,_ DANGER:CarbonmonoxideproducedduringuseCANKiLL
EVENiFdoorsandwindowsare open.DrilyuseOUTSIDEand
Somechemicalsor detergents may be harmfulif inhaled
oringested,causingsevere nausea,fainting, or poisoning.
• Operatepowerwasher ONLYoutdoors.
• A runningenginegivesoff carbonmonoxide.
• Carbonmonoxideis an odorless,colorless, poisonousgas.
Breathingcarbonmonoxidecan causeheadache,fatigue,
dizziness,vomiting, confusion,seizures,nausea,fainting
or death.If you start experiencingany of thesesymptoms,
IMMEDIATELYmoveto fresh air. Seekmedicalattention.
• Keepexhaustgasfrom enteringa confined areathrough
windows, doors, ventilationintakes,or other openings.Warn any
occupantsinside aboutthe symptoms of carbon monoxideso
they know to moveto fresh air if theybeginto feel ill.
• Theuse of acarbon monoxidedetector insideany occupied
premisesbetweenthe powerwasher andthe occupantis
• NEVERstart or run engineindoors or in an enclosedarea,EVEN
IFwindows and doors areopen.
• Use arespiratoror maskwheneverthere is achancethat
harmful gas or vapors may beinhaled.
• Readall instructionswith respiratoror mask soyou arecertain
the respiratoror maskwill providethe necessaryprotection
againstinhalingharmful gasor vapors. Ifyou beginto
experienceany ofthe COsymptoms listedabove,IMMEDIATELY
moveto fresh air.
,_DANGER: spray gun people, or
NEVERaim at
electrical devices.Serious injuryor deathwill result.
ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection, squeezespraygun
trigger to release highpressure,every time you stopengine.
Engagetrigger lockwhen not in use.
• Thehigh pressurestream ofwaterthat this equipment
produces cancut through skin andits underlyingtissues,leadingto serious injury,possibleamputationor death.
Spray guntraps high water pressure,EVENWHENengine
is stoppedandwater is disconnected,which can cause
• NEVERallow CHILDRENto operatepowerwasheror playnearby.
This is NOTatoy.
• NEVERrepairhigh pressure hose.Replaceit.
• NEVERrepairleaking connectionswith sealantof any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
• NEVERconnecthigh pressurehose to nozzleextension.
• Keephigh pressurehoseconnectedto pump andspraygun
while system is pressurized.
• NEVERsecurespray gunin openposition.
• NEVERleavespraygununattendedwhile machineis running.
• NEVERusea spraygunwhich doesnot haveatrigger lock or
triggerguardin placeand in workingorder.
• ALWAYSbe certain spraygun, nozzlesandaccessories are
correctly attached.
,_WARNING: Riskofelectrocution.
'_ Contactwithpowersourcecancauseelectricshockor
• NEVERspraynearpower source.
,_WARNING: Contactwith muffler area canresult in serious
burns. Exhaustheat/gasescanignitecombustibles,
structuresor damage fuel tank causing afire.
• DONOTtouch hot parts andAVOIDhot exhaustgases.
• Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
• Keepat leastfive (5) feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all
sidesof powerwasherincluding overhead.
• It is aviolation of CaliforniaPublicResourceCode,Section
4442, to use or operatethe engineon anyforest-covered,
brush-covered,or grass-coveredland unlessthe exhaust
systemis equippedwith asparkarrester,as definedin
Section4442, maintainedin effectiveworking order.Other
statesor federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipmentmanufacturer,retailer,or dealerto
obtaina sparkarresterdesignedfor the exhaustsystem installed
onthis engine.
• Replacementparts must bethe sameandinstalledin the same
position as theoriginalparts.
,_ WARNING:Fueland its vaporsare extremelyflammable and
explosive. Fire or explosion cancausesevere burns or death.
• Turnpower washerOFFand letit cool atleasttwo (2)
minutes beforeremovingfuel cap. Loosencap slowly to
relievepressurein tank.
• Fill ordrainfuel tankoutdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
• If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbeforestarting
• Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, openflames,pilot lights, heat, and
other ignitionsources.
• DONOTfighta cigaretteor smoke.
• Ensuresparkplug, muffler,fuel cap, andair cleanerarein place.
• DONOTcrankenginewith spark plugremoved.
• DONOTtip engineor equipmentat anglewhich causesfuel to
• DONOTsprayflammable liquids.
• Transport/repairwithfuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff valve
• Disconnectsparkplug wire.
• Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves,waterheaters,clothes dryers,
or otherappliancesthat havepilot light orother ignitionsource
becausethey can ignitefuel vapors.