Cleaning and maintenance
1 Switchoffandunplugtheappliancebeforeyouremoveandcleananyparts.
2 Clean the appliance and its parts with a damp cloth.
To maintain optimal performance, clean the HEPA lter each time you replace the dustbag.
1 ToopentheHEPAexhaustltergrille,grabthetabsandpullthegrilleupwardstoremoveit
from the appliance (Fig. 17).
2 RemovetheHEPAexhaustlter.
3 RinsethepleatedsideoftheHEPAexhaustlterunderahotslow-runningtap.
- Hold the lter in such a way that the pleated side points upwards and the water ows parallel
to the pleats. Hold the lter at an angle so that the water washes away the dirt inside the
pleats (Fig. 18).
- Turn the lter 180° and let the water ow along the pleats in the opposite direction (Fig. 19).
- Continue this process until the lter is clean.
Note: Cleaning does not restore the original colour of the lter, but does restore its ltration power.
4 CarefullyshakethewaterfromthesurfaceoftheHEPAexhaustlter.LettheHEPAexhaust
5 PlacethedryHEPAexhaustlterbackintotheappliance.
6 ToclosetheHEPAexhaustltergrille,rstalignthelugsonthetopofthegrillewiththe
slots in the appliance (1). Then press the tabs downwards until the grille locks into place
(2) (‘click’) (Fig. 21).
To maintain optimal performance, clean the motor protection lter at least once a year.
1 Pullthecoverupwardstoopenit(Fig.22).
2 Liftthedustbagholderoutoftheappliance.(Fig.23)
Make sure you hold the dustbag upright when you lift it out of the appliance.
3 Pullthelterholderwiththemotorprotectionlteroutoftheappliance.(Fig.24)
4 Takethemotorprotectionlteroutoftheholder.Shakethemotorprotectionlterovera
dustbin to clean it.
5 Putthelterinthelterholderandslidethelterholderbackintotheappliance.
6 Putthedustbagholderbackintotheappliance.
To clean the brush inside the mini turbo brush, follow the steps below.
1 Rotatethebrushinsidetheminiturbobrushuntilthecuttinggroovefacesyou.Useapairof
2 Removeuff,hairsandotherdirtfromthebrush.