Becauseof the many new cleaning productsintroducedin Mild Liquid Spray Cleaners - Fantastik,Formula 409.
the marketplace each year, it is not possible to list all
productsthat can be safely usedto clean this appliance. Non-Abrasive Cleaners - Ben Ami, pasteof bakingsoda
Listed below are just a few examples of recommended andwater.
products. Mildly Abrasive Powder or Liquid Cleansers - Ajax,
ALWAYS READ THE- MANUFACTURER'S Barkeepers Friend,Cameo, Comet, Soft Scrub.
INSTRUCTIONSto be surethecleaner canbe safely used Non-Abrasive or Scratchless Plastic or Nylon Scouring
on this appliance. Also, read and carefullyfollow the Pads or Sponges - Chore Boy Plastic Cleaning Puff,
manufacturer'sdirectionswhenusinganycleaningproduct. Scrunge Scrub Sponges, or Scotch-Brite No Scratch,
Cookwareor KitchenSponge.
To determine if a cleaning productis safe, test a small
inconspicuousarea usinga verylightpressureto see ifthe Abrasive Scouring Pads - S.O.S., BrilloSteel WoolSoap,
surfacemayscratchordiscolor.Thisisparticularlyimportant Scotch-Bdte Wool Soap Pads.
for porcelain enamel, highly polished, shiny, painted, or (Brand names for the above cleaning products are registered
plasticsurfaces, trademarks of the respective manufacturers,)
The following brands may helpyouto makean appropriate Be sure appliance is off and all parts are cool before
selection: handling orcleaningtoavoid damageand possibleburns.
If a part is removed, besure it iscorrectly replaced.
Glass Cleaners - Ben Ami, Cinch, Glass Plus,Windex.
To prevent staining or discoloration, clean cooktop
Dishwashing LiquidDetergents - Dawn,Dove,Ivory,Joy. after each use.
Baked Enamel =Detergentand water Use a drypapertowelorclothto wipeup spins,especiallyacid spills,assoonasthey
• Mild liquidcleaner occur.Thisisespeciallyimportantforwhitesurfaces.When surfaceiscool,washwith
• Glass cJeaner de/_ergentandwater. Do net use abrasive or harshcJeaniogliquidsand powdersor
ovencleaners.Thesewillscratchandpermanentlydamagethefinish.Dry witha soft
Bruahed Chrome • Detergent&water Washwithdetergentandwater.Forheaviersoilusea mild abrasivecleaner, rubbing
• Cooktop * Mildabrasive cleaner with the grain to avoid streaking the surface. TOprevent scratching, do not use
Control Knobs • Detergentand water Foreaseof cleaning,turnoffknoband removeknobsbypullingup.Wash,rinse,and
• Mild liquidsprays dry.Do not useabrasive _eaningagentsas they may scratch thefinishand remove
QGlass cleaners themarkings.Turn oneach elementto be sureknobs have beencorrectly replaced.
Drip Bow,_, CPh'ome
• Brownfoodstains • Detergentand water Aftereach use,wash,rinse anddrytopreventdifficultsoils, If heavilysoiled,gently
• Plasticscouringpads scrubwithplastic,scouringpad,tf soilis allowedtobum on, itmaybe impossibleto
• Mild abrasiveoleanere I remove.
" DOnot cover with aluminum foil.
• Blue/goldheat • FlitzMetal Polish I Thesestains arecaused byoverheating,and normallyoccurover a periodof time.
stains (Followpackagedirections) They are usually permanent.To minimize:
.1. Avoidexcassiveuasofthehighheatsetting. UseHIGHonlytostartcooking, then
2. Use flat bottompansthatdo not extendmorethan twoinchesfrom thesurface
Anon-abrasivemetalpolishsuchas Flitzmaybeusedtohelpremovestains.Ritz is
availablein manyautomotivesupplyandhardwarestores.