
Thecus N4800, N2800 User manual

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N 2 8 0 0
N 4 8 0 0 Series
Users Manual
Copyright and Tradem ark Notice
Thecus and ot her nam es of Thecus product s ar e regist ered t radem ar ks of Thecus
Technology Corp. Microsoft, Windows, and t he Windows logo are regist ered
t radem arks of Microsoft Corporat ion. Apple, iTunes and Apple OS X are regist ered
t radem arks of Apple Com put ers, I nc. All ot her t radem ark s and brand nam es are
t he propert y of t h eir r espect ive ow ners. Specificat ions are subj ect t o change
wit hout notice.
Copyright © 2014 Thecus Technology Corporat ion. All right s reserved.
About This Manual
All inform ation in this m anual has been carefully verified to ensure it s correct ness.
I n case of an error, please provide us wit h your feedback . Thecus Technology
Corporat ion r eserves t he right to m odify t he content s of this m anual wit hout not ice.
Product nam e: Thecus N2800/ N4800 Series
Manual Version: 5.2
Release Dat e: June 2014
Limited Warranty
Thecus Technology Corporation guarant ees all com ponents of Thecus NAS
product s are t horoughly test ed before t hey leave t he fact ory and should function
norm ally under general usage. I n case of any syst em m alfunct ions, Thecus
Technology Corporat ion and it s local representat ives and dealer s are responsible
for repair without cost to t he cust om er if t he pr oduct fails within t he warranty
period and under norm al usage. Thecus Technology Corporation is not responsible
for any dam age or loss of dat a deem ed t o be caused by it s product s. I t is highly
recom m ended t hat users conduct necessary back- up pract ices.
Check the functions that are available on your part icular Thecus NAS m odel
at :
ht tp: / / www.Thecus.com
Safety Warnings
For your safet y, please read and follow t he following safet y warnings:
Read this m anual t horoughly before att em pt ing t o set up your Thecus I P
st orage.
Your Thecus I P st orage is a com plicat ed elect ronic device. DO NOT at tem pt
to repair it under any circum stances. I n the case of m alfunction, t urn off the
power im m ediat ely and have it repaired at a qualified service center.
Contact your vendor for det ails.
DO NOT allow anyt hing t o rest on the power cor d and DO NOT place the
power cord in an area where it can be st epped on. Carefully place
connect ing cables t o avoid st epping or tripping on t hem .
Your Thecus I P st orage can operat e norm ally under t em perat ures bet w een
5° C and 40° C, wit h relative humidity of 20% 85% . Using Thecus I P
st orage under extrem e environm ental conditions could dam age the unit .
Ensure that the Thecus I P st orage is provided w it h t he corr ect supply
volt age ( AC 100V ~ 240V, 50/ 60 Hz, 3A) . Plugging t he Thecus I P st orage t o
an incorrect power source could dam age t he unit .
Do NOT expose Thecus I P st orage t o dam pness, dust , or corrosive liquids.
Do NOT place Thecus I P st orage on any uneven surfaces.
DO NOT place Thecus I P st orage in direct sunlight or expose it t o other heat
DO NOT use chem icals or aerosols to clean Thecus I P st orage. Unplug the
power cord and all connect ed cables before cleaning.
DO NOT place any obj ects on t he Thecus I P st or age or obst ruct it s
ventilat ion slot s to avoid overheating t he unit .
Keep packaging out of t he reach of children.
I f disposing of t he device, please follow your local regulations for t he safe
disposal of elect ronic product s to prot ect the environm ent.
Table of Contents
About This Manua l ......................................................................... 2
Lim it e d W a r ranty ........................................................................... 2
Sa fe t y W ar nings ............................................................................ 3
Table of Cont ents .......................................................................... 4
Chapt er 1 : I nt roduct ion ................................................................. 7
Ove r view ............................................................................................... 7
Product H igh light s ................................................................................. 7
Pack a ge Cont ent s .................................................................................. 9
Front Pa ne l .......................................................................................... 1 0
Rea r Pa nel ........................................................................................... 1 2
Ch apter 2 : Har dw ar e I nst a lla t ion ................................................ 1 4
Ove r view ............................................................................................. 1 4
Before You Beg in ................................................................................. 1 4
Cable Con nect ion s ............................................................................... 1 4
Chapt er 3 : Fir st Tim e Se t up ......................................................... 1 6
Ove r view ............................................................................................. 1 6
The cus Set up W iza rd ........................................................................... 1 6
OLED Ope rat ion ................................................................................... 1 8
USB Copy ............................................................................................. 1 9
Typical Set up Proce dure ...................................................................... 1 9
Chapt e r 4 : Syst e m Adm inist r a t ion ............................................... 2 1
Ove r view ............................................................................................. 2 1
W e b Adm inist ra t ion I nt e r face ............................................................. 2 1
My Favorit e ................................ .................................................. 22
Logout ................................................................ ........................ 24
Language Select ion ....................................................................... 24
Syst em I nform at ion ............................................................................ 2 5
Syst em I nform at ion ...................................................................... 25
Syst em / Ser vice St at us ................................................................ .. 25
Logs ........................................................................................... 26
User Access Log ........................................................................... 28
Syslog Managem ent ................................ ................................ ...... 29
Syst em Monit or ............................................................................ 31
Syst em M a nagem e nt ........................................................................... 3 4
Tim e: Sett ing syst em tim e ............................................................. 34
Notification configurat ion ............................................................... 34
Firm ware Upgrade ................................ ................................ ........ 35
Schedule Power On/ Off.................................................................. 36
Adm inist rat or Password ................................................................. 37
Config Mgm t ................................ ................................................ 37
Fact ory Default ................................................................ ............. 38
Reboot & Shutdown ................................................................ ...... 38
File Syst em Check ........................................................................ 38
Wake- Up On LAN ( WOL) ................................ ................................ 40
SNMP Support .............................................................................. 40
UI Login Function ......................................................................... 41
Syst em N et w ork .................................................................................. 4 2
Net working ................................ .................................................. 42
DHCP/ RADVD ............................................................................... 43
Linking Aggregat ion ...................................................................... 44
Additional LAN .............................................................................. 46
St or a ge M ana gem ent .......................................................................... 4 7
Disks I nform ation (Refer Chapt er 7 for FW v2.03.01 and aft er) .......... 47
RAI D I nform at ion ......................................................................... 49
NAS St acking ............................................................................... 60
I SO Mount ................................ ................................ ................... 66
Share Folder ................................................................................ 68
Folder and sub- folders Access Control List (ACL) .......................................... 72
iSCSI ................................................................ .......................... 74
iSCSI Thin- Provisioning ................................................................. 80
Advance Option ............................................................................ 81
Use r an d Gr oup Aut he n tica tion ........................................................... 8 2
ADS/ NT Support ........................................................................... 82
Local User Configurat ion ................................................................ 84
Local Group Configuration .............................................................. 86
Batch User s and Groups Cr eation.................................................... 88
User Quot a ................................ ................................ .................. 89
User and Group Backup ................................ ................................. 90
LDAP Support ............................................................................... 90
N et w or k Se rvice .................................................................................. 9 1
Sam ba / CIFS .............................................................................. 91
AFP ( Apple Net work Set up) ............................................................ 94
NFS Setup ................................................................................... 94
FTP ............................................................................................. 95
TFTP ........................................................................................... 96
WebService ................................ ................................ .................. 97
UPnP ........................................................................................... 97
Bonj our Set t ing ................................ ................................ ............ 98
SSH ............................................................................................ 98
DDNS .......................................................................................... 99
UPnP Port Managem ent ................................................................ 100
Applica tion Se rver ............................................................................. 1 0 1
iTunes® Server ........................................................................... 102
Module I nst allation ...................................................................... 102
Auto Module I nstallation ............................................................... 103
Ba ck up .............................................................................................. 1 0 4
Rsync Target Server .................................................................... 104
Dat a Guard ( Rem ote Backup) ........................................................ 105
ACL Backup and Rest ore ............................................................... 117
Data Burn ................................................................................... 118
Thecus Backup Ut ilit y ................................ ................................... 121
Windows XP Data Backup ............................................................. 122
Apple OS X Backup Ut ilities ........................................................... 123
Ex t erna l Device s ................................................................................ 1 2 3
Print ers ...................................................................................... 123
Unint errupted Pow er Source.......................................................... 128
Cha pter 5 : Tips and Trick s ......................................................... 1 2 8
USB and eSATA St orage Expansion .................................................... 1 2 8
Rem ot e Adm inist rat ion ...................................................................... 1 2 9
Part I - Setup a DynDNS Account .................................................. 130
Part I I - Enable DDNS on the Rout er .............................................. 130
Part I I I - Set t ing up Virt ual Servers ( HTTPS) ................................... 130
Fir ew a ll Soft w a re Configur at ion ........................................................ 1 3 0
Replacin g D am a ge d Ha rd Dr ive s ....................................................... 1 3 1
Hard Drive Dam age ..................................................................... 131
Replacing a Hard Drive ................................ ................................ . 131
RAI D Aut o- Rebuild ................................ ....................................... 131
Chapt er 6 : Tr oubleshoot ing ....................................................... 1 3 2
For got My Net w ork I P Addre ss .......................................................... 1 3 2
Can 't M a p a N et w ork D rive in W in dow s XP ........................................ 1 3 2
Rest orin g Fact or y Defau lt s ................................................................ 1 3 2
Proble m s w it h Tim e and D a te Set t in g s .............................................. 1 3 3
Chapt er 7 : Updat e s for FW v2 .0 3 .0 1 .......................................... 1 3 4
St at us ................................ ................................ ........................ 134
Added Hardware I nform at ion ........................................................ 134
Disk I nform at ion................................................................ .......... 135
Data Guard (Local Backup) ........................................................... 138
Volum e Expansion Managem ent .................................................... 154
Appen dix A: Cust om er Suppor t .................................................. 1 5 5
Appen dix B: RAI D Ba sics ........................................................... 1 5 6
Ove r view ........................................................................................... 1 5 6
Ben efit s ............................................................................................. 1 5 6
I m proved Perform ance ................................................................. 156
Dat a Secu rity .............................................................................. 156
RAI D Le vels ....................................................................................... 1 5 6
Appendix C: Act ive D ir ect ory Ba sics .......................................... 1 5 9
Ove r view ........................................................................................... 1 5 9
W ha t is Act iv e D ire ct or y? .................................................................. 1 5 9
ADS Be nefit s...................................................................................... 1 5 9
Appendix D: Licensing I nform ation ........................................... 1 6 0
Ove r view ........................................................................................... 1 6 0
Source Code Ava ilabilit y .................................................................... 1 6 0
CGI C Lice nse Ter m s ........................................................................... 1 6 1
GN U Ge ner al Public License ............................................................... 1 6 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
Thank y ou for choosing t he Thecus I P St orage Server. The Thecus I P st orage is an
easy- t o- use st orage server that allows a dedicated approach t o st oring and
dist ributing dat a on a network. Dat a reliability is ensured wit h RAI D feat ures t hat
provide dat a securit y and recoveryov er m ultiple Terabyte of storage ar e available
using RAI D 5 and RAI D 6. Gigabit Et hernet port s enhance net work efficiency,
allowing Thecus I P storage t o t ake over file m anagem ent funct ions, increase
application and dat a sharing and provide fast er dat a response. Th e Thecus I P
st orage offers dat a m obility with a disk roam ing feat ure t hat let s you swap working
hard drives for use in ot her Thecus I P st orage, securing the cont inuit y of dat a in t he
event of hardw are failure. The Thecus I P st orage allows dat a consolidation and
sharing bet ween Windows ( SMB/ CI FS) , UNI X/ Linux, and Apple OS X environm ents.
The Th ecus I P st orages user- friendly GUI supports m ultiple Languages.
Product Highlights
File Se r ver
First and forem ost , t he Thecus I P st orage allow s you t o st ore and share files ov er an
I P net work. Wit h a Networ k At tached St orage (NAS) device, you can cent ralize
your files and share them easily over your net work. Wit h the easy- to- use
web-based int erface, users on your net work can access these files in a snap.
To learn about t he Web User I nterface, go to
Cha pt er 4 : Using t h e Thecus I P St ora ge >
W e b Adm inist ra t ion I nt e r face
FTP Server
Wit h t he built -in FTP Server, friends, client s, and cust om ers can upload and
download files to your Thecus I P st orage ov er t he I nt ernet with t heir favorit e FTP
program s. You can creat e user account s so t hat only aut horized users have access.
To set up t h e FTP Server, refer t o
Ch apt er 4 : N et w ork Se r vice>
iTune s Serve r
Wit h t he built -in iTunes server capabilit y, t he Thecus I P st orage enables digital
m usic to be shared and played anywher e on t he net work!
To set up the iTunes Serv er, refer t o
Cha pt er 4 : Applica t ion Se rve r> iTune s Configu r at ion.
Pr int er Se r ver
Wit h the Thecus I P st orages Print er Server, you can easily share an I PP print er with
ot her PCs connect ed t o your net w ork.
To set up t h e Print er Server, r efer t o
Cha pt er 4 : Ex te rn al D evice s Ser ver> Pr int er I n form a t ion.
Mult iple RAI D
Thecus I P st orage supports m ultiple RAI D volum es on one syst em . So, you can
cr eat e RAI D 0 for y our non- critical dat a, and creat e RAI D 1,5,6,50 or 60 ( depend
on m odel) for m ission- critical data. Cr eate t he RAI D levels depending on your
To configure RAI D m odes on t he Thecus I P st or age, refer t o
Cha pt er 4 : St or age M a na ge m en t >
RAI D I nform a t ion .
iSCSI Ca pabilit y
Thecus I P st orage is not only a file server, but it also supports iSCSI initiators. Your
server can access Thecus I P st orage as a direct - at t ached-st orage over t he LAN or
I nt ernet. There is no easier way t o expand the capacit y of your current application
server s. All t he st orage needs can be centrally m anaged and deployed. This brings
ultim at e flexibilit y t o user s.
To set up an iSCSI v olum e, refer t o
Cha pt er 4 : St or age M a na ge m en t > iSCSI
Superior Pow er Managem ent
Thecus I P st orage support s schedule pow er on/ off. Wit h this feature, adm inist rat or
can set at what t im e t o t urn on or off t he syst em . This feature is a big plus for
people w ho want t o conserve energy. Wake- On- LAN enables adm inist rat or t o
rem ot ely t urn on t he syst em w it hout even leaving t heir own seat .
To schedule syst em on and off, r efer t o
Cha pt er 4 : Syst em M an age m ent >
Scheduled Pow e r On / Off
Package Contents
The Thecus I P st orage should contain the following com m on it em s:
Syst em Unit x1
QI G (Quick I nstallation Guide) x1
CD- Title ( Acronis backup CD & Universal CD)
Et hernet Cable x1
Accessory bag x1
Warranty Card x1
Power adapt er x1
N4800 Series
The Thecus I P st orage should contain the following com m on it em s:
Syst em Unit x1
QI G (Quick I nstallation Guide) x1
CD- Title ( Acronis backup CD & Universal CD)
Et hernet Cable x1
Accessory bag x1
HDD Com pat ibilit y list Card x1
Mult iple Languages Warranty Card x1
Pow er cord x1
Please check to see if your package is com plet e. I f you find t hat som e item s ar e
m issing, cont act y our dealer.
Front Panel
N 2 8 0 0 :
The Th ecus N2800s front panel has t he devices contr ols, indicat ors, and hard disk
t rays:
Fr on t Pa ne l
I te m
Descript ion
1. Power But t on
Powers t he N2800 on/ off.
2. USB Port
USB 3.0 port for com pat ible USB devices, such as digit al cam eras,
USB disks, and USB print ers.
USB Copy
But t on
Copies USB st orage cont ent s t o N2800.
4. Card reader
Supports SD/ SDHC/ MMC cards via USB int erface.
5. HDD1 led
Blink in g w hit e : HDD act ivity
6. HDD2 led
Blink in g w hit e : HDD act ivity
WAN led
Solid w hit e: WAN Cable link
Blink in g w hit e : Net work act ivity
8. LAN led
Solid w hit e: LAN Cable link
Blink in g : Net work act ivit y
9. USB Copy led
Blinking w h it e: USB copy act ivity
10. Card reader
Blinking w h it e: Card reader copy act ivit y
N 4 8 0 0 Series:
The Th ecus N4800 Series front panel has the devices controls, indicat ors, and hard
disk t rays:
Fr on t Pa ne l
I te m
1.Power But t on
OLED screen saver will be enabled aft er screen is left idle for m ore
t han 3 m ins
Ye llow : HDD activit y
Re d: HDD failure
Ye llow : HDD activit y
Red: HDD failure
Ye llow : HDD activit y
Re d: HDD failure
Ye llow : HDD activit y
Red: HDD failure
Blin k ing green: net work act ivit y
Blink in g green: network act ivity
9.USB Copy
Blu e : USB Copy act ivity
Re d: USB Copy failure
10.HDD Tray
11. USB Port
Rear Panel
N 2 8 0 0 :
The N2800 rear panel feat ures port s and connect ors.
Back Pa nel
I te m
Descript ion
1. eSATA Port
eSATA port for high-speed ext ernal storage expansion.
2. USB Port
USB 2.0 port for com patible USB devices, such as digit al
cam eras, USB disks, and USB print ers.
WAN/ LAN1 port for connect ing to an Et hernet net work through a
swit ch or a router.
4. LAN2 Port
LAN2 port for connecting t o a local Ethernet net work t hrough a
swit ch or a router.
5. Syst em Fan
Syst em fan that exhaust s heat from t he unit.
6. Power
Connect or
Connect t he included power cords t o t his connector.
For Video/ Audio out
8. VGA
For Video out
N 4 8 0 0 Se r ies:
The N4800 Series rear panel features port s and connect ors.
Back Pa nel
I te m
Descript ion
Connect or
For connect the power adapt or
2. WAN/ LAN1
WAN/ LAN1 port for connect ing to an Et hernet net work t hrough a
swit ch or rout er
LAN2 Por t
LAN2 port for connecting t o an Ethernet net work t hrough a swit ch
or router
4. USB Port s
USB 2.0 ports for st orage expansion
5. eSATA Port s
eSATA port for high- speed st orage expansion
6. LI NE Out
For Audio out
7. VGA
For Video out
For Video/ Audio out
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Your Thecus I P st orage is designed for easy inst allat ion. To help you get st art ed,
t he following chapter will help you quickly get your Thecus I P st orage up and
running. Please read it carefully t o prevent dam aging your unit during installat ion.
Before You Begin
Before you begin, be sure t o t ake t he following precaut ions:
1. Read and underst and the Sa fet y W ar nings outlined in the beginning of t he
m anual.
2. I f possible, wear an anti- st atic wrist st rap during inst allat ion to prevent
st at ic discharge from dam aging t he sensit ive elect ronic com ponent s on t he
Thecus I P st orage.
3. Be careful not t o use m agnet ized screw drivers around t he Thecus I P
st orages elect ronic com ponents.
Cable Connections
To connect the Thecus I P st orage product t o your n et work, follow the st eps below:
1. Connect an Ethernet cable from your net work t o t he WAN/ LAN1 port on t he
back panel of t he Thecus I P st orage.
N2800 WAN/ LAN1 port
N4800 Series WAN/LAN1 port
2. Connect t he provided power cord int o t he universal power socket on t he
back panel. Plug the ot her end of t he cord int o a surge protect or socket .
N2800 power
N4800 Series
power socket
3. Press t he power but ton on the Front Panel t o boot up the Thecus I P st or age.
N2800 power
N4800 Series power
Chapter 3: First Time Setup
Once t he hardware is installed, physically connected to your net work, and powered
on, you can configure the Thecus I P st orage so t hat it is accessible to your net wor k
user s. There are t w o w ays to set up y our Thecus I P st orage: using the The cu s
Se t u p W iz ar d or t he LCD display. Follow the steps below for initial soft ware
set up.
Thecus Setup Wizard
The handy Thecus Set up Wizard m akes configuring Thecus I P storage a snap. To
configure t he Thecus I P st orage using t he Set up Wizard, perform the following
st eps:
1. I nsert t he inst allat ion CD int o your CD- ROM drive ( t he host PC m ust be
connect ed t o t he net work).
2. The Set up Wizard should launch aut om atically. If not, please browse your
CD- ROM drive and double click on Set up.ex e.
3. The Set up Wizard will st art and autom atically det ect all Thecus st orage
devices on your netw ork. I f none ar e found, please check your connect ion
and refer t o
Cha pt e r 7 : Tr ouble shoot in g for assist ance.
4. Select t he Thecus I P st orage t hat you like t o configure.
5. Login with the adm inistrat or account and password. The default account
and passw ord are bot h admin.
For MAC OS X u sers, double click on Thecus Set up Wizar d . dm g f ile.
6. Nam e y our Thecus I P st orage and configure t he net w ork I P address. I f your
sw it ch or rout er is configured as a DHCP Server, configuring t he Thecus I P
st orage t o aut om at ically obt ain an I P address is recom m ended. You m ay
also use a st at ic I P address and ent er t he DNS Server address m anually.
7. Change the default adm inistrat or password.
8. Finished! Access t he Thecus I P st orage Web Adm inist rat or I nt erface by
pressing the St a rt Br ow ser but ton. You can also configure another Thecus
I P st orage at this point by clicking t he Set up Oth e r D evice but ton. Press
Ex it t o exit the wizard.
OLED Operation
OLED Operat ion
The N4800 Series is equipped with an OLED on t he front for easy st at us display and
set up. There are four but tons on t he front panel to control the OLED functions.
OLED Con tr ols
Use the Up ( ) , Dow n ( ) , Ent e r (
) and Escape ( ESC) keys t o select various
configuration set tings and m enu opt ions for N4800 Series configurat ion.
The following table illustrat es t he keys on the front cont rol panel:
OLED Cont r ols
I con Funct ion Descript ion
Up But t on Select t he previous configuration settings option.
Down But t on USB copy confirm at ion display.
Ent er Ent er t he select ed m enu opt ion, sub- m enu, or param eter set t ing.
ESC Escape Escape and return t o t he previous m enu.
There ar e t wo m odes of operat ion for the OLED: Disp lay M ode and Ma na ge m ent
Mode .
Display Mode
During norm al operat ion, t he OLED will be in Displa y M ode.
Display Mode
I te m
Descript ion
Host Nam e
Current host nam e of t he syst em .
Current WAN/ LAN1 I P set t ing.
Current LAN2 IP sett ing.
The Thecus Set up Wizard is designed for in stallat ion on system s r unning Windows
XP/ 2000/ vist a/ 7 or Mac OSX or lat er. User s wit h ot her operat ing syst em s w ill
need t o in stall t he Thecus Set up Wizar d on a host m achine with one of t hese
oper atin g sy st em s before usin g t h e unit .
Link Aggregation
Current Link Aggregat ion stat us
Syst em Fan
Current syst em fan stat us.
Current CPU fan st at us
2009/ 05/ 22 12: 00
Current system tim e.
Current RAI D st at us.
The Th ecus I P st orage w ill rot at e these m essages ev ery one- two seconds on t he
OLED display.
USB Copy
The USB Copy funct ion enables you t o copy files st ored on USB devices such as USB
disks and digit al cam eras t o t he Thecus I P st orage by press USB copy but t on. To
use USB copy, follow the st eps below:
N 2 8 0 0 :
1. Plug your USB device into an available USB port on the Rear Panel.
2. Press t he USB Copy But t on.
3. The N2800 will st art copying USB disks connect ed t o t he rear USB port . The
LCD will display t he USB copy pr ogress and result.
N 4 8 0 0 Series:
1. Plug your USB device int o an available USB port on t he Front end.
2. I n D isplay M ode , press t he D ow n But ton ( ) .
3. The OLED will display USB Copy?
4. Press Ent e r ( ) and t he N4800 Series will st art copying USB disks
connect ed t o t he front USB port .
5. All of dat a will be copied int o syst em folder nam ed USB copy .
Typical Setup Procedure
From the Web Adm inist rat ion I nt erface, you can begin to set up your Th ecus I P
st orage for use on your net work. Set t ing up the Thecus I P st orage typically follows
t he five st eps out lined below.
For m ore on how to use t he Web Adm inist ration I nt erface, see
Ch apt er 4 :
W e b Adm inist ra t ion I nt e rfa ce .
St ep 1 : Net w or k Setup
From t he Web Adm inistrat ion I nt erface, you can configure t he net work set tings of
t he Thecus I P st orage for your net w ork. You can access t he Ne t w ork m enu from
t he m enu bar.
For det ails on how t o configure your net work set t ings, refer t o
Cha pt er 4 : Syst e m N e tw ork .
St ep 2 : RAI D Cr eat ion
Next , adm inistrat ors can configure t heir preferred RAI D sett ing and build their
RAI D volum e. You can access RAI D set tings from the m enu bar of t he Web
Adm inist rat ion I nterface by navigat ing t o St or a ge M an age m ent > RAI D
M ana gem e nt .
For m ore inform at ion on configuring RAI D, see
Ch apt er 4 : St ora ge >
RAI D M a nagem e nt.
Dont know which RAI D level t o use? Find out m ore about t he different RAID levels
Appendix B: RAI D Ba sics.
St ep 3 : Create Local User s or Setup Authent icat ion
Once t he RAI D is ready , you can begin to creat e local users for Thecus I P st orage,
or choose t o set up aut hentication prot ocols such as Act ive Direct ory ( AD) .
For m ore on m anaging users, go t o Ch apt er 4 :
User a nd Group Aut he nt icat ion.
For m ore inform at ion on configuring Act ive Direct ory, see
Cha pt er 4 : User a nd Group Aut h e nt ica tion >
AD S Su pport .
For inform at ion about t he benefit s of Act ive Direct ory , see
Appendix D: Act iv e
Dir ect ory Ba sics
St e p 4 : Cr e a t e Folders and Set Up ACLs
Once users are introduced into your network, you can begin t o create various
folders on t he Thecus I P st orage and cont rol user access t o each using Folder
Access Cont rol List s.
More inform at ion on m anaging folders, see
Cha pt er 4 : St orage M a n age m ent >
Share Folder .
To find out about configuring Folder Access Cont rol List s, see Cha pt er 4 : St or a ge
M ana gem e nt > Sh are Folder >
Folder Access Cont rol List ( ACL) .
St ep 5 : St a r t Services
Finally, you can start t o set up t he different services of Thecus I P st orage for t he
user s on y our net work. You can find out m ore about each of t hese services by
clicking below:
Apple File Prot ocol ( AFP)
N e t w ork File Syst em ( NFS)
File Tr a nsfer Prot ocol ( FTP)
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