Avoid C arbon Monoxide
Pois oni ng
All engine ex ha us t c onta ins carbon
monoxide, a deadly gas . Breathing car-
bon monoxide can cause headac hes ,
dizzines s , drowsiness, naus ea , c onfu-
sion and eventua ll y death.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, o dor-
less, tasteless gas that may be present
even if yo u do not see or smell an y en-
gine exhaus t. Deadly levels of carbon
monoxide ca n collect ra pidl y, and you
can quick ly be overcom e and unable
to save yourself. Also, deadly levels of
carbon monoxide can linger for hours
or da y s i n enclosed or poorly venti lat ed
areas. If you e xp erience any sy m p-
toms of carb on monox ide poisoning,
leave the a rea immediately, get fresh
air and s eek medical tre atment.
To prev ent s erious injury or death from
carbon monoxide:
– Never run the vehicle in poorl y ven-
tilated or partially enclosed areas
such as garages, carports or barns.
Even if yo u try to ventilate engine
exhaus t with fans or open w indows
and doors , carbo n monoxide ca n
rapidly reach dange rous leve ls.
– Never run the v ehicle o utdoors
where engine exhaus t ca n be drawn
into a building through openings
such as windows a nd doors .
Avoid Gasoline Fires and
O the r Ha z ards
Gasoline i s e xtremely fl ammable and
highly ex plosive. Fuel vapors can
spread and be ignited by a spark or
flame many feet away from the en-
gine. To reduce the risk of fire or explo-
sion, follow these instructions:
– Use o nly an approved gasoline con-
tainer to sto re fuel.
– Strictly adhere t o instructions in
subsec tion.
– Never sta rt or operate the engine if
the fuel ca p is not properly in stalled.
Gasoline is p oisonous a nd can c a us e
injury or death.
– Never siphon ga so line by mouth.
– If you swa llow gasoline, get a ny in
your eye(s), or inh ale gas oli ne va por,
see your doctor immediately.
If gasol ine spills on you , wash w ith
soap and water and change your
Avoid Burns from H ot P arts
Certain c om ponents become hot dur-
ing operation. Avoid contact with
those parts during and shortly a fter
operation to avoid burns.
Accessories and
Modific ati ons
Do not m ak e unautho rized modifica-
tions, or use attachments or a cces-
sories that are not approved by BR P.
Since these changes ha v e n ot be en
tested by BRP, th ey m ay increase the
risk of cra s hes o r i njury, a nd can render
the vehicle illegal.
See your authorized Can- Am dealer f or
avai lable accessories for your vehicle.