Learning how to use FileMaker Pro
The documentation for the FileMaker
Pro software provides
information, illustrations, and step-by-step instructions to help you
learn the most about FileMaker Pro.
This preface explains how to:
1 register your copy of FileMaker Pro and access customer support
1 use the FileMaker Pro documentation and other tools to help you
work with the product
1 use FileMaker Pro Help
Windows: If you’re new to Microsoft Windows, you need to know
about Windows conventions and using the mouse and keyboard. See
the documentation that came with your computer.
Mac OS: If you’re new to the Mac OS, you need to know about using
the mouse, working with disks, and other Mac OS conventions. See
the documentation that came with your computer.
Registration and customer support
Please take the time to complete and mail the registration card for
your product, or register online at www.filemaker.com/register or by
choosing Help menu > FileMaker on the Web in FileMaker Pro.
For information about technical support and customer service, see:
www.filemaker.com (North American customers)
www.filemaker.com/intl (customers outside North America)
or choose Help menu > FileMaker on the Web. At the web site, you will
find the FileMaker, Inc. Service Directory, which details the service
options available to North American customers, as well as links to
FileMaker, Inc. international sites, answers to frequently asked
questions, and access to extensive software libraries used by
technical support staff. If you do not have access to the Web, please
refer to the Technical Support and Customer Service sheet included
in the software box. North America customers can also call 1-800-
965-9090 to learn about the service options available.
Using the FileMaker Pro documentation
This guide and the other documentation in the set give you the
information that you need to know about installing and using
FileMaker Pro.
The FileMaker Pro documentation includes:
1 this book, the FileMaker Pro User’s Guide
1 FileMaker Pro Help, a comprehensive onscreen help system
1 the FileMaker Pro Getting Started Guide, containing installation
and new features information and a tutorial
In addition, FileMaker Pro includes database template files, and
references and examples to help you with specific tasks. You can
also find more information, tips, and database ideas on the
FileMaker, Inc. web site at www.filemaker.com.
The FileMaker Pro documentation is written for users of either
Windows or the Mac OS. In most instances, information and
instructions are the same for both operating systems. Where they
differ, you see the information for Windows first. In onscreen Help,
you may see separate topics for Windows and the Mac OS.
Note The examples in this documentation show dates and numbers
in U.S. format, such as November 30, 2001 and $1,234.50.