Cumberland. • 1004 E. Illinois St. • Assumption,IL 62510 • Phone 1-217-226-4421 • Fax 1-217-226-4420
The Variable Curve jumpers are used for selecting
the light setting or fan motor curves. The jumper
must be placed in the appropriate position or
removed based on the equipment being varied.
Software version V0.07 and later includes new
functionality which allows the EV-VAR to
function with CFL and CCL bulbs.
Dimmable CFL and CCL bulbs do not dim in the
same manner as incandescent bulbs and therefore
require testing to choose the best specific intensity
curve that is programmed into the EV-VAR
It is important that both the “Light” curve (jumper
installed in the “Light” position) and also the
“Jumper Removed” curve (selected by removing
the jumper altogether) be tried and tested to select
the one that works best with the customer chosen
CFL or CCL bulbs. When determining which
curve to use, vary the intensity of the bulb from 0
– 100% and make sure that there is not a point at
which the bulbs strobe or flicker. If the bulbs
strobe or flicker at any point in the curve, it may
shorten the life of the CFL or CCL bulb. Also
give special attention and observe the point at
which the lights are at full intensity. For example,
if the lights seem to be at full intensity at dimmer
setting “6” on the “Light” curve, remove the
jumper altogether to see if this gives finer control
throughout the variable range.
The “Jumper Removed” curve is optimized for
CFL bulbs such as the ones that Retrolite
distributes. It gives the user finer intensity control
throughout the entire range from 0 – 100%.
Ensure that software version V0.07 or later
is installed before use of CFL or CCL bulbs.
If controlling dimmable CFL or CCL bulbs,
the jumper selection should be tested for the
best results.
Failure to follow these instructions may result
in premature bulb failure.