Corner Bead In-side paper Faced Super wide X 10’
Paper-faced Super Wide metal corner bead protection for gypsum panels
# 70088 Corner Bead In-side Paper Super wide x 10’
Description: Corner bead In-side paper-faced Super Wide metal corner bead provides a quick,
easy way to produce straight, strong in-side corners for normal building use. The paper tape
covering ensures excellent adhesion of joint compounds, textures, and paints, delivering a strong,
smooth finish.
The bead is manufactured with strong, paper tape that is laminated to a sturdy, rust-resistant
metal form. It provides superior resistance to edge cracking and chipping, resulting in corners
that stay beautiful despite normal building movement and everyday wear.
Installation: The bead installs quickly and easily with a unique paper tape "nose coating" that
resists scuffing and fuzzing from knives and sanding. This tape-on product requires a joint
compound to adhere the bead to the corner.
Features: High strength proprietary paper resists scuffing and fuzzing when sanded
• Designed to form fit 90˚ inside corners
• Minimal joint compound is required for installation.
• Resists Edge cracks and chip better that some other beads.
• No nail pops.
• No fasteners or nails are needed for installation.
• Paper-faced-metal provides excellent adhesion for joint compounds, and paints.
Material: This product is
• Available in 10’ lengths for gypsum panels
• 50 pieces per carton.