pulse parameter switch (Item 1, Fig. 2) in its “down”
position and for following.
1. Set the selected Pulse Background (PB) param-
eter in the IPM window using its Inc/Dec switch
(Item 4). The number in this window represents
pulse background current from 15 to 100 amperes
(in 1 amp increments).
2. Now, set the selected Pulse Frequency (PF) pa-
rameter in the VOLTS window using its Inc/Dec
switch (Item 5). The number in this window repre-
sents the approximated pulse frequency derived
from the graph for wire feed speed selected (step
D) and is displayed in Hertz from 25 to 909 pulse
H. Assuming that any other desired parameters (e.g.,
preflow, inch, spot, postflow, burnback, etc.) have
been programmed, as described previously in F-15-
012, you can energize the torch switch and begin
welding. The torch switch must be held closed
throughout the teach mode operation.
I. Once an acceptable arc condition has been obtained
by further modifying pulse height, pulse width, and
pulse background, changes in wire feed speed will
necessitate a manual adjustment to the pulse fre-
quency to maintain a stable metal transfer.
Operating Note: The 5 programmable codes (11 thru
15) provide the operator with an opportunity to develop
a complete welding procedure by having different weld-
ing parameters preprogrammed into separate schedules.
Once programmed, the operator only needs to change
to the appropriate program number for the weld
parameters required. For example, when welding pipe,
root pass, fill pass and capping pass pulse parameters
can be programmed into separate schedules and ac-
cessed when needed (see II-C). Each set of parameters
can have a different pulse height, width, background,
frequency, and wire feed speed.
The operating characteristics of synergic vs adaptive
logic in the welding operation is covered in booklet F-
15-012 and following. The selectability of either of these
features is made from the front panel (see Item 2, Fig.
2) in the feeder. Please note that either type of logic can
be used in the “preprogrammed” material codes 1 thru
10; however, only the synergic position can be used in
the “teach” mode material codes 11 thru 15.
1. Synergic Operation
a. Pulse Arc Welding:
Synergic welding is a relationship of pulse fre-
quency and wire feed speed (see graph) pro-
grammed into the weld control. As the wire feed
will achieve a reasonable starting point for pulse weld-
A. Make sure the Synergic/Adaptive logic switch (Item
2, Fig. 2) is set in SYN position.
B. Set the Process selector switch (Item 6, Fig. 2) to its
PULSE position.
C. Select a programmable Material code from 11 thru
15 by “holding down” the Material selector key (Item
3, Fig. 2) and holding the Inc/Dec key (Item 4, Fig. 2)
under the IPM window in the up position. Release
both keys once a Material code is selected.
NOTE: You may notice that a Wire Dia. code number
will appear in the VOLTS window when the Wire
Dia/Material key is depressed. This code # must
match the wire installed when you’re using
“preprogrammed” data in codes 1 thru 6, how-
ever, this is not required in the teach mode codes
11 thru 15. Please remember that all other pa-
rameters that are programmed will be retained
in memory (for teach codes 11-15) except for
the wire size—therefore, it is suggested that you
document the wire size dia. used and all other
parameters relating to a particular teach code
for future reference.
D. Set a wire feed speed in the IPM window by using the
Inc/Dec key (Item 4) below the window.
E. Using the pulse parameter graph(s)), shown on the
following pages, approximate the pulse height, width
(for step F), and pulse background and frequency (for
step G) settings for the material type and diameter
you plan to use. Select the appropriate pulse param-
eter graph which corresponds to the material type
being used. For wire types other than those shown,
choose the graph that comes closest to your wire type.
For example, for coppers use the silicon bronze graph
parameters as a starting point.
F. Program the Pulse Height (PH) and Pulse Width (PW)
parameters, from the material graph legend for the
diameter wire installed, by “holding” the pulse param-
eter switch (Item 1, Fig. 2) to its “up” position and the
1. Set the selected Pulse Height (PH) parameter in
the IPM window using its Inc/Dec switch (Item 4).
The number in this window represents pulse height
from .1 to 10 volts (in 1/10 volt increments).
2. Now, set the selected Pulse Width (PW) param-
eter in the VOLTS window using its Inc/Dec switch
(Item 5). The number in this window represents
pulse width from 1 to 10 milliseconds (in 1/10 mil-
lisecond increments)
G. Program the Pulse Background (PB) and Pulse Fre-
quency (PF) parameters, from the material graph leg-
end for the diameter wire installed, by “ holding” the