• In case of EYE contact, immediately wash with plenty of water for
at least 15 minutes, and get immediate medical attention.
• For SKIN, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
• If affected by INHALATION of vapor or spray mist, get fresh air.
• If SWALLOWED, get immediate medical attention.
For additional information, obtain the MSDS (MATERIAL SAFETY
DATA SHEET) from the web site listed below.
Step 3. Apply stain.
3.1. Dip the roller into the stain, and then roll it over the upper part of
the paint tray several times to remove excess stain. To prevent
dripping, do not overload roller with stain.
3.2. Using very little pressure, start rolling a VERY THIN coat of stain
(Figure 2, below). Wipe any drips with a clean rag and water
before stain dries.
3.3. Repeat Steps 3.1 and 3.2 until the entire refractory panel is
covered with a THIN, EVEN COAT of stain.
3.4. If applying another coat of stain to the same panel, let stain dry
for at least 30 minutes between coats.
3.5. Repeat these steps for each refractory panel.
3.6. When all stain has been applied, allow stain to dry for at least
24 hours before installing refractory panels or building a fi re.
Wait at least 30 minutes between coats and at least
24 hours before installing refractories or building a fi re.
Masonry with different porosities may require heavier
application or longer drying times.
Printed in U.S.A. © 2010 Innovative Hearth Products
P/N 506019-65 REV. A 01/2017
IHP reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in design, materials,
specifi cations, and prices, and also to discontinue colors, styles, and products. Consult
your local distributor for fi replace code information.
1508 Elm Hill Pike, Suite 108, Nashville, TN 37210
Step 2. Prepare materials.
2.1. Attach the foam roller to the handle.
2.2. Vigorously shake the stain can for 30 seconds.
2.3. Using a paint lid remover or fl at screwdriver, remove the lid from
the stain can, and pour a small amount of stain into the tray.
2.4. Have a clean rag and water available to wipe any drips.
2.5. Before applying stain, read "APPLICATION TIPS," below.
• The wet color of the stain is not indicative of the end result
color. The stain will dry darker or more opaque than it
appears when fi rst rolling it on; therefore, it is best to apply
ONE THIN COAT and wait for it to dry completely before
deciding whether to apply additional stain.
• For a semi-transparent fi nish, apply one (1) THIN coat of stain.
• For a darker or more opaque fi nish, apply two (2) or more
coats. Some colors may require up to four (4) coats to obtain
a completely opaque look. Be sure to wait at least 30 minutes
between coats.
• For a high-contrast look, paint just the brick surfaces.
For a monochromatic look, paint brick surfaces and grout lines.
• Do not mix stain with wet mortar.
Figure 2
To obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet:
1. Go to http://www.alsey.com.
2. Click the Fireplace Products tab.
3. In the lower left corner of the window, click the MSDS & Product Data Sheets button.
4. In the lower portion of the window, click the link for the applicable stain color next to Alsey Firebrick Stain and Color Enhancer.
• Stain may contain PM ACETATE and/or TITANIUM DIOXIDE. May
cause skin or respiratory irritation. Avoid prolonged exposure.
Avoid contact with eyes. Wash thoroughly after handling.
• Close container after each use. In case of spillage, absorb with
inert material, and dispose of in accordance with applicable