4.3.2 IMF-102 ................................................................................. 28
4.3.3 Current capacities and consumption .......................................... 29
5 Wiring System Components ............................................................. 30
5.1 Using RJ-45 connectors ................................................................. 30
5.1.1 Cabling standards .................................................................... 31
5.1.2 Recommended cables, connectors and wiring tools ...................... 32
5.1.3 Installing RJ-45 Connectors ...................................................... 32
5.2 Connecting the matrix to a PC running EHX ...................................... 34
5.2.1 Ethernet connection to the PC ................................................... 34
5.2.2 Serial connection to the PC ....................................................... 34
5.3 Connecting the matrix to an Ethernet network .................................. 37
5.4 Connecting the matrix to a PC running Dynam-EC ............................. 38
5.4.1 LMC-64 interface card .............................................................. 38
5.5 Connecting the matrix to user panels .............................................. 38
5.5.1 4-Pair analog wiring ................................................................. 38
5.6 General Purpose Outputs (GPOs) .................................................... 39
5.7 General Purpose Inputs (GPIs) ....................................................... 43
5.7.1 Modes for General Purpose Inputs (GPIs) ................................... 44
5.8 E & M signalling with an E-QUE E1 / T1 interface card ....................... 47
5.8.1 Example: Ship-to-shore satellite system .................................... 47
5.8.2 Enabling E & M signaling on the E-QUE card ............................... 48
5.8.3 Using the GPIs / GPOs to trigger actions .................................... 49
5.9 Connecting the matrix to an external alarm ...................................... 51
5.9.1 Connecting to the alarm outputs of the PSU-101 power supply ..... 51
5.10 Connecting to a four-wire audio device ......................................... 52
5.11 Connecting to interface modules .................................................. 52
5.11.1 Wiring schemes for the FOR-22 interface module ...................... 54
5.11.2 Wiring schemes for the CCI-22 interface module ...................... 55
5.11.3 Wiring schemes for TEL-14 interface modules .......................... 58
5.11.4 Wiring scheme for the RLY-6 interface module ......................... 63
5.11.5 Wiring schemes for a GPI-6 Interface module........................... 66
6 Connecting Matrices ........................................................................ 70
6.1 Intelligent linking .......................................................................... 70
6.1.1 Intelligent linking with trunk lines .............................................. 70
6.1.2 Serial port to serial port linking ................................................. 71
6.2 Linking Eclipse HX-Pico matrices with the PiCo-Link ........................... 73
6.3 Tie-line (audio only) linking ............................................................ 74
6.4 E1 / T1 linking .............................................................................. 74
6.4.1 E1 trunk connections ............................................................... 75
6.4.2 T1 trunking............................................................................. 78