I. Overview and Technical Index
1. Overview
HZCS-N3 transformer oil acid tester is a fully automatic measuring
instrument which adopts the extrac tion method to accurately det e ct the
insulating oil ac i d value. This in s t rument can impr o ve the working
efficiency and test ac c u racy, and at the sa m e time ens ure the sa fet y of the
body by reducing the operator's cont a c t wi th the sam p les and reagents.
The instrum e n t will aut o m a t ica lly sear c h th e samples, inject the
extraction, make a blank titrati on, do an ex p e riment , clean off, di s p l a y
printing results and other operat ions as long as the operato r put th e
sample cups in the sample cup holes and inject the extracti on in the cup.
Once started, 1 to 3 samples can be measured, which is conv e n ient and
high effi ci e n cy.
Because of the pr e p a rat i o n of th e standard acid for instru m ent ca libration
and calibr a tion procedure , the clients can cali b r ate the in st rum ent and the
neutralizing liquid at any tim e so th a t the inst rum ent can over c o m e the
defect of ch a n g e s in concentration of neut r alizing liquid during use. At the
same time, during the test the instrument will au t omatically ded u c t the
background value of th e ex tract so that the instru m ent can ig n o r e the
influence from the change of background value on the extraction. All these
design make th e re s u lt more accurate and reliable .
2. Technical index
1) Test range: 0.002~1mg KOH /g
2) Test error: ≤± 0. 0 05 mg K OH /g
3) Repeatability: ≤0. 0 0 5 m g KOH/g
4) Ambient temperature: 10 ℃~ 45 ℃
5) Relative humidity(RH): ≤ 85%RH
6) Voltage supply: AC220V/ 5 0 Hz
7) Power: 50W