1" on page 17 when the vTA
was created in Control Center.
4. Aer the vTA has served its purpose, delete the vTA.
Creang and Deploying a New Test Agent
We rst need to create a Test Agent using the NETCONF & YANG interface to Control Center. When a
Test Agent is created in this way, no synchronizaon with Control Center is needed.