2.1 About the Geovane
Thanks to the patented design of the Geovane, it has now become possible for
wind farm developers to get rid of the (up to now) greater uncertainty in
traditional wind direction measurements: the wind vane mounting bias.
The Geovane is not a wind vane, therefore it does not provide a wind direction
measurement. The Geovane is a solar compass, specifically designed to work in
conjunction with wind vanes, ultrasonic anemometers, sodars and lidars.
Being equipped with high-resolution optoelectronic sensors, composed of 1024
photosensing pixels, the Geovane uses the Sun to measure the True North offset
of sensor coupled to it.
The True North wind vane offset is obtained by comparing the theoretical solar
azimuth angle calculated by the Geovane’s embedded processing unit with the
observed azimuth value read by its built-in photosensing pixels.
The Geovane offers three type of outputs: frequency, analog voltage and digital
over a RS-485 serial interface.
2.2 Recommended use
With the order options currently available, the Geovane can be used for two
different applications:
Geovane_metmast_verification (install it on existing wind measurement
masts and use it to correct/verify existing wind direction datasets).
Geovane_metmast (for future wind measurement masts and power
performance tests).
As soon as the Geovane + wind vane unit has been mounted on the met mast and
it receives sufficient direct radiation from the Sun, the Geovane will offer as
output the offset of the wind vane with respect to True North.
In case you are using the Geovane to verify the offsets of existing wind vanes in a
particular met mast (e.g installing a third wind vane equipped with a Geovane in
between the two other wind vanes), we recommend keeping the Geovane + wind
vane unit on the mast at least until the predominant wind direction has been
thoroughly established. After that, you can consider the option of moving the
Geovane + wind vane kit to a new met mast.
Please keep note that both met mast and sensor booms can bend and twist over
time or in harsh weather conditions, altering the wind direction measurements
over time. If the Geovane is installed from the beginning, it will guarantee wind