Corporation, May 13, 2005. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. This publication
could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
information herein – which will be incorporated in revised editions of the publication. Maxtor
may make changes or improvements in the product(s) described in this publication at any time and
without notice.
UL standard 1954 recognition granted under File No. E78016
CSA standard C22.2-950 certification granted under File No. LR49896
TUV Rheinland EN 60 950
Tested to FCC Rules for Radiated and Conducted Emissions, Part 15, Sub Part J, for Class-B Equipment.
DiamondMax 8S model number 6N040T0 meets the EU directive for the Restriction and Use of Hazard-
ous Substances (RoHS), 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and the council of 27 January, 2003. Dia-
mondMax 8S model number 6E040T0 does not meet these initiatives.
These products are covered by or licensed under one or more of the following U.S. Patents:
4,419,701; 4, 538,193 4,625,109; 4,639,798; 4,647,769; 4,647,997; 4,661,696; 4,669,004;
4,675,652; 4,703,176; 4,730,321; 4,772,974; 4,783,705; 4,819,153; 4,882,671; 4,920,442;
4,920,434; 4,982,296; 5,005,089; 5,027,241; 5,031,061; 5,084,791; 5,119,254; 5,160,865;
5,170,229; 5,177,771; Other U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending.
, MaxFax
are registered trademarks of Maxtor Corporation, registered in the U.S.A. and
other countries. Maxtor DiamondMax 8S, AutoTransfer, AutoRead, AutoWrite, DisCache, Dis-
kWare, Defect Free Interface, and WriteCache are trademarks of Maxtor Corporation. All other
brand names or trademarks are the property of their manufacturers. Windows, Windows NT, Win-
dows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Maxtor reserves the right to make changes and improvements to its products, without incurring
any obligation to incorporate such changes or improvements into units previously sold or shipped.