Games with two or three letter dice
The same rules apply as for
“W as Witch village” or
“Big Sorcerer”, except
for the following changes:
W as Witch village (Variation for professionals)
• Before starting to play, agree on the number of letter dice
you want to use.
• Depending on which category appears on the witch die
(animal, name, town/country) the players have to shout
out as quickly as possible a suitable word containing all the
letters shown on the dice.The letters can appear at the
beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.
Big Sorcerer (Variation for professionals)
• Before starting to play, agree on the number of letter dice
you want to use.
• Depending on which category appears on the witch die
(animal, name, town/country) the players have to write
down as quickly as they can as many suitable words
containing all letters shown on the dice.The letters can
appear at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of
the word.