Table 1
(*) = Only for below zero water temperatures where antifreeze fluids have been added.
(**) = Only for water temperatures over 100°C where anti - boiling fluids have been added.
The operative conditions shown above are intended for non-shock operating
conditions: water hammer, impacts, stress loads, corrosive or erosive external
environmental elements and fluids with abrasive properties should be avoided.
JET 9400 valves ½” and ¾”
have male/female end
threaded connections (ISO
JET 9400 valves from 1” to
2” have male/female end
threaded connections (ISO
7/1 Rp).
It is important that the flow direction matches the direction of the arrow indicated
on the valve body. In order to obtain the best flow measurement accuracy, it is
advisable to install the JET 9400 valves:
- Using pipework of the same nominal size as the valve;
- With a minimum straight pipe length (equal to 5x Pipework Diameter) at the
inlet (10x when installed at the outlet of a pump) and a length of 2x Pipework
Diameter at the outlet.
- Avoid using any material to connect the pipes that may obstruct part of the flow
around the valve. Please ensure there are no burrs present on the pipe ends
themselves that protrude inside the bore and obstruct part of the flow (it’s
advisable to flush the line before installation or after subsequent maintenance
on the system).
The valves should be installed in such a way so that the pipeline does not subject
the valve to any torsion, bending or tension.
During the installation, please ensure to leave sufficient space around the test
points in order to allow enough room to connect the manometer probe.