Please have run the following test to confirm the unit is defective.
1. Turn on the receiver with the transmitter off. Check the receiver “RF” light and confirm that the
RF light is OFF. If the RF light is on, the frequency in is use by another device. Change to receiver
frequency to another open frequency, (no RF light). Continue until you find one that is open,
(move to item #2). If none are open the frequency band may not be available in the area the
customer is located. In this case the unit needs to be exchanged for a different frequency band
that is acceptable in the area of use.
2. After confirming the receiver has a clear frequency, set the transmitter to the same frequency
that the receiver is set to. Please refer to the manual for proper configuration. With both the
transmitter and receiver set and on look again for the RF light on the receiver and confirm RF
connection, (RF light on). Connect the output and turn up the gain.
3. If there is still no audio output refer to the trouble shooting section in the manual.
4. After completing all 3 steps or the units fails at step one, one of the following has occurred.
a. The frequency band is not available in the area of use.
b. The unit is defective.
There is no known defect in the unit. This is either item A or B. In either case needs it needs to be
returned for, (A) different frequency band, (B) a replacement unit