The above operaon will automacally enable the amplier to receive AES67 streams, and in most
circumstances, this is the only necessary conguraon. However, ampliers can also be set to
transmit AES67 audio streams over the Dante network.
Transming AES67 Flows
Although enabling AES67 in the ‘Dante Controller’ automacally congures the amplier to receive
AES67 streams, an addional step is necessary if transming audio streams is desired.
In Dante, there are two types of audio streams, or ‘ows’: Unicast and Mulcast. Unicast ows are
one-to-one routes that deliver audio to and from specic devices, and support 4 channels of audio
simultaneously. A mulcast ow “broadcasts” the audio so that mulple receivers can subscribe to
it, but the transming device is only using one of its available ows. It allows up to 8 audio channels
to be streamed in one ow.
When connecng two devices in the Dante Controller, a unicast transmit ow is automacally
created by default from the transmier to the receiver. However, AES67 connecons only ulise
mulcast ows, as this is a universal communicaon method used by most network systems.
Therefore, it is necessary to create a mulcast ow for the channels of the AES67 transming device.
To create a mulcast Dante ow and enable AES67 streaming from a transming device:
1. Open the Device View window by double-clicking on the transming device to be
2. Click on the ‘Create a new mulcast’ buon at the top bar.
3. In the ‘Create Mulcast Flow’ window, ck the box next to ‘AES67 Flow’ (Figure 2).
4. Select the channels to be included in the mulcast ow.
5. Click ‘Create’.
Figure 2 – Dante Controller ‘AES67 Cong’ tab in the ‘Device View’ window.
A list of all the transmit ows created for the device, including mulcast AES67 ows, can be found
in the Device View window, under the Transmit tab.