Check that the plexiglas visors clean.
From the wiring harness (from reel) unroll the required length of cable.
connector connect to the underwater module and secure clasp. Connect the
other end to the cable to above
Reel without slip rings
Do not turn the reel when connector of connecting cable is connected reel /
If necessary unwinding of the cable during operation, turn off the system,
disconnect the connector connecting cable reel / above
required quantity of cable and connect everything back
When using an external monitor or VCR, connect video output of control unit to the input
. The panoramic camera is ready to work.
To turn on the video set, switch “230 V” to the ON position "|". If everything is in order,
e front panel LED lights "связь" (connection).
On the air do not set up the maximum brightness in underwater lighting
. Use the 3.4 "Свет" (light) to regulate the brightness in underwater module.
finish of work rinse underwater module in clean water. Wind the cable on the reel.
Be careful to not create nodes. Do not twist the cable.
Before packing modules into transport packaging dry carefully all the components.
Check that the plexiglas visors clean.
From the wiring harness (from reel) unroll the required length of cable.
connector connect to the underwater module and secure clasp. Connect the
other end to the cable to above
-water unit (control / power module).
Do not turn the reel when connector of connecting cable is connected reel /
If necessary unwinding of the cable during operation, turn off the system,
disconnect the connector connecting cable reel / above
water unit, unroll
required quantity of cable and connect everything back
When using an external monitor or VCR, connect video output of control unit to the input
. The panoramic camera is ready to work.
To turn on the video set, switch “230 V” to the ON position "|". If everything is in order,
e front panel LED lights "связь" (connection).
On the air do not set up the maximum brightness in underwater lighting
. Use the 3.4 "Свет" (light) to regulate the brightness in underwater module.
finish of work rinse underwater module in clean water. Wind the cable on the reel.
Be careful to not create nodes. Do not twist the cable.
Before packing modules into transport packaging dry carefully all the components.
From the wiring harness (from reel) unroll the required length of cable.
connector connect to the underwater module and secure clasp. Connect the
Do not turn the reel when connector of connecting cable is connected reel /
If necessary unwinding of the cable during operation, turn off the system,
water unit, unroll
When using an external monitor or VCR, connect video output of control unit to the input
To turn on the video set, switch “230 V” to the ON position "|". If everything is in order,
On the air do not set up the maximum brightness in underwater lighting
. Use the 3.4 "Свет" (light) to regulate the brightness in underwater module.
finish of work rinse underwater module in clean water. Wind the cable on the reel.
Before packing modules into transport packaging dry carefully all the components.