Part No. 4801-5129 rev 6-04 Farm Hand Heat Zone 3
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
(Zona 1)
(Zona 2)
(Zona 3)
(Zona 4)
Zone Status
Zone Control
There are two models of the Farm Hand Heat Zone controller. Model # 6607-1596 (120 VAC) works
with Hot Surface Ignition (HSI) types of brooders and provides 120 volts for ignition. The 120 volts
is supplied from an external power supply as illustrated in the wiring diagram is Section 9.4. Model #
6607-1595 (24 VAC) works with Zone brooders and provides 24 volts for ignition. See Sections 9.4
and 9.5 for wiring diagrams.
For additional information on installing and connecting brooders, refer to Hired-Hand Zone Brooder
Owners Manual # 4801-5107 or Hired-Hand HSI Owners Manual # 4801-5121.
5. Day to Day Operating Instructions
This section of the manual describes the day to day operation of the Farm Hand Heat Zone controller.
5.1 Face Pad Description
The Heat Zone Controller has three regions on
the face pad. First is the main display area.
This section includes the main display, and
three green LED’s which tell what the display is
indicating. If the green light beside “Room
Temperature” is lit, then the display is showing
the average inside temperature of the heated
area of your building. Later in this manual you
will learn how to view the other two parameters.
Just to the right of the main display is the control button region. This region has three buttons, Mode,
Plus (+), and Minus (-). The Mode button is the primary user operated button on the controller. It has
two functions: First, when you press the button you will step through Room Temperature, Target
Temperature and Zone Temperatures. (All of these are shown on the display.). Second, the mode
button allows you to go into program mode. To do this, press and hold the mode button for five
seconds, until you see “P1” in the display. This P1 will alternate with the actual setting of Parameter
P1. (See Section 6 “Program Mode” for more information.)
The Plus and Minus buttons are used to adjust settings (Target Temperature, for
example). If you press the Plus (+) button, the setting will increase, and when
you press the Minus (-) button, the setting will decrease.
Below the main display are four zone status indicators. This red light will be lit if
the stage is on.
Finally, the Farm Hand Heat Zone Controller has
a three position switch for each one of the four
zones. The Zone Control Switches will control the heaters based upon the
settings as follows:
ON – In this position the brooder runs continuously. The brooder can
not be turned off by the Heat Zone Controller.
OFF – In the “OFF” position the Heat stage will not run. The brooder
can not be turned on by the Heat Zone Controller.
AUTO – The stage is under control of the Farm Hand Heat Zone
5.2 Checking/Adjusting Temperatures
To view the average temperature of the heated area of your house, look at the display. When a control
button has not been pressed with in the last minute, the display will automatically show “Room
Temperature”. To see the Target Temperature, press the button labeled “Mode”. When this button is
pressed, watch the green LED’s beside the main display. Whichever LED is lighted determines the
Room Temp
Target Temp
Zone Temps
( Temperatura Cuarto)
( Temeratura Optima)
( Temeratura Zona) (Modo)
Main Display Area