4.4 Configuration menu
Configuration menu
Enter the new call number and press
Configuration menu
Enter the new call number and press
Action accepted
To modify the access code, press 3
Configuration menuEnter your access code Enter the new access code
To personalise the voice message, press 2
This is the configured voice message:
“You are connected with a telephone
- To modify the voice message, press 1.
- To return to the previous menu, press
This is the configured voice message:
“You are connected with a telephone
- To modify the voice message, press 1.
- To return to the initial voice message,
press 2.
- To return to the previous menu, press
Please speak after the tone, then press
a key to stop recording.
To modify the date or time, press 4
To configure the number of rings, press 5
To change the language, press 6.
To select French, press 1.
To select English, press 2.
To select Spanish, press 3.
To select German, press 4.
To select Italian, press 5.
To select Polish, press 6.
To select Dutch, press 7.
- For the number 1, press 1.
- For the number 2, press 2.
- For the number 3, press 3.
- For the number 4, press 4.
- For the number 5, press 5.
- For the number 6, press 6.
- To return to the previous menu, press
No call number is configured.
To configure it, press 1.
- To return to the previous menu, press
This is the configured number:
To modify it, press 1.
To delete it, press 2.
- To return to the previous menu, press
This is the configured date:
29 November 2013,
This is the configured time: 11h57.
- To modify the date, press 1.
- To modify the time, press 2.
- To return to the previous menu, press
29 November 2013, 11h57.
- To modify the date, press 1.
- To modify the time, press 2.
- To return to the previous menu, press
Enter the 6 date digits
Enter the 4 time digits
To select the AM format, press 1
To select the PM format, press 2
This is the configured number of rings: 10
- To modify it, press 1.
- To return to the previous menu, press
Enter the 2 digits for the new number
of rings
Action accepted
Configuration menuAction accepted
Action accepted
Action accepted
This is the configured number...
Enter the 4 time digits
Enter your access code
From the main menu, press 5 to access the personalisation menu
At any time:
- To return to the previous menu, press
- To disconnect the call, press twice on