Master ProtectionAgreements
Congratulations an making a smart purchase.
Your new Kenmore_ product isdesigned and manufac-
tured for years of dependable operation.
But like all products, it may require preventive mainte=
nance or repair from time to time.
That'swhen having a Master ProtectionAgreement can
save you money and aggravation.
Purchase a Master Protection Agreement now andpro-
tect yourself from unexpected hassle
and expense.
The Master ProtectionAgreement also helps extend the
life of your new product. Here's
what's included in theAgreement:
5( Expert service by our 12,000 professional repair
5( Unlimited service and no charge for parts and
labor on all covered repairs
5( "No-lemon" guarantee - replacement of your cov-
ered product if four or more product failures occur
within twelve months
5( Product replacement if your covered product can't
5( Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your
request - noextra charge
5( Fast help by phone - phone support from a Sears
technician on productsrequiring in-home repair,
plus convenient repair scheduling
5( Power surge protection against electrical damage
due to powerfluctuations
5( Rental reimbursement if repair of your covered
product takes longer than promised
Once you purchasetheAgreement, a simple phone call
is all that it takesfor you to schedule service.
You can call anytime day or night, or schedule a service
appointment online.
Sears has over 12,000 professional repair specialists,
who have access to over 4.5 million quality parts and
accessories. That's the kind of professionalismyou can
count on to help prolong the life ofyour new purchase
for years to come. Purchase your Master Protection
Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices
and additional information call 1-800-827-6655.
Sears Installation Service
For Sears professional installation of home appliances,
garage door openers, water heaters, and other major
home items, in the U.SA. call
FeIicitacionespar haberhechouna comprsinteligente
Su ncavo producteKenmore_esta disefiadoy fabricado
pareariesde operaci6nsegura
Perecomelode producto,puedenecesitarmantanimiento
preventiveo reperacienescadaciertotiemp& Esallf cuan-
do el tenerunAcuerdoMaestrode protecci6nle puede
aborterdinereo eviler que lafallaem_ora.
Adquiera unAccardo Maestrodeprotecci6nahers y
resgu4rdesede cuatquiermolestiao gastosinesperados,
El Contratede Protecoi6nMaestroayudatambienextender
la vidade su nuevoproducto Estasson losaspectes
inclufdosen el Contrato:
5( Servicioexperto,Ilevadea cabe parcualquierade
nuestres12.000profesionalesespecialistasen repara-
5( Servicioilimitadoy sin cargoalguno,perlas piezas
o parel trabajeentoda lasreparacionescubiertaspar
el Acuerdo.
5( Garantiade "No-Lemon" -cambio de su producto
cubiertosi ocurrem_sde ccatroe m;_sfelineal pre-
ductedentrode dace primerosmeses.
5( Reemplazodel productosi sueste aseguradono
puede arrsglarse
5( Controlanualde mantenimiento preventivee pedi-
do suyo sincargoextra.
5( Ayudar_pida viatel6fonico - Sopertetelef6nicode
un tecnicode Searssobrs losproductosquese
requiersde reparaci6nen case mas la pregramaci6n
convenientade servicio.
5( Proteccibncentresobrecargael6ctrica,perdahos
el_ctricoscausadosperfluctuaciocesde corriente.
5( Reembolsodealquiler si la reparaci6ndel preducto
aseguradotema m_stiempede Ioprometido
Unavezque ha compradoel Acuerde,unasimple Ilamada
telef6nicaesrode le que letomar_ipareegendaron sewi-
cio PuedeIlamara cualquierheradel die o de la nocheo
hacerun compromisede atenci6npartel@lone,
Searstiene masde 12,000profesienalesespesialistasen
reparaciocesque tienenaccasoamas de 4.5 millonesde
piezasde calidady accesorios.Esaes la ctasede profe-
sionalismocon la que puedeusted centerpareayudara
prolengarla vidade so nuevaadquisici6nen los ariesper
venir, iSuscribaye unAcuerdeMaestrode protecoi6n!
Se aplican algunaslimitaciones y exclusiones.Per pre-
ciose informaci6nadicionaltlame al 1-800-827-6655.
Servicio de instalaci6n Sears
Parala instalaci6nprofesionalde Searsde losaparatosdel
hogar,dispesitivosde aperturede la puertadel garaje
calentadoresde ague y otresitems principalesde!hogar,
Ilemeen los EstadosUnidosa 1-SO0-4-MY-HOME*,