American Bath Factory AFGH-6032DR-LD-CH Installation guide

Installation guide
ee the cloc in each section for estimated installation time
ee et het thorouhy uo reet  efore trt the tto
 or e hrre  te hou e reorte th  hour of ree th
het f you ee te   o r fro   T
Notes: Please measure your actual product for rough-in details. All product dimensions have a tolerance of ±1/2". Install
this product according to the installation instructions. American Bath Factory reserves the right to make revisions
without notice to product specifications. For most current guide, visit our site:
lcoe hower ystem nstallation uide for asic inged acages
o rtuto o the urh e of you r e hoer  e Th ue  e you
the truto o the tto of yo ur e ho er
istine tone
showers are ideal for an eperienced er lease read through this entire installation
guide before beginning your installation f you feel you can not confidently install this shower by
yourself hire a licensed contractor, handyman, or professional instal ler that can do it for you
nstallation time may ary depending on your eperience, compleity of shower, and re-nstall rep
or which may include plumbing and/or drain relocation, bathroom demolition, and suaring up
studs and floor
th our tto  rout eo o erthftoryoeeo
rior to demolition, scheduling your installer, or building your shower, double chec that you hae all
the parts from the factory ome applications may reuire a licensed plumber or contractor o not
use any product spec sheets to begin installation before receiing product hese spec sheets are for
reference only se actual product measurements only he diagrams throughout this guide illustrate a
 shower with a hinged door epending on the sie of the shower purchased, actual parts
may ary in sie from the diagrams shown Please see last page for list of items needed for installation.
ur goal is to help you achiee a uic and successful shower installation
ABF Alcove Freedom BGH Install Guide Rev A
 O NT NT OTN T
ae sure you hae receied all the items necessary for the installation his will also familiarie you with all the
parts and hardware you will need to install your shower acage contents are dependent upon which
pacage you ordered
   
etal ea-ree einforced an
hreshold for oor eersible
hannel hreshold for lass anel
   
lass oor
ied lass anel
oor andle
inges op ottom nstalled
op inge all racet
oor ottom weep
oor eal/ top
rain ssembly may be sold separately
T 
   
ac all anel op ottom
eft all anel op ottom
ight all anels op ottom
osaic or tone iner ac
osaic or tone iners ight eft ide ide
asing for lass oor  ap
ide asing for lass anel  ap
 
e   toe te 
 y the out  o o the
ee to te
his shower system is designed to be installed on a leel, bare floor t is necessary for any eisting shower to be
completely remoed ear out and remoe all old material to epose the wall studs lean up the shower
area, remoing all dust and old material from the area
o ether r e recommend not installing your shower below the temperature of  he shower
will be fine in cold weather after installation, but during installation bending and handling shower components
in cold weather can cause breaage rigid conditions can mae some shower components brittle and
susceptible to cracing during rough installation handling
DTTN T N
 
to 
/ cement board
   stud
metal flange
diaram 
floor of pan
silicone bead
t is easier to chec alignment of studs and pan without the
drain installed into the pan
lace the pan in the planned position hec to see that
the spacing between the metal pan flange and studs
are flush ome shimming or sanding of the studs may
be reuired to flush the studs with the metal pan flange
hen screwing in the / cement board the metal flange
will pull fast to the studs, and will secure the metal pan in
place dia.
 
TDNNT OTONN
 
to 
NTN DN y e o ertey
 
to 
ocate the drain assembly to install into pan
pply a generous bead of   silicone around the
shower pan drain hole and around the outside of the drain
collar , insert the drain collar  into the drain hole
pply a generous bead of   silicone around the drain
collar  from the underside of the pan
nstall the rubber gaset  oer the drain collar , to the
underside of the pan, net install the slide ring 
crew on the drain loc nut  and hand tighten urn drain
loc nut  approimately / turn with the wrench to ensure
a water-tight fit hec for a good seal  
ipe off ecess   silicone and allow to dry ollow the
manufacturers directions for application and drying time
 trim plate
 drain tool
 pressure ring
 rubber seal
apply silicone
around drain collar
sides and under lip
floor hole with
 drain pipe
 drain collar
 rubber gaset
 slide ring
 drain loc nut
sing the pan and wall panels, you will be able to chec to mae sure your studs are in the needed
position and supported adeuately ou will see in dia etra studs are added to the door and glass side
thresholds for etra strength ou may need to mae adjustments for your a shampoo shelf hen you place the
bottom sections of the wall into the shower pan, you can also calculate the needed width and height of areas
to eep free of studs
ee installation instructions for shampoo shelf his is also when you should add your etra
support bracing for those who need them for your other accessories such as the shower ale, grab bars,
benches or sheles
/ oerhang when using triple studs, no oerhang
when using double studs double studs reuired, triple
studs recommended for etra-strength
 for shampoo shelf
minimum gap
reuired for
shampoo shelf
triple studs
NT OD NTTON
 
 
apply silicone
e recommend the use of /thic cement board as your shower bacer his is a common bacer for stone
and tile sing this bacer will help comply with almost all city codes cement-based product lie
onderoard or ardieacer may also be used if it meets your local codes ome codes reuire a apor
barrier to be installed as well e recommend a water/apor barrier of mil plastic be installed before installing
the cement board o do this, staple plastic so that it hangs aboe the floor oofing nails may be used to
attach the cement board instead of screws, this preents the plastic from wrapping around the screws
OTNTse your cement board as an indicator of suareness he
cement board comes in suare sheets f you see gaps or areas where the
cement board is not fitting flush, fi the problem by remoing the cement
board and shimming the board until its suare and flush f the seams of the
cement board are not flush and suare, your wall panels will not be suare
and flush
ut a notch in cement board to fit around threshold flangeanding or
shimming the s at the top rim of the pan may be reuired to flush the
cement board dia
lace a bead of   silicone on the front  face of the shower
pan flange he bead should be in a ig-ag pattern dia 
lace the cement board against the studs and rest it inside the shower
pan against the bac flange ttach the cement board to the studs with
screws or nails DO NOT screw or nail into the metal shower pan flange
ontinue installing the remaining cement board
TTN N
 
ow that the drain is installed into the pan dry fit the pan and drain for
alignment, chec to mae sure the  drain pipe is in the center of the pan
drain hole dia. se the drain collar  by itself remoe the rubber seal,
nut and gasets from the drain assemblydia. , reious ae ush the
drain collar  into the drain hole between the pan and the  pipe ith
the drain collar pushed flush to the pan surface, the  drain pipe should
not etend past the inside threads of the drain collar 
ae sure the pan and drain fit leel to the floor
emoe pan and apply   ilicone to floor dia
arefully lift the shower pan and set into place ae sure the  pipe is
still centered
ush and secure the rubber seal  onto the   pipe
hread on the brass pressure ring  around the drain pipe with the
proided tool  emoe the tool after the brass pressure ring is installed
est and snap the decoratie diamond trim plate  into positionemoe
the decoratie trim plate and store in secure area until installation is complete,
ain will be grouted when shower is grouted
fter installing pan, coer with cardboard or drop cloth to protect pan
from scuffs
N  TOD T
 
 
diaram 
diaram 
metal pan
hreshold for oor
A  T
 ocate the threshold pieces
dia. 
ry fit thresholds onto the front of the metal pan he oor threshold
does not hae a channel in it he door rail is reersible and can be
placed on the left or right
emoe and place   silicone in the an where the bottom of
thresholds rest, and in the bottom channels under the thresholds, re-
install thresholds into pan
here will be a small gap between the bottom of thresholds and
the floor, this can be grouted later if it is still eposed after installing
bathroom flooring
      
 ocate
metal pan
threshold for panel
metal pan threshold for door
hreshold for anel
oor side asings 
panel channel side
asings ap
glass door side casing
glass panel channel side casing cap
t TD T th  oe o y ter  r  to the 
o help with the side casing installation, use a leel and draw a
plumb line from the inside of the pan threshold up to the top of the
shower o this on both sides his line will be where the side casings
and the wall anels meet, this will gie you a isual reference point
when dry-fitting your wall panels
pply   silicone, using a circular pattern, to the cement
board along the plumb line, approimately inches wide, to the
edge of the shower pan
dia. 
lace the first side casing into position maing sure to align the side
rail with the ertical plumb line preiously drawn on the cement
board pply pressure to the side casing to bond it to the cement
board he side casing will be flush with the inside of the shower pan
threshold and hae a small gap where the pan threshold slopes
dia.  ou can shim the gap if neededae sure to also align the
lace the remaining side casings into position, to each side and
cap se a leel and the plumb line preiously drawn on the cement
board to align the side casings ertically
flush with threshold
small gap
 NN NTTON
 
 
A I W L
nspecting panels at this point will gie you confidence that the wall panels are straight and suare from the
factory hen installing wall panels, you may need to mae adjustments to the panels to accommodate for
uneenness of your eisting walls uring the inspection process and/or dry-fitting process, if you hae any
concerns about the alignment or fit of the wall panels, please call us and we will gladly assist you with your install
ind a large flat area to layout and inspect all panels
lign all panels and liners to chec for straightness ae sure grout lines are straight and suare to each
istine tone wall panels are made to be fleible and may hae a slight bow his condition is normal and wall
panels will flatten out when properly installed f wall panels hae been stored improperly or hae become
ecessily bowed, they can be corrected before installation
ee troubleshootin section on last ae or details
B   W L
lace your first bottom bac panel
 into position dia est onto the
pan floor use spacers between the floor and the panel to mae the top of
the panel leel
lace the bac liner  into position ae sure the grout lines are aligned,
use spacers to mae the top leel nspect the spacing between the wall
panels and the side threshold plumb line
lace the top panel
 into position, push the two panels together ae
sure the grout lines are aligned, use spacers to mae the top of the panel
leel nspect the spacing between the wall panels and the side threshold
plumb line
epending on your cement board alignment, some sanding of the wall
panel edges may be reuired for a tight fit
S     No you  he for
eee  rout e et   etee   u e
diaram 
diaram 
olding the upper panels and liner in place with another persons help,
chec the length and oerlap alignment ome fitting may be reuired
lace one of the bottom side panels  into position and chec for
leelness and length
 lace the side liner  into position dia 
 lace one of the top side panels
into position
 epeat steps through for other side of shower
 epending on your faucet selection, you may need to mar and cut
out holes for your faucet and other accessories
ie shampoo shelf to fit
through before you can place the panel into position emember
measure twice, cut once, you can cut our walls with most cutting tools
 NN NTTON otue
 
 
C  I 
ress the wall firmly into position e sure to use spacers between
the bottom panel and the shower pan to ensure panel is leel
dia 
nstall the panels in the same order as you dry-fitted the panels
re y e reure to ee  fuh
 
OTON OO  NTTON
 
 
n the tiles the hampoo helf will be replacing,
mar  from the outside of the grout line, the cut-
out area will be   ut out the hole for the
helf he smaller the hole the better
ry-fit the hampoo helf for alignment of grout
sing   ilicone in-place with a generous
bead around the bac of the lip, wipe off ecess
silicone with tissue
he hampoo helf was designed to match your tile
sie   tiles, the cut-out hole sie is  
here is a  lip or frame around the hampoo helf,
this will be the water sealed area for the hampoo
he best way to cut the hole is with a small  round
diamond blade and with a jigsaw to cut the corners
S     S
emoe all dust and dirt with a clean dry cloth his will increase
the bond to the   silicone
tart with the bottom panel
apply a generous amount of 
 silicone to the cement board and to the bac side of the wall
panel efer to the manufacturers recommendations for
application and drying time
teflon slide
teflon slide
hinge wall
 places
pply a generous amount of silicone onto the hinge and side plate
osition the hinge onto the glass door lining up the holes so that the screws are
on the inside of the shower door
ttach the side plate with silicone applied to the glass and tighten the screws
until the hinge is secure ipe off the ecess and allow to dry
epeat these steps for the bottom hinge
ou will also find a inyl ater hield for the bottom hinge his can be added
in between the glass door and the side plate to help eep water in the shower
should you hae a smaller shower or a shower-head pointed towards the door
dia a ee mages below for illustrated installation eamples ou may trim
the ater hield as needed
A H I
 et the glass door in a position to enable the assembly of the handle
 oosen the set screws so you can separate the handles
nscrew the long bolt from the handle eep all rubber pieces attached to
the screw
emoe the first set of flat, clear washers from the bolt
tart with the top hole on the glass door lace the long bolt through the hole
in the
door eeping the remaining rubber pieces on the boltn the other side of
the glass place the flat washers onto the threaded portion of the bolt dia 
diaram 
clear washer
set screw
e refu ot to ret the ee of the oor o hr urfe Teere  
ery tro  t rett ut t eet ot  t o the ee
ae one side of the handle and screw the long bolt into the end ust start the
bolt until a few threads catch eep loose dia 
ut the second bolt through the lower hole lace the flat washer onto the
bolt crew the bolt into the bottom handle dia 
lign the handle on the door and carefully tighten the long bolts o not oer
lace the opposite handle oer the long bolts and tighten the set screws to
secure the handle
B H I
ocate the top hinge
and remoe the side plate by loosening the two
dia 
inyl water shield
 
 DOO ND N NTTON
I F G  & G 
ocate the clear door sweep and attach it to the bottom of the glass door he
reflectie shield should face into the shower
dia  The oor ee  ht ee
the oor oe djust the door seal until the reuired tension is achieed he door
sweep has been cut to fit oer the hinge ut off the ecess length opposite of
hinge side
e hae proided door seals for water sensitie areas such as wood floors f glass
panels and door are installed correctly with the proper spacing, outside water
spillage will be minimal and the side seals wont be necessary
f you would lie to use these side seals, follow the steps below
he shaped seal goes along the hinge side of the door on the threshold trim
pieces dia
lace the seal along the edge of the glass and cut the seal to the proper
emoe the bacer from the seal eposing the double-sided tape, only remoe
a small amount at a time
tarting from the top, align the seal along the edge of the door and stic the
seal to the threshold
or your way down the door o small sections at a time, slowly peeling the
bacer off the seal
ocate the plastic h-shaped seal
t goes on the fied glass, net
to the
handle edge
dia  easure and cut the seal to length
tarting from the top, push the seal onto the glass panel, slowly woring your
way down
diaram 
to inside
of shower
o eep door
closed adjust height
of door sweep to
proide proper
tension and seal
hower hreshold
diaram 
inside shower
outside shower
side wall
top hinge
pin bracet
/ pin hole
 
pan threshold
C  F G  & G 
ently insert the side glass panel into the channels ou will be adjusting the fied
glass panel so its leel with the door and has an een gap between the door
and the glass panel se rubber setting bloc to adjust height and leel if necessary
et, to determine the position of the bottom hinge pin hole, place the top hinge
pin bracet upside down on bottom pan threshold as a template
dia.  lign
bracet hole to center of side glass panel ar the hole and remoe the bracet
arefully drill  dia hole for hinge pin approimately deep into the threshold
ic up the door you hae installed the hinges and handle onto, and gently place
the bottom hinge pin into the / hole you hae drilled into the pan threshold
maing sure you hae the eflon slide washer on the pin
ith someone helping to hold the shower door, place the top hinge mounting
dia  oer the top hinge pin maing sure you hae the eflon slide washer
on the pin hec to mae sure door is plumb and leel, then mar with a pencil
through the holes on top hinge mounting bracet
oe door and top hinge mount to one side and pre-drill the holes into the studs
he drilled holes should be large enough so the screws dont bind in the stone
nsert and tighten screws
et dry-fit the fied panel into the correct alignment with the door, remoe the
glass and apply a / bead of   silicone into the channels e-insert the
fied glass panel and chec alignment again llow the silicone to dry ou can
silicone any gaps between the stone and glass to ensure water tightness
E I  S & S
eflon slide
teflon slide
hinge wall
 places
DO NOT N TN TON T NT TNN TON  TNN  N  or
other chemicals that attac the structural integrity of esin ased tone se of these chemicals will destroy the
surface of the stone and oid your warranty oapy water, ammonia based cleaners omet will remoe most
dirt and residue from all types of finishes or stubborn stains you may use a non-abrasie cotchbrite pad
ightly scrub the stained area in a circular motion to aoid discoloration he stone is naturally waterproof and
will not absorb spills or soil, simply wipe away with a damp sponge eriodic cleaning with a sponge and warm,
soapy water will remoe any build up of dust or grime eriodically chec the grout and silicone for any cracs
and repair as needed
orret oe  e istine tone all anels are made to be fleible and may hae a slight bow his
condition is normal and the panels will flatten when properly installed f the panels hae been stored
improperly or hae become ecessiely bowed, follow instructions below sing a hair dryer or heating pad/
blanet, warm up the bacside of the panel in the most bowed area nce the panel becomes malleable, lay
panel on a flat surface and apply weight until cool and flat
re Te s with any tile project, a tile can become damaged imply cut out the damaged tile, silicone a
replacement tile in place, and grout
re  e e f your wall panel deeloped a crac in a grout line, simply grout oer the craced
seam when it is installed he grout will correct the problem, you will not be able to tell the crac was eer there
rthe ehe an be remoed by wet-sanding the tile surface ae sure tile surface and sandpaper
are wet, and sand tiles until scratches and blemishes are remoed
Door  Not ty oe djust height of door sweep to proide proper tension and seal
Door e he shower doors are designed not to lea under normal
usage when installed properly, and the
water flow is not pointed directly at the inyl seals, hinges or opening
our merican ath actory shower has a non-porous surface, which maes it easy to clean rout used must
contain an   to ensure proper bonding to the tiles e suggest grouting in eery union joint of
shower components ecoratie lines in the shower walls and floors can be grouted if preferred, but it is not
ecommended grout e ecommend a water based non-sanded ile rout in a cauling tube not
silicone caul ou may also use powdered non-sanded grout, but wed suggest using an acrylic additie to
aid adhesion
ae sure you do not let the grout dry completely onto the shower before remoing and cleaning off the
ecess grout f grout is allowed to dry onto the shower components, it will liely be difficult if not impossible to
remoe without damaging the showers surface
Note rout  ot oere y  rrty
 et r r tto ue
ur etal grab rails are designed to gie you added security with an elegant
appearance ollow the instructions below to properly install your grab rail
ue Neee
rill and / rill it
 ilicone  aul un
hillips crew rier
lean loth
 ecide where you want to place the grab bars he rab ars can be placed in any position
horiontal, ertical, or angled as long as the screws in the mounting bases are attached to the
studs in the wall ll of the screws from each mounting base ut screw into a stud for full
support and be  compliant
 lace the grab bar in desired position ou may want to leel if desired oe the escutcheon
coers to reeal the wall plate and mar the wall for  holes on each wall plate
 rill the holes you just mared using a / drill bit pply silicone into each of the holes
 hen secure each wall plate with the screws proided and then slide the escutcheons oer the
wall plates t is not necessary, but you can silicone around the escutcheons ipe any ecess
silicone epeat for each grab bar llow  hrs for silicone to fully dry before using
 mm
 mm
 mm
 mm
 mm
 mm
  
 mm
 mm
erall imensions      
ounting ardware ncluded
lated to match your hardware
-guage  grade stainless steel construction
 compliant when properly mounted into a structural support
an support in ecess of  lbs when properly mounted
efore installing your shower walls, install bracing between the
wall studs where the wall plates will be mounted
ide iew
op iew
Rectangle Bench Installation ue
OTNT efore you install the bench, please inspect each piece for any
damage that may hae occurred during shipping he underside of the bench may
hae an unfinished surface but does not affect the structure of the bench t this time
you can drill ilot holes should you wish to attach the bench to to your studs.
ae sure the bench pieces and the location where you will install it is clean from
any dirt or oils ailure to do so can cause a poor bond and cause the bench to brea
free from the walls
ry fit the bench in place he legs should be at a minimum of  apart ar
around the legs, bench top and the pilot holes should you choose to screw the
bench top to your walls with a soft pencil to help guide you for placement or
added adhesion you can sand any edge or surface on the bench that will touch the
shower with  grit sandpaper ipe away any dust to ensure all surfaces are clean
and dry
pply a bead of silicone in a ig ag pattern along the bottom of the bench legs
and any edge or side that will adhere to the wall igure  ollow the manufacturers
instructions for applying the silicone
lace the bench legs into place and apply pressure holding in position while
sueeing out any ecess silicone and wipe away any ecess et, apply silicone to
the edges of the bench top igure  and to the top of each bench leg lace into
position, again applying pressure to sueee out ecess silicone ipe clean and allow
to dry o assist the bench top to adhering to the legs you can add some eenly
dispersed weight to the bench top to hold it down until it fully dries For additional
security, you may screw the bench seat to your studs.
fter the bench is securely bonded, finish by applying grout and/or silicone around
the bench, shower walls and floor
llow at least  hours for the silicone and grout to dry
 bead of silicone normally cures in  hours he cure time could ary depending on the moisture in the
air ac of humidity will mae the curing process slower t might tae up to  hours for silicone to cure under
cooler or dryer conditions or full cure strength allow  days
Bench Troubleshooting
Use 100% RTV ilicone ONLY
DO NOT use LIQUID NAILS as the adhesie
DO NOT N TN TON T NT TNN TON  TNN  N  or other hrh he tht
tt the trutur terty of e e toe e of thee he  etroy the urfe of the toe  o your rrty
istine tone is a hard non-porous surface that preents dirt from accumulating and resists stains egular cleaning with a sponge and
warm, soapy water will remoe most build-up of dust or grime or tougher jobs, use can use an ammonia based cleaner or comet to
remoe tougher dirt and residue. For stubborn stains, you may use the aforementioned cleansers with a non-abrasive Scotchrite pad.
“Lightly” scrub the stained area in a circular motion to avoid discoloration lways mae sure to rinse well
ery month you should inspect all joints for cracs or other signs of separation eapply cauling to any joint showing signs of wear or
cracing ailure to inspect the bench and repair any cauling joints will oid the warranty
Scratches & Blemishes Can be removed by wet-sanding the bench surface. Make sure both the surface and sandpaper are wet, and
lightly sand until scratches and blemishes are removed.
Bench breaks free from Wall his could be due to a rea was not clean as silicone will not get a good adhesion to a dirty or greasy
surface. b Too much silicone may have been used, if excessive silicone is applied silicone will become dry on the outside but will remain
wet on the inside, never drying. c Not enough time allowed for silicone to become activated and tacky. lease mae sure to fully read
the instructions on how to apply your silicone and if any curing or priming is necessary o resole, you can clean the bench and surface
and re-install in place or please contact ustomer erice for further instructions
ure 
ure 
re  tee
Th ou for your urhe of the er th tory ete hoer eh
his guide was written to help you with the installation ue to ariances in local building codes and reuirements, the installation instructions proided are only suggestions and
it is adised that you contact a ualified contractor for application specific adice and comply with local building codes he bench can support static loads of up to  lbs
when properly installed and used o aoid potential injuries, DO NOT use bench if weight eceeds  lbs his bench is intended for use for sitting purposes only by -person
DO NOT use the bench to stand on, step up, neel or use for any other application other than sitting mproper use and/or installation may cause damage and bodily harm
iscontinue use of the bench if there are any isual signs of fatigue or wear becomes eident egular inspections should be made to confirm that the bench is still in good
condition f the bench starts to show signs of wear  discontinue use and call our ustomer erice epartment for further instructions
egs must be at
least  apart
  orner helf nstall uide
auling un ilicone
rill it
 horoughly clean the surface on which the shelf will be adhered
 lan height for installation of the shelf ry fit the shelf and sand the bac edge
as needed to allow for a good fit
 ou can install the shelf with silicone or the screws included
a oe tto pply silicone to the bac edge of shelf and
press rmly in place applying een pressure ou may use painters
tape to help hold it in place while it dries llow to dry for  hours
b re tto irst, place your shelf in desired location se a
pencil to mar the mounting holes et, drill out the pilot holes nsert
the anchor through pilot holes, apply silicone to bac edge of shelf
and then screw shelf to wall
 nce silicone has fully cured, apply a bead of silicone caul around the
perimeter of the shelf to seal out water se a wet finger to smooth the caul
and then clean off ecess with a damp sponge
 llow to fully dry before use
Back edge of shelf
 NT
hen figuring out the proper height for your shelf, its a good idea to consider eeryone that will use the shower
eriodically chec the silicone and caul for any wear or deterioration and correct as necessary
ainters ape
hillips ead crewdrier
lean loth
ine rit andpaper
TOO ND  O  ND TO NT O O
o /   for some installs you may need mil water/apor barrier plastic sheeting
o      
o  powdered non-sanded with additie for adhesion or pre-mied non-sanded
o   
o 
o   / /  
o 
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o        iamond ip recommended
o  
o /  
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o  
 stelle treet, orona, alifornia 
hone  a 
isit us at wwwamericanbathfactorycom
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American Bath Factory AFGH-6032DR-LD-CH Installation guide

Installation guide

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