How complicated is the process for disposing of
compact fl uorescent and LED lamps?
LED and compact fl uorescent lamps are classed as elec-
trical devices and must therefore be disposed of separately
from domestic waste. However, the fact that the lamps are
much more durable compared to conventional incandes-
cent lamps means that the disposal costs are kept within
tightly defi ned limits. If a lamp does break, it can simply be
taken to the nearest recycling depot. OSRAM has devel-
oped a Europe-wide recycling system in collaboration with
other manufacturers to ensure that lamp disposal is envi-
ronmentally friendly. The following website provides more
information and a practical recycling depot locator:
Are compact fl uorescent lamps hazardous?
No, OSRAM compact fl uorescent lamps are not hazard-
ous. Over the last few years, OSRAM has endeavored to
reduce the mercury content of its compact fl uorescent
lamps to a minimum. The minimum amount still required
to operate our OSRAM lamps today is far lower than the
statutory limit and the mercury is also sealed securely in-
side the bulb. Most OSRAM compact fl uorescent lamps
contain no more than 2.5 mg of mercury with a volume of
less than 0.2 mm
– a quantity small enough to cover the
tip of a ballpoint pen. In comparison: Old, clinical thermo-
meters fi lled with mercury contain approximately 1,000 mg
What should I do if a compact fl uorescent lamp breaks?
OSRAM attaches great importance to ensuring its com-
pact fl uorescent lamps are resistant to shattering. Many
lamps also have a casing that provides extra protection
against breakage. However, should a bulb still break in
spite of all the protection features, it does not pose any
particular hazard. Nonetheless, there are some rules of
conduct that you can recommend to your customers:
• Children should vacate the room immediately because
mercury will spread over the fl oor.
• Ventilate the room for at least 15 minutes, making sure
that air fl ows through the room wherever possible.
• After ventilating the room, collect all the pieces of the
lamp and place in a sealed container (e. g. preserving jar,
plastic bag). Store the container outdoors if possible
and take to the nearest old lamp collection point without
• If the lamp breaks on a smooth surface: Sweep up the
remains of the lamp (e. g. using a piece of rigid card) and
wipe the affected area thoroughly twice using a damp
disposable household cloth.
• If the lamp breaks on a carpeted fl oor: Open the window
and vacuum the affected area for at least fi ve minutes,
then ventilate for 15 minutes and repeat the procedure
at least twice. (If possible, take the carpet outside and
leave to air for a day.) Then clean the vacuum cleaner
nozzle thoroughly and remove the vacuum cleaner bag
or clean the container in your bagless vacuum cleaner.
Allow the vacuum cleaner to run outdoors for 15 minutes.
• Dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag or contents and
wipes in a general waste container outside the living area.
Mercury: Disposal:
OSRAM ––– Domestic waste
halogen lamps
OSRAM Low proportion in bonded form. Recycling depot
compact fl uorescent lamps Considerably less than stipulated by the EU. (to be recycled)
OSRAM ––– Recycling depot
LED lamps (to be recycled)