Before calling for setv_e, p¢easereview the following list of comrn,onproblems and solutions,
The ai_;. conditioner is ,operating normally when:
• You he_ a #nging _ise. This is caused by water being pick_ up bythe condenseron rainy days or in higNy
humid _nd_bns, This featwe iisdesig_d to help remove moi_ure in the air and improve _ling efficiency.
• You he_ the thermo_t dick. Thin iscaus_ _ _e _mp,ress_ cycle sta_ing a_ _pingi.
• You _e water dripping from _e rear _ the unit, Wat_ may _ collected in the base pan in highly humid
c_ndit#ns or on rainydays, This wat_ m,efflows and drips from the rear of the unit,
• You he_ the fan running while the compre_or issilent, This is a normaJop,eratJonalfeature,
_e air conditioner may be operating abnormally when:
Theair conditioner
does not operate
at aft
Air conditioner
does not coot
Ice appea_ o# the
air _ndittoner.
• Make surethe plug is _mple_ely pllug_d into
the outlet
i.Ct_ck t_ fuse/circu_ breaker _x and replase
the fu_ or reset the breaker
• Inthe ever_tof a _wer failure, s@the p_er
contro_to OFF, When the _t_er isrestore,
wai_3 minutes to res'_ _e air conditione_to
prevent the compres_r from overloading
',Make surethere are no curtains, blinds,
furniture ,orother obstacles infront ofthe air
°Turn the knobto _ higher setting, The highest
se_ing p_ovi_s maximum _ling
• Clean _e filt_ at least eve_i 2 weeks. Refer to
the "Care and Maintenance" section ofthe
• A_ the air _ndi_oner is tamed on, y_ need
to give the air conditioner some t_meto coo[ the
•C_ck {oro_n furnace fl_r r_istem and colid
air returns.
• CLOSE the air condffbner vent
• _e ice appears on the air ,conditioner b_ow
• Ice mayblockthe air _lowand obstru_ _e air
conditioner_mm£roper/ycoo/ii_gt_ morn. Set
thefa_ atH_GHwhilesettingtheTEMPERATURE
CO_ROL at 1 or 2 untilthe ice mel'ts,