1. Outline
1 − 3
1.4 Basic functions and option functions
● Basic functions (High-speed serial communication interface input/output signals)
Function Details
Emergency stop input
When the emergency stop signal turns OFF, the motor decelerates to a stop with
regenerative braking, and after stopping the gate is shut off.
Speed command input The digital speed command is input from the control unit.
Ready ON input
After ready ON is input, the motor can be run.
When the signal is turned OFF, the motor will coast to stop.
Forward run, reverse run
command input
While this signal is ON, the motor will rotate in the counterclockwise direction (forward run)
or clockwise direction (reverse run) looking from the motor shaft side. The operation will
follow the speed command. The motor will decelerate to a stop when this signal turns OFF.
Orientation command
This is the orientation start signal. When this signal turns ON, orientation will start
regardless of the forward run/reverse run commands.
Gear selection 1,2 input The spindle gear step (4-step) for orientation or position control is selected.
Torque limit 1, 2, 3 input
The motor is rotated with the output torque temporarily reduced.
Seven types of torque limit values (parameter set) can be used.
Indexing forward run,
reverse run command
This is the forward run (CCW) or reverse run (CW) indexing command input after
multi-point orientation. This is valid when the orientation start signal is ON.
Control mode selection
command 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The spindle drive unit operation mode (speed control, position control) can be selected
directly with bit correspondence.
Zero speed output
This signal turns ON when the actual motor speed drops to below zero speed (parameter
Speed reached output
This signal turns ON when the actual motor speed in respect to the commanded speed
reaches ±15%.
Speed detection output This signal turns ON when the motor speed drops to below that set with parameters.
Current detection output This signal turns ON when the current value reaches 110% or more of the rated current.
In motor forward run/
reverse run output
Whether the actual motor is running in forward or reverse is detected and a signal is
Orientation output
This signal turns ON if the stop position is in the in-position (parameter set) range during
orientation. This signal turns OFF when not in the in-position range.
Index positioning complete
This signal turns ON when indexing is completed.
In alarm output
This signal turns ON if an alarm occurs in the spindle drive unit. The alarm details are
displayed with corresponding numbers on the unit and drive unit.
Speed display output The actual motor speed is displayed on the control unit screen.
Load display output
The actual motor load (motor output) is displayed on the control unit screen with 100% as
the short time rated output.
time constant setting
The time constant of the speed command used during acceleration/deceleration can be
set with parameters. Note that this will differ from the actual operation time because of the
load GD.
● Option functions 1. When using motor built-in encoder (only gear ratio 1:1)
2. When using installed 1024p/rev encoder
Function Details
Multi-point (4096 point)
Stopping from the high speed rotation to any of the 4096 points is possible directly.
Indexing function
After orientation stop, the motor can be stopped from either forward run or reverse run at
any of the 4096 points.
High-speed synchronous
Direct high-speed, high-precision tapping is possible without using a floating tap chuck.
Spindle speed display,
synchronous feed signal
The encoder pulse data is output to the control unit via a high-speed serial cable, so the
spindle speed can be displayed and threading can be carried out.