Risk of electric shock! Never attempt to open and repair the device or
accessories yourself. Never touch bare contacts with metallic objects.
Never plug-in or unplug the charging adapter when your hands are wet.
Risk of suffocation! Risk to health through packaging material and
protective foil! Keep packaging material and protective foil out of reach of
children. Small children can swallow small parts.
Risk of suffocation! Risk to health through batteries! Keep batteries out of
reach of children. Do not swallow batteries. If a battery has been swal-
lowed, contact medical assistance immediately.
Prevent life-threatening interference to heart pacemakers! Maintain a
safety distance of at least 15 cm! Never carry the mobile phone in a
breast pocket when switched on. Always hold the mobile phone to the ear
furthest away from the pacemaker during calls. Switch the mobile phone
off immediately if you notice or suspect any adverse effects.
Do not remove the battery while the mobile phone is being charged. This
could damage the phone. Disconnect the charging cable from the mobile
phone before changing or removing the battery.
Risk of suffocation! Risk to health through batteries! Keep batteries out of
lowed, contact medical assistance immediately
Prevent life-threatening interference to heart pacemakers! Maintain a
safety distance of at least 15
cm! Never carry the mobile phone in a
breast pocket when switched on
Always hold the mobile phone to the ear
furthest away from the pacemaker during calls
off immediately if you notice or suspect any adverse effects
Do not remove the battery while the mobile phone is being charged
Disconnect the charging cable from the mobile
phone before changing or removing the battery
Risk of suffocation! Risk to health through batteries! Keep batteries out of
lowed, contact medical assistance immediately
Prevent life-threatening interference to heart pacemakers! Maintain a
safety distance of at least 15
cm! Never carry the mobile phone in a
breast pocket when switched on
Always hold the mobile phone to the ear
furthest away from the pacemaker during calls
off immediately if you notice or suspect any adverse effects
Do not remove the battery while the mobile phone is being charged
Disconnect the charging cable from the mobile
phone before changing or removing the battery
lowed, contact medical assistance immediately
Prevent life-threatening interference to heart pacemakers! Maintain a
safety distance of at least 15
cm! Never carry the mobile phone in a
breast pocket when switched on
Always hold the mobile phone to the ear
furthest away from the pacemaker during calls
off immediately if you notice or suspect any adverse effects
Do not remove the battery while the mobile phone is being charged
Disconnect the charging cable from the mobile
phone before changing or removing the battery
safety distance of at least 15
cm! Never carry the mobile phone in a
breast pocket when switched on
Always hold the mobile phone to the ear
furthest away from the pacemaker during calls
off immediately if you notice or suspect any adverse effects
Do not remove the battery while the mobile phone is being charged
Disconnect the charging cable from the mobile
phone before changing or removing the battery