Thank you for choosing a 308, symbol
of confi dence, passion and inspiration.
Page reference:
this symbol invites you to refer to
the pages which provide details of
the function.
Protection of the environment:
this symbol accompanies advice
relating to protection of the envi-
this symbol draws your attention
to additional information for better
use of your vehicle.
this symbol marks warnings which
it is essential to observe for your
own safety, for the safety of others
or to avoid any risk of damaging
your vehicle.
Your vehicle is fi tted with only some of the
equipment described in this document,
depending on its trim level, version and
the specifi cation for the country in which
it was sold.
This handbook has been designed to
enable you to make the most of your
308 saloon or 308 SW.
On the fi rst few pages, you will fi nd a
detailed summary, followed by a quick
reference guide intended to make it
easier for you to become familiar with
your vehicle.
All of the details specifi c to your 308,
comfort, safety, driving, are then pre-
sented in this handbook, to increase
your appreciation of the vehicle and
make the most of it.
308 saloon
308 SW with bench rear seat
308 SW with individual rear
At the end of the handbook, a visual
search enables you to identify the spe-
cial features in relation to the outline il-
lustration of your vehicle, saloon or SW.
This key will enable you to distinguish
the special features of your vehicle: