2. Place the low-tempe r ature ba t h and hi gh-temperature bath on the le ft
an d right sides of the control box, and add an ap propriate am ount of
medium; put the input refrigerat o r (cold he a d) into th e low-temp er ature
ba t h an d fix it; connect the respect ive load pl ugs to the i r corr e sponding
sock ets.
Not e : The medium in the constant te mperature bath must be higher than
th e heating tube to avoid dry heating of the heating tub e .
3. Insert the measuring cyli n der contai n ing the sample in t o the me asuring
cylinder fix ture and fix it, then plug th e rubber plug with the fo am head rod
an d the measu ring cylind e r tightly, an d connect the fo u r ai r nozzle s on the
control box with the foa m head rods respec t i vely. .
4. Tur n on th e power sw itch and the stirring swi t ch, an d then turn on the
swi t ch of the inp u t refrigerator and the gas source switch. When the
te mperature reaches the set tempe r a ture point, pe r form the test accordi n g
to the standard requirements. The valve can be ad justed to contr o l the gas
fl o w by adj u sting the four flow meters.
5. Afte r the test is over, the switch of the input refrigerator and the air
source switch should be cut off, and then the main engine stirring and
po w e r switch sh ould be cut off.
V. Use of temperature control meter
After the instrum ent is powere d on, the upper digital tube of the digital
di splay tempe r a ture control meter disp l ays the main control temperature
meas urement value, and the lower di g ital tub e di splays th e main control
set value.
If the upper row shows OVER, it means the sensor is open or the inpu t
signal exceeds the measurement range.
Set value change method
Pres s th e key, the up p er row di splays SP. Press th e ▲ or ▼ key