s the reuire a precise
temperature vaccines heat
sensitive medicine and scientific
materials and etc. should not be
ept in the refrigerator.
f not to be used for a long time
refrigerator should be unplugged.
possible problem in poer cable
ma cause fire.
he plugs tip should be cleaned
regularl ith a dr cloth otherise
it ma cause fire.
efrigerator ma move if adustable
legs are not properl secured on the
floor. roperl securing adustable
legs on the floor can prevent the
refrigerator to move.
hen carring the refrigerator do
not hold it from door handle.
therise it ma be snapped.
hen ou have to place our
product net to another refrigerator
or freezer the distance beteen
devices should be at least cm.
therise adacent side alls ma
be humidified.
ressure of ater mains should be
minimum bar. ressure of ater
mains should be maimum bars.
Use onl potable ater.
f the door has a loc the e should
be ept aa from reach of children.
hildren must be supervised to
prevent them from tampering ith
the product.
his gas is flammable. herefore pa
attention to not damaging the cooling
sstem and piping during usage and
n the event of damage eep our
product aa from potential fire
sources that can cause the product
catch a fire and ventilate the room in
hich the unit is placed.
pe of gas used in the product is
stated in the tpe label hich is on the
left all inside the refrigerator.
ever thro the product in fire for
Do not leave the doors of our
refrigerator open for a long time.
Do not put hot food or drins in our
Do not overload our refrigerator so
that the air circulation inside of it is
not prevented.
Do not install our refrigerator
under direct sunlight or near heat
emitting appliances such as ovens
dishashers or radiators. eep our
refrigerator at least cm aa from
heat emitting sources and at least
cm from electrical ovens.
a attention to eep our food in
closed containers.
or products ith a freezer
compartment ou can store
maimum amount of food items in
the freezer hen ou remove the
shelf or draer of the freezer. nerg
consumption value stated for our
refrigerator has been determined
b removing freezer shelf or draer
and under maimum load. here
is no harm to use a shelf or draer
according to the shapes and size of
food to be frozen.
haing frozen food in fridge
compartment ill both provide
energ saving and preserve the food